SEC S18-W3 || Psychology and Market Cycle

in SteemitCryptoAcademy9 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone I hope you all are well and enjoying your life. I took a break from Steemit for a few days because I had my IT exam. Investing in cryptocurrency can be rollercoaster ride with emotions like fear greed hope and euphoria driving our decisions. These feeling can cause big swings in the market making it crucial for investor to understand and manage their emotions. In this entry I will explain how these emotions show up during different market phases and share simple strategies to deal with them. By using stress management technique learning to read market data and setting clear investment rule we can make better decisions based on facts not feeling. Join me we explore how to keep our emotions in checked and achieve long term success in the worlds of cryptocurrency investing.

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Navigating the Emotional rollercoaster of Investing A Personal Journey Through market Phase

I have notice that our emotion can take us on rollercoaster ride through the up and downs of the markets. Here how I understand the psychological progresion and how each stage influences our behavior

1. Optimism

At this stage we start to see positive signs in the market. Maybe we have read good news about new technology or company and we believe there potential for growth.


  • Imagine a new cryptocurrency is launched with great technology and backing. I feel confident about investing because everything look Promising.

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  • I begin buying the asset steadily feeling hopeful and optimistic. I am excite but still cautious making rational decisions.

2. Excitement

As the market continues to rise and I start seeing positive returns my optimism turns into excitement. Everything seems to be going up and it feel like great time to invest more.


  • The cryptocurrency I invested in is increasing in value quickly. I tell my friends about it and we all feel like we are onto something big.


  • I start investing more money encouraged by the success. I still do my research but start feeling more confident and less cautious.

3. Euphoria

This is the peak of the Emotional cycle. Price are skyrocketing and it feel like the market will only go up. my confidence turn into over confidence.


  • The cryptocurrency value has tripled and everyone is talking about it. It seems like it can’t go wrong.


  • I might invest even more possibly borrowing money to buy more. I ignored the risk because I don’t want to miss out on potential gain.

4. Anxiety

After reaching a high the market starts to show some instability. Prices fluctuate more and my once confident outlook begin to waver.


  • The cryptocurrency price start to drop slightly. I am not too worried yet but I am paying more attention to the market.

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  • I hesitate to invest more and start feeling uneasy. I am still holding onto my investments hoping the market will recover soon.

5. Denial

Despite continuing market drops I don’t want to believe that the peak has passed. I find reasons to convince myself that everything will be fine.


  • The cryptocurrency is losing value steadily but I tell myself its just a temporary dip and will bounce back.


  • I hold onto my investments avoiding the reality of the situation. I am reluctant to sell because I don’t want to accept the loss.

6. Fear

The market continues to decline sharply. My losses are now significant and fear sets in. I worry about losing even more money.


  • The cryptocurrencys value has dropped significantly and news about the market instability makes me anxious.


  • I might start panic selling to cut my losses. This reaction is common among many investors leading to sharp declines in the market.

7. Despair

At this point I have face substantial losses and it feels like there no hope for recovery. I am over whelmed by sense of hopelessness.


  • The cryptocurrency is now Worth much less than what I paid for it. I regret my decisions and feel like I will never recover my loses.


  • I may sell off my remaining asset at loss just to stop the bleeding. Many investors exit the market entirely at this stage.

8. Hope

After a prolonged downturn I start to see small positive sign. Cautiously I begin to believe that a recovery might be possible.


  • The cryptocurrency shows signs of stabilizing and slowly gaining value. There some positive news in the market.


  • I cautiously start investing again but this time I am more conservative. I focus on recovering my losses and make more careful decisions.


By understanding these emotional stages I can better recognize my biases and adjust my investment strategies. This awareness helps me implement better risk management avoid impulsive decisions and aim for more stable long term success in the market.

Emotional Stages through Cryptocurrency Price Movements

To accurately identify which emotional stage of the market cycle recent movement in the price of cryptocurrency represents let consider a hypothetical chart showing a sharp rise followed by a peak and then rapid decline. Here a breakdown of how we can interpret this chart:

Chart Analysis:

  1. Sharp Rise:
    • The price climbs rapidly indicating strong buying activity.
    • Investors are likely feeling a mix of Optimism and Excitement.

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  1. Peak:
    • The price reaches high point.
    • This peak is typically associated with Euphoria.

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  1. Rapid Decline:
    • The price starts to drop quickly after the peak.
    • This marks the onset of Anxiety and potentially Denial as the decline continues.

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Emotional Stage Identification:

Based on this hypothetical chart the most likely emotional stage is Euphoria at the peak transitioning into Anxiety as the decline begins.

Justification and Behavioral Signs:

  1. Euphoria:

    • Behavioral Signs:
      • Investors feel invincible believing the market will continue to rise indefinitely.
      • There is lot of speculative buying often with borrowed money .
      • Media and social discussion are filled with success stories creating a widespread belief that now is the best time to invest.
      • Risk management practices are often ignore and investment decisions are driven by fear of missing out (FOMO).
  2. Anxiety:

    • Behavioral Signs:
      • After the peak small declines create unease among investors.
      • Some investors start questioning their decisions but are hesitant to sell hoping for a recovery.
      • The market sees increased volatility investors react to fluctuations unsure if the downturn is temporary or the start of a longer decline.
      • Early signs of panic selling may begin as some investor try to lock in profits or minimize losses.

The hypothetical chart likely represents the transition from Euphoria to Anxiety. During Euphoria investor behavior is characterized by overconfidence and speculative buying often ignoring risks. As the market peaks and starts to decline Anxiety sets in leading to increased volatility and uncertainty investors grapple with the possibility of market downturn. Recognizing these stages help investor understand markets psychology and adjust their strategies accordingly.

The Pitfalls of Believing "This Time It's Different": Insights from My Investment Journey**

"this time it's different." I have learned that this mindset can really mess with your investment decision and potential returs.

Ignoring History Lessons:

When we think "this time it's different " we tend to forget about what happened in the past. For example maybe certain cryptocurrency is booming and we think its going to keep going up forever. But history tells us that what goes up must come down eventually.

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Underestimating Risks:

Thinking "this time its different" can make us overlook the risks. We might invest lot of money without considering if the market is too risky or if there are warning signs we are ignoring. Its like thinking a storm won’t hit just because its been sunny for while.

Taking Too Much Risk:

Believing "this time it's different" might make us take bigger risk than we should. We might borrow money to invest more thinking we can not lose. But if thins go south we could end up in big trouble like betting the house on single rol of the dice.

Riding the Emotional Rollercoaster

When the market gets crazy believing "this time its different" can mess with our emotions. If things dos not go as planned we might panic and sell everything or we might cling to our investments even when it's clear they are sinking.

Missing Opportunities:

By thinking "this time its different " we might miss out on good opportunities. We could overlook solid investments because we are too focused on the hot new thing or we might not protect our money when we should because we think nothing bad will happen.

I have learned the hard way that believing "this time it's different" is big mistake in investing. It blind us to the lessons of history make us take too much risk meses with our emotions and can cause us to miss out on great opportunities. Instead its better to stay grounded learn from the past and make smart decision based on facts not wishful thinking.

Navigating FUD: Lessons from the STEEM Delisting Incident

In early 2020 STEEM faced significant challenge when Binance a major cryptocurrency exchanges announced the delisting of STEEM due to ongoing legal battle involving Steemit Inc. and group of witnesses on the Steem blockchain. This event triggered wave of FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) within the investor community.

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Binance announcement of the delisting of STEEM sparked widespread concern among investors. The ongoing legal dispute added to the uncertainty surrounding STEEM future leading to heightened FUD within the market.

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FUD Impact on Trading Behavior:

  1. Panic Selling:
    • Fearing potential losses due to delisting and legal uncertainties many investors engaged in panic selling resulting in sharp decline in STEEM price.
  2. Reduced Buying Interest:
    • The uncertain situation surrounding STEEM dampened the enthusiasm of new investors reducing buying pressure and exacerbating the downward trend.

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Price Impact:

The delisting announcement precipitated significant drop in the price of STEEM. While the exact impact of FUD is challenging to quantify the price decline Exceeded what could be attributed to normal market fluctuations.

Strategies to Avoid Emotion Driven Decisions:

  1. Do Your own Research :
    • Investor should conduct researches to understand the complexities of the situation rather than relying sole on headlines. Delving deeper into the legal battle and its potential implication would have Provide a clearer perspective for STEEM holder.
  2. Focus on Long Term Value:
    • Rather than succumbing to short term fear investor should focus on the long term potentials of STEEM and the Underlying technology of the Steem blockchain.
  3. Maintain Balanced Portfolio:
    • Diversifying holdings across different cryptocurrencies can mitigate the impact of negative events on a single asset like STEEM.
  4. Develop Trading Plan:
    • Establishing trading plan with predetermin entry and exit point help investor make rational decisions even in the face of high emotions.

By implementing these strategie STEEM investor can cultivate more objective Approach and avoid being swayed by FUD. In the Volatile world of cryptocurrency maintaining a well informed and level headed stance is essentials for navigating uncertainties and maximizing long term return

Understanding the "Buy Red and Sell Green" Strategy:

Logic Behind the Strategy:

  • Buy Low Sell High: This strategy is about buy asset when their price are low (red candles on charts) and Selling them when Price are high (green candles).
  • Opposite Thinking: Its like doing the Opposite of what most people are Doing. When others are Selling in fear during market drop you are buyng because you believe price will go up again.

Hypothetical Scenario:
Imagine the Cryptocurrency market sudenly drops because of bad new. Price of all cryptocurrencie fall sharply making everyone nervou.

Applying the Strategy:

  1. Buy Red:
    • You start buying cryptocurrencies during this drop because you see them as bargains. You believe they will go up again eventually.
    • You might pick certain cryptocurrencies you think have good potential and buy them at lower prices.

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  1. Sell Green:
    • As the market starts to recover and prices go up again (green candles) you start selling the cryptocurrencies you bought at lower prices.
    • You sell them off to make a profit when prices rise maybe when they reach their previous high or when you have made enough profit.

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  1. Emotional Rollercoaster:

    • Its tough to stick to the strategy when prices are dropping and everyone is panicking. You might doubt your decision to buy when price keep faling.
    • When prices start rising again you might feel greedy and want to hold onto your asset for even higher prices.
  2. Confirmation Bias:

  • You might only look for information that supports your decision to buy during drops and ignore anything that says otherwise.
  • During the recovery you might only focus on positive news that makes you feel good about holding onto your assets.
  1. Overcoming Fear:
    • Fear of losing more money during drop and fear of missing out on more gains during recoveries can mess with your head.
    • To stick to the strategy you need to think calmly about the risk and rewards and stick to your plan.

The "buy red and sell green" strategy can be profitable but its not easy. It requires staying calm during market drops being patient during recoveries and sticking to your plan even when emotions are high. With discipline and careful thinking you can make the most of market ups and downs.

i am inviting: @shohana1 @muhammad-ahmad @hooriarehman

 9 months ago 

It was very intersting to go through your write up. I could fairly connect with it. Here are my reflections on few points:

Investing in cryptocurrency can be rollercoaster ride with emotions like fear greed hope and euphoria driving our decisions.

You are right, investing in cryptocurrencies can indeed be very emotional. It’s true that these strong feelings, like fear and greed, can really influence our decisions. Understanding this rollercoaster can help us stay more grounded.

I hold onto my investments avoiding the reality of the situation. I am reluctant to sell because I don’t want to accept the loss.

I think you’re correct; many people don't want to sell at a loss because it’s hard to admit they made a bad decision. In my opinion, it's very human to hope the prices will go back up, but sometimes this can lead to bigger losses.

By understanding these emotional stages I can better recognize my biases and adjust my investment strategies.

You are absolutely right. In my opinion, knowing how our emotions affect our investing helps us make smarter choices. This understanding lets us change our strategies to avoid making decisions based on feelings alone.

The 'buy red and sell green' strategy can be profitable but its not easy. It requires staying calm during market drops being patient during recoveries and sticking to your plan even when emotions are high.

Alright, I think you’ve nailed it here. The "buy red and sell green" strategy sounds great in theory, but in practice, it’s tough. In my opinion, it demands a lot of discipline to stay calm and patient, especially when everyone else is panicking or getting excited.


wawo rhank you so much for such a detailed comment and feedback


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Amazing @hamzayousafzai .The way you represent your post is looking more attractive. It's interesting.
Stay blessed.

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 9 months ago 

It turns out that being a trader isn't easy... Hehe
Market psychology, we have to really study it and be aware of all the market cycles that are happening. Sometimes when we see a graph going up and up and up again, that's when our human soul struggles, giving rise to wanting more and more, even though it is the beginning of a bearish phase...
Good luck with the contest, brother.... 👍👍👍

Absolutely, trading is definitely a complex and challenging endeavor


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator09.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

Greetings friend,
You really nailed it with your insights on the market emotions and strategies. Your breakdown of these concepts is spot-on and super clear. Exploring more about these topics could give us an even deeper understanding. Keep up the great work.

 9 months ago 

Hello friend you've done so well and I feel appreciate such high quality content, among all the different psychological emotional trait use spoke about, fear and
despair is the most scariest of all this is because at this stage traders tends to get very confused because they don't know if they should pull out or hold on on the investment.

Thank you so much friend for sharing sword high quality article at your free time you can also check my through the link below

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