Steemit Crypto Academy | Course 6 By @stream4u | Types Of Crypto Assets Capital, Risk Capital In Penny Cryptocurrency, Importance Of Watchlist. By @omar2021


Differences in Large Capital - Mid Capital - Small Capital and how they will affect to the Investment?

Great Capital

Large capitalization companies are the most important so far in the market, their capitalization can exceed 10 billion dollars, the volatility in the market of these currencies in particular is very slow, when there are large investments in this type of capitalization you can tell the difference in your assets with just a small rise and fall in market value. Cryptocurrencies with large capitalization are surrounded by investments from economically large companies and personnel, if someone with limited resources invested in this type of capital, they do not see an increase in their capital, since they acquire very few shares and to earn more, they have to invest more .


Medium Capital

This type of capital is in the middle of the ranking of capitalizations since it exceeds one billion dollars but that below 10 billion in shares, it is often mentioned that it is not good to invest in this type of projects, since its Growth is extremely slow, personally I think that any cryptocurrency is very good to invest, you just have to carefully read your project in the market and its variation during its launch and growth.


Small Capital

This type of capital is named a lot nowadays since its capitalization in its shares is below one billion, in this type of capital, many times the tokens are very cheap and anyone can acquire a large number of them at prices very low and are usually preferred by the risky, since with a small investment you make you acquire many tokens and if they increase to a small number of decimal places, in your wallet you see the big change, but it does not always happen, already that many of these companies end up stagnating in the market or simply withdraw from it.


Your view, Which type of Asset capital can be more profitable? Why? Advantages and Disadvantages. (Explain only 1).

Personally I love risks and in this life you have to take a lot to become someone important, that is why I love investing in small capital and some medium ones since some of their tokens are very cheap, I always research very well and carefully observe everything what is related to the currency before investing in it.
One of the advantages is that if my investment works, I will become rich with very little investment and the disadvantages is that getting rich does not depend on me, but on how that currency is in the market and if I make a bad decision I can lose everything.

Thoughts on Risk Capital and Penny Cryptocurrency.

Risk capital

Basically and personally I call that excess money that we have in our pockets, the money that we waste on unnecessary things, that money we can invest in low-capitalization or mid-capitalization companies, looking ahead, if by chance our investment does not work. There is nothing to worry about since we knew from the beginning that I was going to win 50% and lose 50%, personally I love investing in good ico and low capital projects despite the risk they represent.

h2>Penny Cryptocurrency

I know penny cryptocurrencies such as tokens that their value is very low in the market, their value can cost tenths of a dollar, usually if you invest in this project and its token increases, your profit is very large.

What is the Role of Watchlist? Best way to set Watchlist. Additionally, For Example, show your watchlist if you have configured it and give a short description of it.

What is the Role of Watchlist?

Surveillance role means a list of tokens that we have invested or want to do, this list can be done in any wallet you have available, in this role we will obtain all the well-explained data about our invested token.

How to configure:





First of all, it is an excellent topic, personally I like risks and I want to say that for me, if they do not have much money, it is advisable to invest in currencies that cost pennies on the dollar and that their market is changing a lot, but to know of that, we will have to mount a hunt for our inverted token.



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