Crypto Academy Season 3 Beginners' course - Homework Post for Task 2: Block Explorer by @liamnov

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


3) What is a block explorer? And what are its purpose and use? Search for different cryptocurrency block explorers and list them below. At least five different cryptocurrencies. Also, explore the transaction of a crypto coin on block explorer and explain with the help of a screenshot.

Learning in Crypto academy is a big opportunity for me to understand about cryptocurrencies. I consider this as a big challenge that I will accept as a beginner in this community. I ask myself if I can complete this task but I try my best to learn and obtain ideas that I can share with all newbies that I have brought in steemit.
Then I would like to thanks @yousafharoonkhan for his wonderful lessons about the understanding of blockchain, decentralization, and block explorer which will give us ideas to answer the guide question to complete the given task.
Before I will start with the main question, let me define first the meaning of blocks, chains, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies.


It is a place containing data in which all information is stored. It is more likely a book in which data are stored.


This contains several transactions in each block every time a new transaction of blockchain occurs.


It is a technique of documenting data in which the hackers can't steal your information and it is a way that makes it difficult to change the information that is being stored. It is a safe and secured online system that can store all information specified in the cryptocurrency market.


These are a decentralized network that is based on a blockchain technology in which particular coin ownership records are being stored in a form of computerization.

What is a block explorer?

Block Explorer is an online blockchain browser that indicates the data of individual blocks and each transaction. In this tool, we can check the transaction records and balances of the address of a particular wallet. As I know that cryptocurrency deals in blockchain technology in which a decentralized system is being used. It will allow us to access the information about the crypto wallet that can be accessed without being modified. It can be a program in which we can view a particular crypto wallet transaction of certain users.

What are its purpose and use?

Since block explorer is a tool that we can use to view all cryptocurrency online transactions specifically the current and the past transaction on the blockchain. It will give us information about the blockchain hash rate and it will provide us useful information about our transaction.
So these tools will allow us the following transaction on the blockchain such as

  • View Balance - In this transaction, we can check our balance in our crypto wallet by checking the rate of the coin because the total amount will depend on the value of the coin. We must copy the key on our crypto wallet then we must go to coin explorer then paste our key then we can see all of our transaction details are display.
    We can view our previous and new balances on our wallets.

  • Track Transfer and check confirmation - we can track the transfers by checking the confirmation of our transaction. If we are receiving funds in our wallet it should arrive with a specific confirmation. We check from time to time if our funds will successfully transfer to our wallet.

  • Check the latest transaction - this is the last transaction that is being performed in a block. Once we click, the information about our search query will be displayed.

  • Viewed the sender and the receiver of the coin - We can see the sender by checking the address of the coin that is being sent. Then the receiver will check if the send coin will be sent to the wallet. But this receiver can send also a coin to others users' wallets.

Search for different cryptocurrency block explorers and list them below. At least five different cryptocurrencies.

To review the information of a particular coin, we need the coin address. The coin address is very unique which is composed of letter and number combinations which hard to memorize. So need to keep it safe. Each coin has its address so we cannot use it for another coin. Below are some tokens with their respective block explorer.

TokenBlock explorer ether block

Explore the transaction of a crypto coin on block explorer and explain with the help of a screenshot.

I have mentioned five tokens and it's block explorer. For these questions, I would like to choose one explorer that I mention above. I select Ethereum using explorer.

Step 1: Go to and type Ethereum block explorer then click the search icon.


Step 2: Then you are directed to your search blockchain explorer which is ethereum. Then scroll down and select the first block explorer which is


Step 3: Then the webpage will open the ethereum block explorer in Etherscan. Then click the 3lines on the upper right corner of the page. As you can see there is a



Sign in

Step 4: Then I choose to click the Blockchain Icon. Then you can view the following


View Txns

In this view Txns, I found out that there are more than a billion transactions that I found in ethereum. I see the Txn Hash, Method, age, from and to the wallet address, the value, and the txn fee.


View Pending Txns

In checking the pending transaction of ethereum I found out that there is a 150,623 pending that is to be solved. I also discover that there is a txn hash, Nonce, Method, last seen, gas limit, gas price, value.


View Contact Internal Txns

A total of 260 million contract internal transactions on ethereum. As we can see they specify the block, age, Parent txn hash, type of transactions, and others.


View Blocks

We can review the blocks by checking the blocks number, transaction, age or time, uncles, miners, their gas used and gas limit, then the average gas price and the rewards.


Forked Blocks ( Reorgs)

These forked blocks are excluded blocks as an effect of blockchain reorganization. I found out that there are 165,627 forked blocks in ethereum. We can check the height, age or time, Txn, miner, uncles, gas limit, difficulty, reward, and reorgdepth.


View Uncles

In my examination of my screenshots, I noticed that they have 1.1 million uncles. Then I check their block height, uncle number, age or time, name of a miner, and the reward.


Top Accounts

Here is the top account in ethereum. As you can see the top 1 was wrapped ether. Then we can check the rank number, address, name tag, balance, percentage that they receive, and the transaction count.


Verified Contracts

There a lot of verified contracts in ethereum block explorer but my source code only but some are not verified. As I've noticed, the page has provided the address, Contract name, Compiler, what version, the balance and they have a given license. So it is so secured and safe.


Step 5: We are using to view the transactions in ethereum. But there are other explorers accessible in ethereum. As we can see in my screenshot.


The use of a block explorer is very important to support all users with easier accessibility on any data which is related to blockchains, and transactions


Learning about block explorers will help me to understand how can we explore a certain coin in the market. This blockchain is a new experience to me and I'm happy that I will learn this in the task that given to us. As I observe that block explorers fluctuate in different tokens on the market.
Block explorer is very important because it enables us to creates clear and unchangeable documents that can be accessible to everyone. Thank @yousafharoonkhan for the task that he gave to us. It is a great opportunity to learn here in the academy. Thank you very much.


Hi @liamnov, Thank you for taking interest in the 2nd Task of the Beginners Fixed Class. Your grades are as follows:

Assessment Aspects
Presentation/Use of Markdowns
0.8 / 2
Follow Rules and Guideline
1 / 2
Quality of Analysis
0.5 / 2
Clarity of Language
1 / 2
0.5 / 2

My Review and Suggestions:

  • You complete the task.

  • You misunderstood the question, in the last question you only showed transactions in the block explorer as shown below.


  • Pay attention to all the questions given, rules, and guidelines before doing homework.

  • Do not make your writing italic, use italics to show only the words that are needed.

  • Improve your writing skills even more by studying "Markdown Style Guide".

Thank you!

 3 years ago 

I try my best next time

 3 years ago 

Hi professor, please score my work

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