Steemit Crypto Academy Week 7 Task: Money Management & Portfolio Management | lecture by @stream4u

This is my homework for professor @stream4u, in the seven week of Crypto Academy. I'm really glad I'm able to do Crypto Academy Week 7 Homework. I will try to complete the regular homework Money Management & Portfolio Management and understand the information given by the professor. Professor @stream4u also gave a homework on the topics below:

  1. Discussed Money Management.
  2. Future plan on your Money Management.
  3. Discussed Portfolio Management, if you have an investment and if it is okay with you then show portfolio and explore it briefly.
  4. Future plan on your Portfolio Management.
  5. When was the last investment failed and Why? (those who have experienced this can provide views.)
  6. Conclusion.

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What is Money Management

The most important thing in a business is money management. This is why it is so important to purchase a business asset. When we make a business plan, we should start with a certain amount of budget so that we know how much we will use our budget in business and how much we can save. And we should be connected to a guaranteed income for the future according to that plan from there so that you understand that your investment means being spent in a certain place. With this management you will be able to save every amount of your personality and income which is very convenient for you.

Saving is one of the most important part of money management. Whether you invest in your money management business or at home, if you do not have any savings, you may face many problems in the future. Think long term so that any money you invest is not wasted anywhere. In this case you must invest the money in a place where you will have a certain income.

If one does not manage money properly, he may have to pay a lot of money for the future. Suppose someone has invested a large amount of money in a coin. Before investing, he must know the procedures of money management. He needs to have an idea about big capital, medium capital, and small capital. In addition, you need to have an idea about data mining, how to analyze what can be done on top of that coin, what is the future of the coin, so that he has all these things in his hand, must do it through money management, before investing, he must face it. It has to be read and it can be very big.



Future plan on my money management

We all have our own future plans for money management. But all these plans maintain the procedure. If he can perform properly according to the plan, then of course he can stand in a good position in the future. Here are some steps I can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation. First I will invest my money in this business and build relationships with the people on that side. So that when I start my work next time I can get help from someone if I face any kind of problem. In today's world it is said that the one who has the most information can improve his life as soon as possible. So I will definitely try to collect related data. So that in the future when I want that kind of information that I can easily get my hands on. Then of course I will do some analysis with that information to understand its depth. Then I will start developing my planning because I already have all kinds of information and I have been analyzed so now I don't have to face such a problem if I make my plan. Then comes the investment. I will invest in the right place according to my planning. Once the planning is successfully implemented, I will monitor my planning activities very well and thus I have arranged the future of my money management.



Discussed Portfolio Management, if you have an investment and if it is okay with you then show portfolio and explore it briefly

The amount of resources we keep in our crypto wallets for investment is called portfolio. With this management we can manage the resources in our wallet properly. Through our resources so that we can benefit more. With portfolio management you can reduce your investment risk and get an idea of ​​how much you can earn from your investment. This will allow you to keep away the main capital of your investment so that you can collect it from your wallet when you need it. In a word, the highest return on investment is managed. I have tried to show my small investment through the screenshot below.


My Portfolio


Future plan on your Portfolio Management

I have a lot of plans on portfolio management. I will invest some of my total investment on different tokens. Then I will run portfolio management on all the stores that I can succeed in and look at the future of my data mining tokens. It doesn't take me too long I think I could double my investment.



Failed Investment experience

I don't have Failed Investment experience yet. Because I'm brand new to this world. But I will try in future to have any kind of Failed Investment experience so that I do not have. Because of the amount of knowledge I have gained through professors, I think I will never fail if I invest in the future. Because I know what to do at the beginning of the investment and what to do as a result of the procedure.



Finally, I would like to say that when we are going to make an investment, we must have a good idea of ​​Money Management & Portfolio Management. And we must have Money Management & Portfolio Management future planning. If we follow these procedures then if we ever go somewhere to invest then we don't have to face any kind of bad experience we can do our investment very successfully and be successful.

Cc :-

Written by; @msharif

To the attention of professor @stream4u



Hi @msharif

Thank you for joining Steemit Crypto Academy and participated in the Homework Task 7.

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Good, explained very nicely.
Looks Good.

Your Homework task 7 verification has been done by @Stream4u, hope you have enjoyed and learned something new in the 7th course.

Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy

Thank you so much sir

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