Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 2: Week5 || Steemit Decentralized social media,Centralization and Decentralization social media Posted by @yousafharoonkhan//Done by @kelvincole

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Hello fellow Steemians, good to be here once again to attend the home task given by Prof @yousafharoonkhan on Centralized and Decentralized Social Media. The lecture was indeed an educative one and am really glad to be part of it.

Question no 1 :
Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms . (answer must be written in own words, copy paste or from other source copy will be not accepted)

CENTRALIZED SOCIAL MEDIA is an online social platform where every activities, conversations, discussions, communication, expression, views, opinions as well as ones personal disposition towards things, people and events,etc is controlled by a central authority.

In a Centralized Social Media, all activities of the users, pertaining to what they post,share, comment on and how they express themselves is regulated by the central channel or authority that establishes such platform. The freedom of expression of the users/ the authority to comfortably express their ideas and manage their account without fear in a centralized social media is limited. Users tend to be conscious of what they share online, how they share it, and anything short of the requirements or rules that stipulates such platform is seen as an infringement and as such, the users account may be suspended or permanently blocked.

To sum up, in a Centralized Social Media Platform,the users are at liberty to create their respective account for free, but certainly not at liberty to dictate whatever they wish to post or share, whether business ideas, opinions relating to issues(maybe politics, religion etc), but must conform to the set down rules and regulations guiding the platform, and any act that violates such laid down rules, will definitely result to the user account been blocked. A good example is as seen in the case of former United State President, Donald Trump, where his Twitter and Facebook accounts were suspended indefinitely for perceived post on inciting insurrection after the U.S presidential election in 2020.

DECENTRALIZED SOCIAL MEDIA: Here, the individual users apart from been free to create their account, personally manages their account, are in charge of whatever they post or share in the social platform, and are at liberty to write and share their ideas about issues without been subjected to conform to any rules and regulations of any central authority.

In a Decentralized Social Media Platform, the users or individual account holder has complete freedom whatsoever to dictate how they wish to express their opinions, relate with other people, advertise their businesses, support an opinion,without fear of been suspended or blocked for going against any rules or regulations. Here, the user is fully in charge of his/her account and as such,they are more relaxed to do whatever they deem fit to do.

A Decentralized Social Media Platform gives the user total control over how they decide to manage their account, irrespective of where they are, without been subjected to any central authority. They are obliged to interact and relate on the social platform with whomever and however they desire to, without fear of their account been suspended or blocked subsequently.


  • Mode Of Control: In the Centralized Social Media platform, information, conversations, business activities, opinions, expressions shared as well as the entire user account is under the control of a central authority. This authority dictates whatever the users decide to share by ensuring that it agrees with its rules and regulations and in cases of violation, their account will be suspended or in some cases blocked. The Decentralized social media platform allows the user to have total/complete control over his account. He is not subjected to any central authority, but rather,only the user can dictate what and how he wish to use his account without fear of his account been suspended or blocked

  • User Account Protection: The Centralized Social Media Platform does not guarantee the protection of its users account and as such, does not build confidence in the users that their information is secured and in safe hands. Here, users account can easily be influenced by the "power that be". The Decentralized Social Media Platform on the other hand, ensures that users account and information shared are well protected and the users are not under the influence or control of any powerful man or woman. The Decentralized social media also ensures that the user is relaxed knowing fully well that their information and account will not be compromised.

  • Freedom of Expression/Association: In a Centralized Social Media Platform,the user does not have complete freedom or liberty to share whatever they wish to ,or give personal opinions on issues that goes against the rules and regulations guiding the platform. A good example is that of the former United State President as earlier stated. The Decentralized Social Media Platform on the other hand, allows the users to freely and conveniently use their account to express and share whatever they wish to since there is no rules or regulations militating against such. A good example is the STEEMIT social Media platform,where registered users can at any time they wish express themselves as well as create and post articles etc.

  • Risk of Account Hacking/Compromise: In a Centralized Social Media, users account can easily be compromised or hacked as seen in the case of consistent hacks on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts. and as such, the user may end up losing an account that he has been managing for years at the blink of the eye. Hence users are asked on several occasions to carefully protect their account by either changing their password or using a password that cannot be easily hacked. The Decentralized Social Media is relatively secured as cases of account hack and compromise is rarely prevalent.

Question no 2 :
Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)

The Decentralized social media platform is definitely and arguably the future of social media based on the reasons listed below:

  • Independence/Freedom of Expression: Social media brings people from different countries, with different ideologies, ethnicity,religious background into a community of interaction, association,and expression. There is every tendency that such a platform that encourages people to freely express themselves with others without fear or favor,from any group or agencies certainly will attract more people into their community, unlike platforms where communication or freedom of expression is strictly dictated by laid down rules and regulations guiding the platform. Hence, the world been a global village, and the fact that interaction/communication will definitely increase in the future,the Decentralized social media platform provides users or potential users the opportunity to freely express themselves now and in the future without fear of their account been suspended or blocked.

  • Business advert/opportunities: The Decentralized social media platform creates opportunity for users to conveniently advertise or do their business, share their ideas, give opinions that may be beneficial overtime, as well as create business opportunities for others online without been subjected to any administrative bottleneck or impediment from powerful people or agencies. However, with the current global economic trend,where most sales are done online,and looks certain to increase in the future, the decentralized social media platform is definitely the way to go.

  • Provides Complete Users Protection: Every social media platform users will will want to continue to use their account, as long as they know that their account will be well protected in the future. The Decentralized Social Media Platform guarantees that, as it completely protects the users account from any infringement or information manipulation by any individual or group. The Decentralized social media platform ensures that account users information are well protected and in safe hands now and in the future.

  • Future Money Bag for Investors: In a Decentralized social media platform like Steemit for instance, the users have the opportunity of getting rewarded for just making post,sharing personal diaries,or answering questions based on a lecture taught without even investing any fund. In other words, whether the user is employed or unemployed,skilled or unskilled, literate or illiterate, poor or rich, as long as he has an account and active in the platform, either by posting original content, commenting, sharing diaries or what he is passionate about,etc, he gets paid and in the long run, he will have enough to comfortably sustain himself and his family at large.

Question no 3 :
How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)

STEEMIT is definitely a better social media platform to Facebook and Twitter, base on the fact that as a Decentralized social media platform,users have complete control over their account and at liberty to express their view whenever or however they so desire, Unlike Facebook and Twitter that is strictly regulated and individual account users must abide religiously by its rules and regulations.

Another valid reason i rate Steemit better than Facebook or Twitter, is that Steemit as a good social media platform for now and the future,protects the users account and information. Cases of hacking here is rare and almost nonexistence, unlike the Facebook or Twitter account that usually gets hacked and important information of users exposed.

Finally, another reason i will always recommend Steemit rather than Twitter or Facebook to people is what they stand to benefit when they get actively involved in creating articles,sharing Diaries, participating in homework etc. Why Steemit rewards users financially irrespective of who they are, or where they are, Twitter and Facebook does less and only to verified account with a specific number of followers. Hence, Steemit helps to direct ones energy to productive course that pays rather than unproductive course that occupies time with nothing to show for it.

Question no 4 :
What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)

STEEMIT has really been a life changing platform to millions of users with me inclusive. From the very day i joined this reputable social platform, my life and that of several other users have changed in the areas listed below:

  • Improving/Enhancing Users Academic Know-how: Through constant research, partaking in the crypto academy lectures and doing the home work thereafter, as well as posting original content, users have been able to improve mentally and academically. They are now well informed about things they knew nothing about. Their orientation and disposition towards things and issues has improved too. It has made users self confident and productive with their time.
  • Financial Reward: Personally, been on Steemit has enhanced my financial status. With the rewards given to me for my post,articles and assignment, i have been able to conveniently sort out some pressing needs. Also most people who are not too financially stable, like those seeking for job around my location, has taken advantage of the opportunity created by Steemit to improve their financial status and that of their significant other.

Question no 5 :
How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience)

There are basically several ways one can make money or be rewarded financially from the Steemit Decentralized social media platform. They are:

  • Investment in Steem power: If you have the desire to make fast money in Steemit, buying steem power will be advisable, because it will increase your curation value and also avail you the opportunity to make more money whenever the price of steem rises in the market. A good example is the price of steem in December 2020, which was less than a dollar, and the price of steem as at toady 6th May 2021, which is above a dollar. Thus, a smart investment on steem in December 2020 when the price was low, will automatically give you more profit now if you decide to sell. Also an investment in steem power today will definitely reward you in future

  • Rewards from Authors: Authors reward is another way to make money in Steemit. Here, active bloggers who share original content/article in the platform, gets rewarded for each post shared. Such rewards comes from curators who come to upvote such post shared in the community as long as the post is devoid of plagiarism.Also, for every original content shared and upvoted,the blogger gets 50% author rewards in the form of steem power or steem dollar and in some cases both.

  • Community Reward: Most communities in Steemit has a way of rewarding their active members who participate in one task or another. Each of these community has their unique way of grading participant and rewarding them thereafter. For some, a particular steem power is set aside for the top five or Ten like in the Steem Food Communities, while for others, once a particular grade considered as the pass mark is achieved, they get rewarded in form of steem dollar,as seen in Crypto academy community.

  • Curators Reward: These are rewards placed on any original/quality content free of plagiarism posted in the community. This is done basically to encourage people to carefully and meticulously do a proper research before sharing their post. It is also noteworthy that any content found to have been plagiarized are immediately downvoted and whatever curation reward already made on such post are removed and returned back to the reward pool.

Question no 6 :
How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

T o create a community in Steemit, you must have registered as an active member of Steemit. The steps required to create a community on steemit are stated below:

  • STEP 1: Log on to steemit,on the home page, you click on the "Steemit" icon


  • STEP 2: Then you click on the "explore community" from the drop down.


  • STEP 3: Click on the create community.


  • STEP 4: On the next interface, impute the name of the community you intend to create as title and what it represent in the column for ABOUT.


  • STEP 5: After imputing your community and description, you Click on the "Next" icon to generate your owners key/password. you must copy and safe the password as like other steemit passwords/keys


  • STEP 6: After saving your password, You click on the "Create community"


  • STEP 7: You get a message asking you to confirm cost of creating a community by paying 3 steem, so you click on "OK" to confirm


  • STEP 8: After clicking ok, enter your active key to pay cost 3 steem , and click on "SIGN IN"


  • STEP 9: After signing in, your community is successfully created and you are ready to get started and promote

Thank you.

Many Kudos once again to Prof @yousafharoonkhan for the well simplified lecture and the opportunity to participate in the Home task.

Cc: @yousafharoonkhan


Hi @kelvincole

Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses and participated in the Homework Task.

Review Visit Level
Task Remark
Guidance, Feedback, Suggestions
Verification (Done, Hold)
Provided information are explained well. However, in Make Money With Steemit, in this topic, you could have done better try to go for more detail like how to earn by the curation and reward distribution process work on Steemit, how curation work before 5 minutes and after 5 minutes of post published and accordingly how earning can increase by our vote. We can earn by Voting and if you use our vote in a proper way then we can earn more than what we have given, such details you could try to explore more here.
Try to explore the topic and be more informative, provide all possible details.

Your Homework Task verification has been done by @Stream4u, hope you have enjoyed and learned something new.

Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy

Many thanks for the review @stream4u. Will definitely see to your suggestions. Best regards

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