Application for the steemit cryptoacademy professor

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago


Summary of my experience on steemit

Maybe twitter is the first blockchain base social network, or maybe it's the first one me know. When twitter was first introduced, it only base on public tweet, but now, some features are added, you can create groups and make private chat just like other social networks like facebook and you can still tweet for the public to see, like and make comment on.

Steemit has exist since maybe 2014/2015 but @olawalium introduced steemit to me in late 2017, but I took my time to get to know how it works before I join. So in January 2018 i joined steemit. Although i blamed myself for not start being a steemian since 2017, wasting my time with social networks that don't pay me for my time but it is still not a bad because I gathered experience from other sites like facebook ; I make use the experience I build on facebook and other no reward sites on steemit, facebook is where I began to write blogs like extortion and I thought my writing should fetch me money then I learned how to use wordpress to write, hoping that I would get paid later when those that needs to advertise their stuffs bring ads contract but I didn't blog too much till I joined steemit

In 2018 that I joined steemit, the steemit users was still less than one million, I wondered how could a site that pays it's user have that kind of very small amount of users. As at 2018, steemit have users in Philippines more than any other country, even more than America where the originator come from and it's the Nigerian and Philippine (Double citizen) Terry Ajayi @surpassinggoogle reign then; he brought almost all Philippines to steemit as he use his big voting power to render help then. Once Terry Ajayi post, Just make comments on his post, he would surely upvote, his 1% equal to 1 dollar then and became he didn't only focus on Nigeria and Philippe users, he upvote all reasonable comments and reply


Why I think I'm suitable to become steemit professor

Now, it's been 3 years and 8 months that I've been a steemian, though there are users that have joined before me but some have left when they can't bear the challenge that steemit faced anymore, some that joined after I joined but left when they seems don't understand steemit but I understand steemit and I know how it works. Some people recently come back to steemit when they discover steemit has come back to its feet even more than it was before but I have been consistence.

Even when steemit turned to something else that some of the big investors started powering down, I still wait because I believe in the site; you can check my records, I still write at least a post in a day, I still believe in steemit, I know steemit have future and the future is now. Yes I write in other sites that think they can be like steemit; sites like hive, blurt publix0x etc but they can never be like steemit

There is a site called this site also had two tokens just like steemit; weku and weku dollar are the tokens. This site was built in steemit image back in 2018 but now the site didn't exist anymore and it's still because if it's not steemit it can never be steemit. I even thought weku is a FORK from steemit but no it's a fake website

I have promoted steemit for different people and I never stop; I'm still promoting it, I have brought users that also benefited from steemit, users like, @ridwanoguns, @rido, @olamideoguns . these are my cousins while the outsiders are @sors, @salewa, @cassar @pwety and many more and I still haven't stop, I'm still promoting it

The Outline courses that's suitable for newbies that I would cover are;

  • Basis of cryptocurrency, the definition of keys and

  • The cryptocurrency origin

  • How blockchain technology works

  • How Blockchain technology relates with cryprocurrency and transactions

  • About ransomewhere, malware


Crytocurrency is a digital currency or money, which is another way to make payment, made with the use of encryption algorithms. The use of encryption mean all cryptocurrencies works as a money or currency or a virtual system of calculations. If you have to use cryptocurrency, you must need a cryptocurrency wallet

Steemit is built with wallet, you may not need wallet anywhere to save your steem or steemit dollar, only if you choose to save or send your steem from your wallet to another wallets different from steemit wallet like binance, Trustwallet etc, And it is only steem that you can move, you can't move SBD but you can convert it to steem


The key

The key is a thread of characters (letter mixed with numbers, both upper vase and lower case) used to send or give cryptocurrency to someone you think you should give. In cryptocurrency, you don't need account number, all you need is the key 🔑 to send tokens. And in steemit, to send steem or Hbd to another steemian, all that you need is a username and your key, you'll send the coins free, it doesn't have any any hidden or reveal payment


The first cryptocurrency is Bitcoin and it is #decentralised ever since 2009 till now; it's created by Satoshi Nakamoto. Follow by Namecoin; Namecoin is wonderful because it is made as an attempt to form a #decentralised DNS that would make #censorship very hard for internet. I think that is the main reason why it didn't really boost well like other cryptocurrencies up till now, follow by litecoin, and more and more of cryptocurrencies

#How blockchain technology works; The technology is a built software that saves all record transactions. Only if it's not done on blockchain it won't be stored. Don't even try to delete it because it won't . It's keeps records. It's at times called the block . It saves public several databases that is known as chain with peer to peer (P2P) nodes. Blockchain is accountable for all difficulties of securities and trust


#How the technology of blockchain works with crptocurrency transaction
Almost all cryptocurrencies are decentralized, and they all base on blockchain technology, just like steem and sbd, it is always distribute on keeping, and it works with the use of networks of computers. They are are generally not come by or from any government law, it's because they are #decentralized

#Ransomeware and malware

Ransomewhere is a risk program that decrypt files saved on phone or computer or any devices so as to take asset. Hackers send it to phone or computer as a link or file which are distributed by email messages or text

Malware is also a illegal way of mining cryptocurrency, it's a threats, and it's undercover because it can go and get work works done itself without detecting unlike ransomeware that you can discover before it go out of hand

i would teach how to avoid the armful of maleware and ransomeware and more topics if I'm lucky to be hired as steemit cryptoacademy professor

Link to the 3 best crypto related post:

Here , Here and Here are the best post. I don't care if I didn't have much rewards but I'm still glad on the works I do on the posts


I love your drive...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 53776.88
ETH 2232.91
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.30