Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S15W1 -Steem & Halving Bitcoin 2024

Assalamualaikum steemians

STEEM and BTC halving 2024 is a topic which needs a lot of discussion nowadays because there is very little time remaining in this event so I am explaining here my perspective about the questions asked


How could the Bitcoin halving in April 2024 influence investors' general perception of cryptocurrencies, and in particular, what impact could it have on the STEEM token?

BTC Halving ProcessBTC halving when happens then it cause new bitcoins to cut in half.

In past when in 2020 which is the last year of BTC halving when this event occurs then due to cutting in half rewards of miners it increased the scarcity among the investors and investors think as a result that Bitcoin is very worthy now. After that event there was a general perspective and perception of investors that cryptocurrencies are too much valuable so there interest increase in this way in market which leads to upward trend also.

Again we are in January 2024 and right after 3 months almost we would see BTC halving and there are some minimum and maximum expectations I have about the pump in overall market and cryptocurrencies rate as a result of this future event and my fundamental analysis are saying that in 2024 April after halving BTC price is going to strike the biggest pump of history if there would be no situation of FUD due to any rumor.So let's hope for best because if according to my fundamental analysis BTC halving event would cause highest pump in BTC then definitely all cryptocurrencies including would also pump a lot.

STEEM token is native token of a blockchain that is social media based and works on delegated proof of stake mechanism.BTC halving is going to definitely pump STEEM in 2024 April after that event and my minimum expectations from STEEM are that it would reach at around $0.50 and maximum it would reach at around $1.25 but at that time if more and more investors would attract towards STEEM token or steemit platform then definitely it could act as a booster at that time so let's wait and watch friends that what would happen next actually.


If I share some data from past then it's important to note that in May 2020 when halving takes place then mining rewards were reduced at that time to 6.25 BTC so when rewards of BTC reduces then supply and demand effects definitely not only for BTC but also for other cryptocurrencies.In April 2024 BTC supply is going to reduced due to halving and rewards cutting and demand is going to increase and is is adding value to cryptocurrencies including STEEM also and is also going to seeking investors attention.

The halving of Bitcoin in April 2024 will increase the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Steem because the supply of Bitcoin will be reduced, whereas the demand for Bitcoin will then be high which will increase the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like STEEM.It could also be the perspective of investors that they should collect more cryptocurrencies now a days by purchasing it because they are also thinking that halving would result in price pumps to greeter extent and then they would sell their tokens present in their wallets at high rate for making significant profits.

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This is I have shared BTC/USDT chart of 11th May 2020.Blue line which is vertical in the chart is showing the actual date of halving. You can see in the chart that before exact one month from halving price was declining and right after BTC halving price pumps with a great intensity so as a result investors traffic increase towards overall market and cryptocurrency because demand of cryptocurrency was increasing and price was pumping.

What adjustments in the supply and demand dynamics of cryptocurrencies could result from the Bitcoin halving, and how could these changes influence the valuation of the STEEM token?

As BTC halving occurs and rewards becomes half then supply of BTC would reduce and demand of BTC would increase so definitely it would have great impact at supply and demand dynamics of cryptocurrencies.Due to cutt down of newly created BTC sense of scarcity foster among investors. It in return increase the demand because investors think that limited supply of Bitcoin means now it is more valuable and in the same way it effects other cryptocurrencies also.

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Above I have shown STEEM USDT chart of 2020 11 May for letting you know past halving impact at STEEM so you can see a pump in the picture and especially in the part which I have highlighted after that event so I am expecting the same situation again in this year so If investors interest increase in Bitcoin then it cause increase in the demand of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies which also include STEEM token so it is definite to understand that in this way value of STEEM is also rising.Valuation of STEEM would also depend on the number of investors that are attracting towards the steem blockchain as well as number of content creators that are increasing in blockchain with the positive sentiment in overall market.

Investor sentiment is very important again in shaping the value of STEEM in a positive way so suppose if there is positive market sentiment and investors also have confidence at overall cryptocurrencies and specifically at steem blockchain and they also want to invest in this blockchain with full of confidence then it would be a booster for STEEM token which is native token of steem blockchain.


Changing in STEEM value can occur in a very rapid and unpredictable way after BTC halving event in 2024 so it would be best if we all would stay informed and keep in mind other factors also that are responsible for price fluctuations of STEEM so that we may take more precise decisions in future.

How might specific characteristics of the STEEM token, such as its content-based reward mechanism, be impacted by macroeconomic changes resulting from the Bitcoin halving?

STEEM token is native of steem blockchain that is rewarded to its users for the creation of quality content that the produce and for the curation of quality content.Rewards are given in SBD, STEEM and STEEM power form.

Inflation rate of STEEM every year drops and nowadays STEEM token is at 9.5% inflation rate and every year it decreases to a fixed percentage which is 0.5.In layman's language every year either due to inflation reward pool decrease,we are still able to receive rewards in STEEM token form when STEEM reach to its high valuation.

BTC halving also impact macroeconomic changes but before learning and talking about these changes it is important to take in consideration the overall impact of this event at market. This is I am saying because suppose there is increase in the interest and demand of cryptocurrencies including STEEM also then it could lead to more traffic at steemit platform and would lead to more number of engagers towards based reward mechanism so users influx or incoming result in more production of content and more curation because everyone would wait for rewards.

If BTC halving is causing a down trend in market due to any kind of rumour or FUD type situation then volatility would increase which would suppress the activity of users at steemit because their confidence from steemit and overall market starts to reduce.


When there would be uncertainty in economy then people would be more careful in the implementation of cautions regarding their investment it would result in decrease in the content creation and curation at the platform because definitely everyone would give priority to other aspects of their financial portfolio.

If there is any change in macroeconomic conditions then it would also affect the type of content creative by users because users would more love to create a content which would be about financial stability, investment strategies in the times of down trend and if there would be positive macroeconomic conditions or changes then it would lead to the creation of content which would be about improvement of life style either it is about health or it is about improvement in the fashion or other interesting content. Global economic conditions technology advancements overall behaviour activities and engagement of user at steemit also plays a great role because STEEM is not totally depends upon BTC halving.

What lessons can investors learn from previous Bitcoin halvings to anticipate market trends and make informed decisions regarding the STEEM token?

From previous BTC halving events investors can learn following lessons.

1Previous Bitcoin halving let us know about different patterns related to price uptrend and down trend. Investors can learn lesson that keeping in mind previous halving they can understand the pump that always occurs after this event so for future event they can prepare their self buy purchasing more currency in their wallets so that they may earn a lot of profit after the pump of price in particular which they have secured and store.
2Investors can learn from the previous event about market sentiment that during the previous events there was a mixed situation which was full of optimism and speculation so it is important for investors that they should be consider overall sentiment surrounding the event that how it is impacting other currencies and for this they should monitor one of the most authentic sources that can convey authentic news to them that what is actually going in market over all so that they may make most precise decisions.
3BTC halving also generated in past increased interest and attention of industrial s in Crypto market so investors should keep in mind that how network affect our playing during and after the event of halving. If we talk about steemit then if users are increasing and their activities are increasing at the platform then it would increase the value of this token and same case could be implemented at other cryptocurrencies also.


4BTC previous halving events are also important for investors for learning lessons that after that event and around that event volatility always increase in the market so it is important for investors to be mentally prepared for facing every kind of uncertainity either it is leading to word positive sentiment or negative sentiment for staying away from any risks or losses.
5As I have talked with that there are historical patterns of price that investors can understand as a lesson for future as well as about market sentiment they should also learn so for keeping in mind all these things they should conduct and understand fundamental analysis and they should check the development team ,adoption rate and use cases of a particular token so that they may make more informed decisions about investment for long time or short time which is suitable for them.

I want to invite here @wilmer1988 , @patjewell ,@mile16 , @radjasalman to participate



Hello dear friend greetings to you, Hope you are having good days there.

You have beautifully explained the topic of halving, how it happened, what is it's effects on crypto market.

You have minimum expectations from STEEM, that it would reach at around $0.50 and maximum it would reach at around $1.25. My target is something high for STEEM, because in previous bull run it was trading at $1.26, so this time I'm expecting that it will surplus that high of the previous bull run. I say it's minimum is $1.2 and maximum it can go a above $2.

The best post dear, best wishes for the contest.

Yes friend 😄 I am having good days and I am happy after reading your reply at my post that you love the beautiful explanation of mine about BTC halving 2024.

Yes you are right about my minimum and maximum expectations but it is important to know that my analysis that I have done was within the certain limits that if after halving we would not see STEEM sky high then we don't feel disappointment.

But I also agree with your analysis that you are saying that it could reach around $2 so let's hope for the best and see what happens and I have also positive expectations that we would see a bullish trend Inshallah...


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Thank you so much for your support dear. Keep blessing.


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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

You have expressed your thoughts very well in your article. Bitcoin halving not only improves Bitcoin's production but also increases the value of various cryptocurrencies and people's interest in crypto. The halving that occurs every 4 years brings about significant changes in the entire market, where the prices of currencies that were lower increase, and the currency pumps, making the entire system more beautiful.

My question is, if halving occurred every 2 years instead of 4, what impact would it have had?

BTC halving is one of the most important event that suppress the supply of a particular token and increase demand of a particular token so ups and downs in the supply and demand dynamics are must after that event but with Bitcoin it also affect the overall market and overall cryptocurrencies as well as also change the perception of investors I totally agree with you.

Haha 😂
Your question made me laugh because it's cute and interesting that if halving occurs after every 2 years instead of 4 so we also pray for this to happen because it would affect the market more positively but as it is written in the white paper of Bitcoin that after 4 years this event would occur that why now this is occurring after 4 years.

La valoración de Steem se verá afectada positivamente debido al halving pero también dependerá del incremento de inversores y creadores de contenido. Las condiciones económicas, los avances tecnológicos, la actitud y participación del usuario en Steemit serán muy importantes y o dependerá totalmente del halving.

Estoy de acuerdo que el futuro de Steem post halving dependerá del manejo adecuado y el apoyo de los creadores de contenido que son la materia prima de nuestra plataforma.

Gracias por tu aporte en conocimientos.

¡Mucha suerte y éxito en el desafío!

STEEM value is very closely related to and directly and indirectly related to BTC halving but we cannot solely rely on this information because they are other factors which include overall engagement of the users at platform and attraction of investors towards the platform and the type of activities that users are performing at the platform that's why we should focus on all these things that we should introduce some of the significant and valuable projects at the platform so that we may seek attention of investors as well as we should also keep in mind that users activities should be original and valueable so that the platform may be successful.

STEEM future after halving is going to depend upon the different factors and I am happy that you really love my contribution and my participation in this engagement challenge and you love to learn some knowledgeable things from my post.
Thank you so much for wishing me good luck and success I also wish you good luck and I would love to visit your entry too

Ey!! 😀😀.

Una investigación muy acertada e interesante para todos nosotros que estamos tan interesados en el próximo evento de halving tan esperado en estos 4 años que han pasado .

Todos debemos seguir muy activos y aprendiendo para que al llegar el evento podamos aprovecharlo al máximo .

Te deseo mucho éxito en tu participación

I am happy friend that you consider my investigations and response to all the questions that were related to BTC halving in April 2024 wonderful. Agree with you that it is very important to stay active at the platform because when we would engage more and more traffic day by day at the platform then surely it would be a booster in increasing and pumping the price of STEEM automatically. And then we would be not in a situation to wait with such an anxiety about BTC halving as we are waiting now

@khursheedanwar Your analysis on the impact of Bitcoin halving and its ripple effect on STEEM is impressive I appreciate the detailed insights especially the historical data and your expectations for STEEM post halving performance. Connecting macroeconomic changes to user behavior on Steemit is smart move. Best of luck in the contest

I appreciate your comment at my entry. It made me happy that my analysis about the effect of BTC halving event and its ripple effect on this token STEEM you really like through understanding my analysis and my knowledge and insights and I agree with you that when you talk about future then it is much important that you should know about historical data and that's why I have shared the proofs that what understanding I have about history of that event and for keeping in mind history of the event I can clearly understand that it is going to be in future but I cannot guarrentee what ever I am saying because cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and depends upon various factors.

Thank you so much for wishing me best of luck and I would like to visit your entry too very soon.

Your analysis of how Bitcoin halving impacts STEEM and how it affects other things is really impressive. I really appreciate the detailed insights you provided, especially the historical data and your expectations for how STEEM will perform after the halving. It's a smart move to connect the changes happening in the overall economy to how people behave on Steemit. By doing that, you can better understand why things happen the way they do. And of course, best of luck to you in the contest.

Thank you so much for the visiting my entry and for considering all my information valuable and impressive and thanks for your appreciation about the analysis that I have shared with all of you by showing historical data and I agree with you that it was a smart move for connecting the changes that are happening in overall economy.

I think there is a lot of changing going to happen after this event so let's wait for April 2024 and see what actually happens and thanks for wishing me good luck I would love to visit your entry too within some minutes.

Greetings, my friend @khursheedanwar! 🌟 Your analysis on the impact of Bitcoin halving and its ripple effect on STEEM is impressive! 🚀 Connecting macroeconomic changes to user behavior on Steemit is a smart move. Your detailed insights, historical data, and expectations for STEEM post-halving performance make your entry stand out! All the best in the contest, success for you! 👍

Thanks a lot for your extensive comment.
I'm happy that you like my analysis at Bitcoin having event and I'm happy that you loves my analysis as well as you are talking about macroeconomic changes that I tried my best to explain as well as I consider it very essential to talk about historical data while talking about future predictions in BTC halving event that's why I have also shared charts with all of you and thanks for wishing me a lot of success I also wish you a lot of success and I would like to visit your entry too

You're welcome! I appreciate your thorough analysis and historical insights. Best wishes for your success, and I'd be glad to visit your entry too. 🚀

It was my pleasure always
Thank you so much for wishing me success.
I warmly welcome you to visit my entry

Always a pleasure! Thanks for the warm wishes. Looking forward to visiting!

Keep on hardworking and stay blessed friend 💕

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