Crypto Assets Capital, Risk Capital In Penny Cryptocurrency, Importance Of Watchlist | Homework Task

This is my homework for professor @stream4u, in the six week of Crypto Academy. I'm really glad I'm able to do Crypto Academy Week 6 Homework. I will try to complete the regular homework and understand the information given by the professor.

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In this lecture professor discussed about "Types Of Crypto Assets Capital, Risk Capital In Penny Cryptocurrency, Importance Of Watchlist". Professor @stream4u also gave a homework on the topics below:

  • Differences in Large Capital - Mid Capital - Small Capital and how they will affect to the Investment?
  • Your view, Which type of Asset capital can be more profitable? Why? Advantages and Disadvantages. (Explain only 1)
  • Thoughts on Risk Capital and Penny Cryptocurrency.
  • What is the Role of Watchlist? Best way to set Watchlist. Additionally, For Example, show your watchlist if you have
    Configured it and give a short description of it.
  • Conclusion.


Differences in Large Capital - Mid Capital - Small Capital and how they will affect to the Investment?

Large Capital : It shares that trade for corporations with a market capitalization of $10 billion or more. Large-caps do not have to face any problems when the market is volatile. They are always safe and have a high profit margin. It goes without saying that they are not afraid of losing their capital. On the other hand, those who have more cryptocurrency assets have a higher risk because no one understands when the amount of cryptocurrency fluctuates.

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Mid Capital : These are market capitalization shares is less than $15 billion and above $5 billion. Mid Capital is the most profitable. Because if one uses more capital then his business is more risky. In this case, Mid Capital is the father of all and the risk is less.

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Small Capital : Small caps are usually more profitable. It is more profitable than Mid Capital and Large Capital because it has less risk and increases its price and the gap on you is not so much that this small capital gain is higher and the investment is more. Small cap businesses have between $300 million and 2 billion of the total dollar. If you calculate all the capitals, you will see that small capital has the highest number because it carries less risk.

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Your view, Which type of Asset capital can be more profitable? Why? Advantages and Disadvantages. (Explain only 1)

All things considered, I think small capital investment is the most profitable. Because anyone can make a business a slave by investing very little. And none of the people who start a page with me start with big capital first, first they go from small to medium then big capital and do big things. So although it is seen that it is more possible to make profit in large capital externally but I think the safest and most profitable is small capital investment.


  • Easy to start a business with small captital.
  • It can give some better chance of performing better.
  • Small capital funds perform better than the Large & mid capital funds.


  • Volatility is higher then other's.
  • Buy and sell is limited
  • Evaluation is harder in small capital investment


Thoughts on Risk Capital and Penny Cryptocurrency :

Risk Capital : Risk capital is a capital that you can invest and it is good if you think about this capital. When you invest, how do you set up your mind that even if you lose it, something will come of it? It will play a big role in your risk. Just as this capital can take you to a better place, if you put too much emphasis on it, you may feel helpless. During this time you have to prepare yourself in such a way that its fall does not affect the quality of your life.

Penny Cryptocurrency : When you think of very little, the word penny will come to you first. Its price is so low that anyone can purchase it in large quantities. Since it is very cheap, if someone ever buys it and its price goes up, it will play a big role in his business.


Watchlist :

No matter how much we invest, it is important for us to know all the time updates and information to make a business successful. And the most urgent need for this is a watch list through which I and anyone else can closely monitor his investment matters. A businessman can also learn a little bit about the future of his business by mining data through information.

Set Watchlist :

If you search the internet you will find many types of exchanges from where you can configure your watch list. I am going to share with you the method of watch list configuration of a very popular website. The website is

I have used some pictures in which I have tried to indicate some of the red marking clauses in the same way as I have done here. If you do the same then of course you can configure your watchlist.









Conclusion :

No matter how much a person invests, he must first and foremost know all these things. He needs to know how to configure a watch list. He needs to know which capital investment has the same advantages and disadvantages as well as a businessman will invest in it only after knowing many more important things. I am really happy to do a homework through which I have learned a lot and have been able to teach others.

Cc :-

Written by; @msharif

To the attention of professor @stream4u



Hi @msharif

Thank you for joining Steemit Crypto Academy and participated in the Homework Task 6.

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Good, explained very nicely
Looks good but when we explain such topics and thought then try to explain with some examples of coins and their recent performance.

Your Homework task 6 verification has been done by @Stream4u.

Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy

Thank you so much @stream4u. I will follow your Suggestions

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