Steemit Crypto Academy || Season 2,Week 2 || Home work task given by @stream4u || Price Forecasting

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Hi professor @stream4u
I am so glad to be part of your .In this lecture you have given us good guide on price forecasting.Now i am going to write my homework.

image.png What is Price Forecasting?

Ans: Price fluctuations naturally exist in the market, so it is not a piece of cake to keep prices constant. But one can forecast future price to trade safely without loss. Price forecasting is basically a prediction of value or net worth of assets in future. If we know what could be the price of our assets in future, our investments are more secure. Furthermore, by knowing future prices; we can also know what to invest, how much to invest and for how long to invest.
In crypto trade, your information is your power. The more you know, the more you grow. And this knowing must be a categorical, based on ground analysis of market. Price forecasting is also an important study of market. For example; an individual is willing to invest in crypto market. He/she will observe the current scenario of trade. If he comes to know that a multinational firm is also aiming to invest in crypto market that could boost the value of assets; he/she will surely deploy investment because this would accelerate market price flow, and it is a premium chance for him/her to take profit. So knowledge of market is also very important in price forecasting. Discuss on why price forecasting is needed?

Ans: Price flux occurs at global level. It is not a case of one market or two, but it happens worldwide. So market analysis is very important to secure investments and a result of this analysis, we get a price forecast. This price forecast plays a vital role in knowing when to step in and when to step out i.e., the entry and exit points. At these two points, the investors have to play a calculated move. Moreover, price forecast also enables to perform multiple trades at specific points rather than waiting to get huge profits. For example; buying at lowest value is an opportunity for the investor, as it is underpriced and selling at resistance when a number of other sellers are aiming to sell at that price. Taking profits is always a good idea! This gradually increases capitals and is secure way. But this can happen if we use a multiple time frame chart. In volatile markets, accurate price forecasts is an addition to the arsenal of an investor. Correct price forecasts can elevate the value of assets by leaps and bounds. So price forecasting is an important tool in market trade. What methods are best you feel for Price Prediction/Forecasting?

Ans: Market trends can be understood by interpreting what could happen next if certain trends repeat in a certain time. This is also a way to predict price but I will mention here three analysis that should be done for price forecast:

  1. Technical Analysis
  2. Fundamental Analysis
  3. Sentimental Analysis
    If we talk about technical analysis; it is basically a keen observation of market components which include price movements, chart patterns, bearish-bullish trends, market support and what else market holds. A technical analyst should keep in mind the above mentioned components and as well as the entry and exit points i.e., at when to invest and when to pull off investments.
    While fundamental analysis does not include an overview of trade components, but it is an observation of the company and its team. Because efficient management often pays you the profit. The better repute of the company, the more it is reliable for investors. So fundamental analyst don’t seek market trends but scrutinize the working capability, capacity and liability of the company in trade.
    On third we have sentimental analysis that is based on the information we get from our sources i.e., news agencies, panel discussions, financial reports, surveys, etc. Sentimental analyst study such volatility inductive elements that can cause an abrupt flux in trade markets.
    Understanding all above three types of analysis, in my opinion, a trader should go for a technical analysis because it includes facts and figures. An analysis based on facts and figures is more authentic than other two analysis i.e., fundamental and sentimental.

Ans:Price predictions involve market analysis, so here I will technically analyze the trade scenario and predict the future price of Bitcoin for next 1 month.
Fig 1
In the above given chart you can see the market price of Bitcoin till the end of February. I shall now predict its price for next month March.
As observed, the market price of Bitcoin has shown a downward trend because of resistance marked as I . It is time to buy because we can see assets at low value. Now support tends to increase the price and it may go above $58000, near to $60000.

Fig 2
As it can be seen that the price has poised to ≈ $60000, because the support shown in Fig.1 has elevated the price and if the support level is predicted other market components the market price can be easily be predicted. On the basis of including knowing the support and resistance levels, future prices of assets can be predicted. If certain patterns repeat themselves, it can also predict market price. Technical analysis saves time and one of its plus point is that a chart never lies. Facts and figures indicated by the market trends are a reasonable way to predict market prices.


Hi @noraiz

Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses and participated in the Week 10 Homework Task.

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Provided information are explained well. However, on the price prediction topic, you could have done better try to go for more detail. Images are very small and complicated to understand, the information is not clear and detail on what basis the price prediction set.
Work on Post Presentation. Try to express the topic more in detail as per your view on it, try to provide ideas, suggestions to your readers what they need to implement in their trading.

Your Week 10 Homework Task verification has been done by @Stream4u, hope you have enjoyed and learned something new.

Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy

Thanks sir for your guideness.

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