Crypto Academy Week 7 - Homework Post for @Besticofinder

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Hello every one welcome to another homework task post for @besticofinder one crypto professor, this is week 7 now which is one month and 3 weeks and i have learnt a lot by being a part of this in tasks.

This week our professor @besticofinder wrote about how to invest in cryptocurrency if you want to read our professor article click this link any way let's dive into this week task.

In the homework task our professor outlined that we have to write and compare two cryptocurrencies which are competitors to each other so join me as I write about it.

Cardano Vs Ethereum

Economy was an absolute watershed moment for the crypto industry, but it still does rely on proof of work, a consensus mechanism that many consider now to be outdated, as well as using a hard coding information called solidity. Currently, Ethereum is a fully operational block chain, though, which means that all upgrades must also be tested at great length before being launched on the main chain. This is because there are currently around 200 billion dollars on the line in terms of market cap. So the developers have to take a lot of care to avoid causing any catastrophic events that would put all of that value and the network at risk. Ethereum is maintained by the largest decentralised development community in the block chain, SpaceX, way ahead in terms of developers like miles ahead of the nearest chain, which is Bitcoin and is so far ahead of the other smart contract platforms as to be barely even a relevant metric due to Ethereum supremacy. Meaning, improvements on the Ethereum network have been reactive lately, though, instead of proactive. Basically, the theorems approach has been to fix things as they go wrong or need improving. There have not been any fixing upgrades made to the network in a some years now. That being said, if your aim is right now in the process of the biggest upgrade in its history called Eth two point, oh, this will bring about three major improvements. The first ending proof of work and inefficiencies in implementing staking, which will change the economics of a theorem forever from a mine in dump economy to a stake and model economy.

The second is bringing in network sharding, which will bring in 100 X scalability, and the third is Web assembly, which will make building and using applications on a theory much easier. Now let's talk about Ada. What the heck is Cardano anyway? Cardano is a third generation proof of stake block chain that uses newer and easier to work with coding language in order to enable anyone to build to create smart contracts without any previous block chain experience. This is going to be game changing, really opening up the availability for users in use cases to come into the block chain world with much easier development experience. That's the intention anyway. Cardano is being built right now in phases to ensure full functionality of the block chain for smart contract assets are able to be built. And although we are nearing the final stages of this process of bringing in higher level functionality for smart contracts on Cardona, we still do not have a fully functional, smart contract environment on the Cardano block chain. Catano is, however, very unique. It is a built from scratch block chain with multiple layers, multiple dimensions, and whose smart contracts will, when they are fully deployed, be more nuanced and operate in a different fashion depending on the need. A company called Ioane HK is in charge of developing the Cardano technology and everything being developed at Ioane HK is based on peer reviewed, transparent academic research.

Now this is carried out to enable development using only evidence methods. Sounds pretty cool, right? However, this has resulted in a much slower to market strategy for Cordona, which is why, you know, four years later, we still don't have smart contracts, even though we are getting very, very close. But if we go slow and don't break things, approach of Cardno ends up working, it should result in a much more robust block chain. So that's the basic overview, both of the chains. Now, where are they in terms of their current networks and their network effects? Well, 3M has the largest network effect in the block chain world next to Bitcoin when it comes to nodes with currently around 6000 uniquely distributed nodes on Ethereum. Cardno not doing too shabby either, currently has 2300 different stake pools. We are seeing a high level of distribution with Kadina right now. Ethereum also has the benefit of being a fully operational technology operating across many different industries today. Right now, at this very second, it's also recognized as basically the birthplace of decentralized applications currently hosting, of course, the largest amount of decentralized applications by far. In fact, there are more applications on Ethereum than there are on every other block chain combined. And then multiply that a few times. It's that big of a lead. These applications include everything from NFT, art, decentralized marketplaces, derivatives, stable coins, lending, borrowing, real estate, tokenized shares and much, much more.

Cardano at this period has no public apps. So it's kind of behind in that department by a lot, although we should start getting these first applications coming to Cardno quite soon. But without them, there are little network effects to be speaking outside of those people operating a node, many Cardano enthusiasts state that when smart contracts go live that there's going to be this sudden flipping event where all the applications were just going to flee away from a theory over to Cardano. This seems quite unlikely considering the high competition, not just from a theory and the developments happening, I think also from other chains like Pochoda, Ron Kosmos, Finance, Avalanche, Solana and on and on and on, there's no indication that cardano is somehow going to magically capture all of that value. Well, we're actually seeing from a lot of tokens and applications these days is a multi coin strategy in which they're tokens are actually living on many different chains of a sushi swap lives on like seven or eight different block chains now. Even the father, the founder of Cardano, has said, like about 100 applications are likely to come to Cardona. We have to keep in mind who this is actually just a fraction of the Ethereum Eco-Systems 100. Good. Knock, knock. And I'm just saying it's not the, you know, everything on Ethereum in terms of partnerships. Ethereum has many different enterprise companies that are using and building tools on the theory and block chain, including some incredibly large companies like Reddit, which is obviously one of the biggest and porpular applications on the Internet.

Ethereum also has an incredible range of corporate partners via the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance with major companies like Ernst and Young and Microsoft collaborating with Ethereum. Cardona, by contrast, has far fewer partners, but should not be immediately discounted in terms of the quality of partners that Cardano has been able to ink some deals with. For example, we have agreement with some different governments body around the world, like Ethiopia, for example, where they're creating on solutions for the government or companies like Price Waterhouse Cooper, which is helping a theory and with their sort of strategy. Now, in terms of user experience right now, Ethereum, an incredible amount of wallets and credit line applications, so much going on, but it's slow and expensive right now. And although there is that wealthy user experience like vip with all the applications, it's really a place were you pay to play and you really need to have the money to be able to use these applications. Cardaon. By contrast, dirt cheap fast is hell, but you can't really do anything with it right now except just stated. The good news is that you only like five or six bucks though worth of Cardano to start staking and earning rewards theory and by contrast, requires a cool 32, a theory and worth around fifty eight thousand dollars staked to earn rewards. Unless, of course, using a third party service, which then you might only require 50 bucks worth of Ethereum, something like that.

I did a fully detailed Ethereum staking video a few days ago. For those of you who are interested in learning how to Staker Ethereum Cardano rates are around five percent API at the moment. The theory is around seven percent. API is not a massive variation there, although Ethereum stake and rewards are locked until sometime in 2022, again, depending on the state and service that you're use, whereas Cardano stake, your words can be spent immediately. So which block chain is better? Well, I personally agree to the one network many chains theory, but if I have gun to my head, it's going to be. A theory right now and for the foreseeable future, I think theory is going to be the winner and I know that statement's going to completely trigger some cardano maximalists. Feel free to voice your discontent and tell me why I am totally wrong down in the comment section. But right now, Ethereum is so incredibly far ahead in terms of network effect and developers and wallets and applications and all of these things. And yes, things can change quickly, but things are changing quickly right now for a theory. I'm also so keep that in mind. Optimism, a major scaling solution for a theory only a few weeks away from deploying right now. And Ethereum 2.0 is no longer far away, maybe another year or more.

Will Cardano really catch up and pass the insane network effect of a theory in a year's time after they launch the final phase of smart contracts in a few months time? I do not believe that will happen. And I know that the move fast and break things approach of a theorem has resulted in a lot of problems. Trust me, I know, but I think it's better to be in continue practices, constantly creating and learning to become a master in the long term. That being said, while a theorem fees do remain high, there is a big. Big opportunity for other chains to make their mark, but you have to remember, increasingly, Cardano is not just competing against ethereum. There are about 20 or 30 well-funded and very, very hungry competitors out there which already have bigger and more vibrant ecosystems than Cardano does or is planning to have. Currently, The littlr we know from what's been released or hinted at us. And they're looking to take its place in the market cap rankings. So victory is far from certain for Cardno, but if they can pull it off, it's going to be a beast. But those are, of course, just my two strategies. I would love to know your opinion and the Cardano versus Ethereum race, which block chain is going to win in the end.

2. Compare Market capitalization, Liquidity and trading volume,Circulating supply ,Active addresses , Maximum supply, Transaction count etc.


Market Capitalization

31,948,309,441 ADA

Trading volume

Circulating Supply
31,948,309,441 ADA


Market Capitalization

10,728,783 Eth

Trading Volume

Circulating Supply
115,223,920 ETH

Decide which coin will be the better currency form the selected two currencies. Support your decision with above facts

I decided i will invest in ADA on a short term because ethereum has failed to release layer 2, so they delay it that is i see ADA shooting to the moon once they open up their smart contract availability.

If ETH fails to fix their issue even after they release the layer 2 upgrade then i see BNB and ADA going parabolic any way thanks for reading.

Best regards

Cc: @steemcurator01
Cc: @steemcurator02



Hello ,
Your article is with plagiarism [0].
Ex :

Ethereum also has the benefit of being a fully operational technology operating across many different industries today. Right now, at this very second, it's also recognized as basically the birthplace of decentralized applications currently hosting, of course, the largest amount of decentralized applications by far. In fact, there are more applications on Ethereum than there are on every other block chain combined. Source

And many other parts .. please submit only original content

Thank you

@besticofinder please review it because i have corrected my mistake.

It's not a mistake ..

Please review it again because i have corrected all the plagiarise words.


I have done my corrections @besticofinder.

@besticofinder my post is yet to be verified

please submit your own work

I have corrected my mistae please @besticofinder

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