Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S9W3 - STEEM InflationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemitCryptoAcademylast year (edited)
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Steemit community! As a crypto enthusiast I am excited to participate in the Steemit Crypto Academy Contest Season which focuses on the topic Of Steem inflation . In this article I will be discussing the impact of Steems inflation Rate On the Steem Ecosystem & exploring some possible solutions To address this issue . Understanding The economics behind A cryptocurrency is crucial & I believe it is important to contribute to the discussion . I Look forward To sharing My insights With The Steemit community & I hope that My article will be informative & thought provoking . So without further ado let's dive in!

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Use your own words to explain the concept of inflation in general and does it affect cryptocurrencies?

Inflation is an important concept that affects all types of currencies including cryptocurrences . It refer to the gradual increase in the prices of goods & services over time caused by a variety of factors such As increased demand production costs & changes in the supply of money or credit . when the amount of money in circulation exceed the amount of goods & services available the value of Money decreases leading to inflation .


As a cryptocurrency enthusiast I am aware of how inflation can impact the value and purchasing power of cryptocurrencies . the inflation rate of a cryptocurrency is determined by its underlying protocol which specifies how New units of the currency are created . If a cryptocurrency has high inflation rate the supply of the currency will increase rapidly leading to a decrease in its value .

Moreover high inflation rates can also lead to lack of trust in a cryptocurrency as users may lose confidence in the currencys ability to maintain its value Over time . as a result cryptocurrencies with high inflation rates May struggle to gain widespread adoption & market acceptance.

On the other hand low inflation rates can provide stability to cryptocurrency & promote its long-term growth . a low inflation rate ensures that the supply of the currency increases at a gradual pace helping to maintain its value over time . Additionally a low inflation rate can also attract investors users to a cryptocurrency as it provides a level of predictability & stability in the market .

It is important to note that inflation rates can vary widely between different cryptocurrencies . For example Bitcoin has a fixed maximum supply of 21 million coins with the rate of production halving every four year s. This fixed supply limit ensures that the inflation rate remains low and help to promote stability in the market . In contrast other cryptocurrencies such As Ethereum have no fixed supply limit and rely on a more flexible inflation rate .

In conclusion As a cryptocurrency enthusiast I understand the significance of inflation and how It can affect the value and stability of cryptocurrencies . It is important to consider the inflation rates of different cryptocurrencies when making investment decisions As they can have a significant impact on the market acceptance and adoption of a cryptocurrency

difference between deflationary and inflationary

When it comes to cryptocurrencies the terms deflationary & inflationary are often used to describe the supply and demand dynamics of a particular cryptocurrency . deflationary cryptocurrencies are those that have A fixed or decreasing Supply while inflationary cryptocurrencies have A supply that increases over time .



cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have A fixed maximum supply with the Rate of production decreasing over time . as the supply of the currency decreases OR remains fixed the value of the currency tends to increase . This is because there are fewer units of the currency in circulation & thus each unit is worth more . However deflationary cryptocurrences can be challenging to use as a medium of exchange AS people may be reluctant to spend them due to their potential to increase in value .


cryptocurrencies like Steem have a supply that increases over time . steem has an inflation rate of 9.5% per year which means that the supply of steem tokens increases by that percentage every year . the inflation is used to reward Steem holders and content creators Who contribute to the Steem network . the rewards are distributed through a mechanism called proof of Brain which is consensus algorithm that rewards users who create curate high quality content .

The Steem token follows a strategy of inflation to incentivize participation in the Steem network . the rewards are distributed to users who contribute value to the network whether through content creation OR curation . This strategy helps to ensure that the Steem network remains Active and vibrant while also providing an incentive For users to hold and use the Steem token .

Calculating the Current Inflation

As of May 2 2023 the current head_block_number of the Steem blockchain is 74266508 . using this head_block_number we can calculate The inflation rate for Steem token. The inflation rate is a measure of the rate At which the supply of steem tokens is increasing .

To calculate the inflation rate For Steem tokens we can Use the following formula:

Inflation rate at time t = (978 - (head_block_number / 250000)) / 100

Here head_block_number is the current block number and 250000 is the number of blocks produced every day on the Steem blockchain. The formula takes the current block number divides it by 250000 and subtracts That quotient from 978. This gives you the inflation rate as percentage .

Using the current head_block_number of 74266508 We can calculate the inflation rate For Steem tokens follows: (978 - (74266508 / 250000)) / 100 = 6.80933968%

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so as of May 2 2023 the annual inflation rate for Steem tokens is approximately 6.80933968% . This mean that the supply of steem tokens is increasing by Around 6.80933968% per year . It's important to note that this rate will continue to change as more blocks Are added to the steem blockchain .

How easy or difficult it will be to earn STEEM rewards

By analyzing the inflation Rate of STEEM for the Next few years it seems That earning STEEM rewards will become increasingly difficult over time . the current inflation rate is around 6.80933968% which means that the supply of STEEM tokens will increase by that amount each year . as more tokens Are created the reward for individual users will become diluted making it harder to Earn a significant Amount of STEEM .

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According to the platform's economic model the inflation rate of STEEM is expected to gradually decrease Over the next few years. Specifically it is currently Decreasing by 0.42% every year until it reache 0.95%. after it reaches 0.95% there won't be any further reduction In inflation & it will remain stable at 0.95%.

Therefore it is important to start building up your STEEM Power (SP) as soon as possible if you want to earn a meaningful amount of reward in the future. By powering up your STEEM tokens Into SP You'll be able to Increase Your influence On the Platform and earn a greater share of the reward pool.

Building up your SP also has Other benefits Such as giving you More voting power on posts and comments and allowing you to participate in various community initiatives and governance decision .

I am inviting: @qasim78 @drbehram @roomi @chefdanie

You have made a very nice post on Steem inflation. I like how you carefully explained the possible impact of inflation on Steem. Your calculations too are correct. Your post in general have given me a great insight on Steem. Thank you for participating in this contest. You can check out my entry by clicking here

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad to hear that you found my post informative & insightful. It's always a pleasure to share my knowledge & expertise on topics like Steem inflation and I m glad that my calculations & explanations were clear and easy to Understand .

I appreciate your feedback and support and I'm grateful for the opportunity To participate in this contest. If you have any questions OR feedback feel free to let me know . Thanks again for Your kind words !

 last year 

Saludos amigo hamzayousafzai.

Has dado buenas definiciones, tus palabras son fáciles de comprender y imágenes complementan muy bien tus palabras.

Te deseo éxito amigo.

Thank you very much for your kind words! I'm glad To hear that My definitions were helpful and easy to understand and that the images added value to My content.

Your wishes of success mean a lot to me & I hope to continue creating content that is informative and useful . If you have any suggestions or feedback feel free to let me know.

Thanks again for taking the time to read & engage with my content . Have a great day!

 last year 

Well done, you explained everything is very good details. Inflation can affect all types of currencies including cryptocurrency. Yeah, in the future, earning rewards will be more difficult so it’s very advisable to build sp now so that you can have more influence in the platform in the future.
I wish you success.

Thank you for your comment ! I agree with your point regarding the importance of building Steem Power To maintain influence on the platform as the inflation Rate decreases over time . It's also Worth Noting that the steemit community plays A critical role in determining the direction Of the platform's development and discussions like these are an important part of that process. Best of luck to you as well!

 last year 

Yeah, this topic is very important to discuss because it will help in the continuous development of this platform. Also, to maintain influence on this platform you need to build up your steem power.

 last year 


Yo tampoco soy experta, pero hoy he hecho mi participación... aprendiendo poco a poco y paso a paso para ir es un tema que dominamos todos; pero por lo menos estoy haciendo el intento... el tuyo también puedo percibir eso y bueno lo importante es aprender y motivarse a que cada día podemos ir haciendo mejor.

Gracias por participar.

Hello! I appreciate your comment & I agree that learning is a process That takes time and effort. It's great that you're taking steps to understand the topic and improve Your knowledge . and yes the most important thing is to stay motivated and keep learning every day . Thanks for sharing your thought

Greetings mate...

Your input on the topic of discussion is indeed commendable as you have explained to us what the concept of inflation is all about, what causes inflation, and how it affects economies and the Crypto world.

You also did justice in explaining the difference between deflationary and inflationary cryptocurrencies, and mentioning that Steem is an inflationary Steem as it has an unlimited supply of tokens but also explained the mechanisms it took to mitigate the excessive supply of tokens such as club statuses and Token Burning.

You also did well to encourage users to grow Steem Power as it will benefit users in the foreseeable future. Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this topic with us. Cheers 🥂

Thank you for your kind words I'm glad that my explanation was helpful In understanding the concept of Inflation & its effects on the economy & the crypto world. It's important to Understand the differences Between inflationary & deflationary cryptocurrencies as well as the mechanisms in place to manage token supply.

I believe that growing Steem Power can be beneficial for users as it can provide increased voting power and potentially higher rewards. Additionally club statuses & token burning can help to Manage the supply Of tokens and Promote a healthier Ecosystem.

Thank you for engaging in this discussion and I appreciate your thoughtful feedback. Cheers to continued learning and growth in the crypto world

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