Crypto Academy Week 12 - Homework Post for [@yousafharoonkhan]-Steemit Decentralized social media,Centralization and Decentralization social media



First of all thank my dear professor @yousafharoonkhan.He provide nice lecture about centralize and decentralize media. Recall i am happy to participate in the learning procedure set by The Steemit Team in the community of Steemit Crypto Academy. It is a great opportunity for every one of us to learn about centralize and decentralize Social media.

I learned from the lecture,
professor @yousafharoonkhan in detail about centralization and decentralization which one better for all people and which is more secure. it very useful and informative.

Question no 1 :

Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms . (answer must be written in oun words, copy paste or from other source copy will be not accepted.


Centralized Social Media

A centralized social media side totally regulate by third party or central authority. Central the authority totally controls the social media server by authurity rules and regulation. Who User this platfeoms normally share their idea,business related topic, imagination, creativity, lifestyle and more and more..when individual write aganist central authority crime than their side will be banned. Some time hacker hack ususer id and grab personal evidence from the social side.suppose if you criticze aganist write or talk about facebook and Youtube authority must be your account will restricted or ban.some time authority intentionally off facebook and twitter is legal right for central authority. Some time mamy political leader tweet in Twitter for mass people but twitter delete tweet. Same work do face and youtube authority.all time work impartiality here.Social media income rate too much poor not wealthy.user can't control her id in his/her own hand..bceause central authority don't provide power to users.

Decentralized Social Media

Decentralized social media is not control by third party or central authority.this side totally control hisself or his or her wish won views. If a user builds a business here, he has no fear of losing it. Because there are no possibility here hacked or third party interference his or businesses. Decentralized social You can share any idea,Opinion, your imagination, future plan what do you want. there is no possibility of an account ban. And it is impossible to banned your account from this side. no central controller here by any centralized authority. If you want to earn from Decentralized social media you can a earn income easily. By this time the most popular decentralized social media in the world name is Steemit. where STEEM coin is available as a reward. Steem coin you can easily convert BTC,USD by bittrex, Binance. Decentralised social media more reliable and secure in the world.@steemit. Side by this more popular for all age people.

Difference between Centralized and Decentralized Social Media

Table 1Table 2
Decentralized Social MediaCentralized Social Media
1.This side more secure and reliableThis side is not secure and reliable more than decentralize socail media
2.No Central authority here to control this decentralized mediaCentral authority totally control this side
3.Full Freedom has hereThere are no Freedom has here.
4.Possibility of hacked 0%Possibility of hacked 100%
5.No strict rules and regulation here expression you activistsHuge amount of rules and regulation here
6.No possibility here user will be blockHuge possibility here user account will be block
7.Income ratio too much high hereIncome ratio too much little here
8.Such as @steemitSuch as central media @Facebook @twitter @youtube

Question no 2 :

##Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words

If we discusse about two side social media
It is transparent that central media authority will not give freedom access user who use his or her id his/her own hand. User must be work under third party or central authority and must be follow authorities rules and regulation.

Whereas decentralized media totally provide freedom user own hand. User can do easily customize her or his accounts or ID.

If any person or user do the businesses Central media side all time businessman feel trembling and risk zone because it is control by cenral authority or third party. 100% has possibility any time will be banned his or her accounts.

Whereas if a business man use decentralize media for her or his business purpose it is more reliable and secure. Here is no risk or fear for his or her accounts or id.@steemit side is the decentralize social media side business can do business here securly.Decentralize media totally provide freedom for every user.

Some time we see Central media involve crime. They sold people information and personal data third party. Central media easily hacked by hacker and people information stolen Central media a result people are going many problems.

Some time many group of people use central media their personal purposes. For influencing people. Some time social media are pressurized by influencial group. Centralize social media can't provide promise their user in future user account will be Secured from any kind of problem such as hack or is interesting matter central authority don't know when users accounts was hacked. All time user feel unsecure

On the other hand, decentralized media totally provide 100% guarantee who use decentralize social side. No powerful authority or government can't influence here because this accounts and Password totally control by users.users easily express opinion without any restrictions

Million and millions examples.
Centralize media account has been hacked and banned without any notice or cause.the users built up their account hard struggle but one moment vanish his or her hard struggle. Such as @YouTube, @Twitter, @Instagram.

So, i can say that decentralized social media future will be bright because people want to Security for his data and information.decentralize media side provide this guarantee it will not hack. No cantral authority here who control decentralize account.

Question no 3

How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words

Twitter and Facebook both are centralize social media which are totally control by third party and central authority. 100% possibility has hacked both side. If you post Against post or tweet central authority your id or account will be banned.huge amount of rules and regulation twitter and facebook if your enemy group report your id or account it will be banned. Facebook and Twitter can't provide Ensuring their user..

Seemit side is under decentralize social media..steemit side is 100% secure there is no doubt here.users control his/her accounts own hands.there is no possibility to hacked user id or account. Special business man want to secure side for his business. Steemit side one of the best side and reliable and secure. People express Opinion without any restriction or Prevention. Thousands people work in steemit side and earn huge amount of money and totally change their life.Income rate high more than facebook and Twitter.

Finally we can reacha a assumption steemit social is the best rather than Facebook and Twitter. Individual want to security and reliability Steemit provide security and reliability.

Question no 4 :

What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)

Steemit is the decentralize media. Millions of people involve in this side.special Women has been more benefited from steemit because South asian countries woman don'get proper opportunities work outside area. Women express their creative @steemfoods,@steemchallange and other steemit community. African and sub-Saharan people aslo involve in steemit they earn steem and sbd from steemit side and change their life style. Steem Money easily conver their own money or USD by exchange bittrex, Binance etcs. I see that many students and unemployment person are involved in steemit and earn money and try to solve their lifestyle.

Real example. I i am students my families conditions is not solvent. Lack of money my i can't continue my studies bt now i work in steemit and earn money. I have no problem for continue my study. I think that million of people has same condition myself.
Steemit is one of the side people can easily earn money by their creativity. Some one has great creative art,song dance or Poetry bt they can't find proper source express her own creativity but steemit is great social platforms express Himself or herself.

Question no 5 :

How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience)

There are many ways to make money on Steemit., I will start with a description of how I started and try to explain what I am doing now. Let's go started:

When I first came to Steemit, in 2018 that time is not community system. I try to make quality and informative post.if Anyone post qualitiful post curator must give reward..after than that start verification system and newcomer' community I first started with a post in the Newcomers Community. I have completey achievement task1-4. Every achievement i earn reward from curator03. By this huge number of community in steemit such as @steem challange, @steemfoods,@steem-bagnladesh,@worldcricket @steemit cryptoAcademy, @steemfor music, etcs if you good at music you can post this community or if expert in cooking you can shre your post @steemfoods.same depend on you creativity you can post. Which one is suittable. For new steemian can post newcomer's community if he or she poperly. They can earn money..Many community admin arrange contest on steemit if you can join or participation there and if you place top post list. Curator and admin give reward for you work..for new steemain it is too much hard reward from competition because old steemian also experiencial. Steemit decentralization system steeamin can share his or her any kind of mind views bt need maintain quality

Question no 6 :

How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

Open steemit accounts


  • you go to searched machine and write steem sign up then you see this page


Create community steemit side

* than need to fillup gap by step by step.

It is very simple to open a community social side on Steemit. You need to pay 3 STEEM to open a community. I have shown below step by step how to open a new community. I desire people can understand easily . Let's get started:

Step 1:

• First, you have to log in to your Steemit account. After that click Steemit shown below in the screenshot.


Step 2:


• After that and you will see explore communities on the bottom left side. Click there.

Step 3:


• Now you will see Create a Community. and click the create a community.

Step 4:


• You can see create community and two option and this will ask for the Title and About of your community. Then you click next.

Step 5:

• Now you have to backup your password, checked the mark, and click Create Community.


Step 6:


• This operation will cost 3 STEEM. Click Ok to proceed again

Step 7:



• My community is created. Now I can post there.



Finally I learn from professor @yousafharoonkhan lecture why centralize social media and decentralize social which are more reliable and secure. Facebook, twitter, Instagram unsure more than steemit side..present businessman and elite People like decentralize media.


Hi @mousumimou

Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses and participated in the Homework Task.

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Verification (Done, Hold)
Provided information are explained well. However, in Make Money With Steemit, you mainly mentioned about Creators, on Sreemit Curator can also earn if we use our vote in a proper way, in this topic you could have done better try to go for more detail like how to earn by the curation and reward distribution process work on Steemit.
Try to be more informative and provide all possible details.

Your Homework Task verification has been done by @Stream4u, hope you have enjoyed and learned something new.

Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy

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