SEC S17-W6 || User Engagement and Retention on Steem

in SteemitCryptoAcademy2 months ago (edited)
Hello everyone I hope you all are good and enjoying your life

In today digital world grabbing and holding onto people attention is super important. So in this contest I will be sharing some cool ideas on how to do just that. I will talk about what works for me and how I keep people interested in what I do on Steem So lets start.

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Steem User Demographics: Insights from a Steemit User

As a dedicated Steemit user I have had the opportunity to explore the platform diverse user base and understand how demographics influence user engagement strategies.

1. Global and Country Rankings:

  • Steemits global rank of #17 186 in website traffic reflects its widespread popularity and reach among users worldwide.
  • In the United States where Steemit ranks at #13 564 in website traffic there's a significant user presence indicating the platform's appeal in this key market.

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2. Category Rank (News & Media Publishers in the United States):

  • Steemit's classification under News & Media Publishers in the U.S. with a rank of #788 underscores its role as a platform for content dissemination and interaction.

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3. Gender Distribution:

  • Among Steems most active users approximately 64.55% identify as male while 35.45% identify as female.
  • This gender distribution informs various aspects of user engagement strategies from content creation to community building efforts.

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How influences user engagement strategies

1. Tailored Content Creation:

  • As content creator on Steemit understanding the demographics of the user base allow me to tailor my content to resonate with the interest and preferences of my audience.
  • Whether its writing about technology finance or lifestyle topics aligning content with the preferences of the predominantly male user base enhances engagement and foster loyal following.

2. Community Building Efforts:

  • Demographic insights shape my approach to community building efforts guiding me in creating inclusive spaces that cater to the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of Steem users.
  • By actively engaging with users from different demographics and fostering meaningful interactions I contribute to a vibrant and active Steem community.

3. Targeted Outreach Initiatives:

  • Understanding the geographic distribution of Steems user base informs targeted outreach initiatives to regions with high potential for user growth.
  • Whether it's organizing local meetups or collaborating with influencers in key markets like the United States targeted outreach efforts drive platform growth and increase user engagement.


  • In conclusion the demographics of Steems most active users are integral to shaping user engagement strategies. By leveraging these insights I am able to create tailored experiences foster community engagement and contribute to the continued success and growth of the Steem platform.
Strategies That Drive Engagement on Steem Insights from a Steemit User

1. Creating Awesome Content:

  • It all starts with created content that people want to read watch or interact with. Think of it likes making really cool post about your favorite hobby or something you are passionated about.
  • For example if you love cooking you could share your favorites recipe with step by step instruction & mouthwatering photos. That the kind of content that grab peoples attention and keeps them coming back for more.

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2. Building a Community:

  • Steemit is all about connecting with others who share your interests. That why building a community around your content is super important. Its like having a group of friends who are all into the same stuff as you.
  • You can do this by commenting on other people posts joining groups or communities that focus on topics you are interested in and supporting fellow users by upvoting their content. Its all about being part of the conversation and making people feel welcome.

3. Making it Fun and Rewarding:

  • One of the coolested things about Steemit is that you can earn rewards for your contributions. Its like getting virtual highfive for sharing awesome stuff
  • By upvoting and engaging with other users content you re not only showing your appreciation but also helping them Earn reward. It a win win for everyone involved and keeps the Community buzzing with activity.

4. Getting the Word Out:

  • Steemit is a big place with lots of cool stuff going on but sometimes you need to reach out beyond the platform to get more People involved. That where sharing your content on social media or Telling your friends about Steemit can make big difference.
  • Imagine you just posted a really cool travel blog about your Recent trip. By sharing it on your Facebook or Twitter you are not only reaching your friends but also introducing them to steemit and encouraging them to check out your content.

5. Making Steemit Easy and Fun to Use:

  • Lastly Steemit is always evolving to make the platform easier and more fun to use. From simple things like improving the layout and design to introducing new features like Communities or Smart Media Token the goal is to keep users engaged and excited about being part of the Steemit Community.
  • Think of it like getting new update on your favorite app that make it even better than before. Its all about making your experience on Steemit as awesome as possible.

So there you have it These are some of the strategies that I have found to be super effective in driving engagement on Steemit. By creating awesome content building a supportive community making it fun and rewarding spreading the word and making Steemit easy and fun to use we can all help make Steemit a vibrant and thriving community for everyone.

Challenges Steem Faces in Maintaining and Growing Its User Base

As a committed Steemit user I have seen the platform strengths and challenges firsthand. when comparing Steemit to other blockchain-based social platforms like Hive several key challenges become apparent in maintaining and growing its user base.

Competition from Other Platforms

  • Steemits Rankings:
    • Global Rank: #17 186
    • Country Rank (United States): #13 564
    • Category Rank (News & Media Publishers in the United States): #788

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  • Hives Rankings:
    • Global Rank: #108 890
    • Country Rank (Colombia): #6 489
    • Category Rank (Finance > Finance - Other in Colombia): #240

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Despite Steemit higher global rank Hive has shown significant growth in specific region and categories. For instance Hive ranks notably well in colombia within the finance category indicating Strong regional engagement and focused niche audience. steemit on the other hand has broader global recognition but faces intense Competition in the more saturated U.S. market.

User Retention and Engagement

  • Total Visits to Steemit: 5 million
  • Bounce Rate: 78.21%
  • Pages per Visit: 1.60
  • Avg Visit Duration: 00:01:09

High bounce rates and low engagement metrics (pages per visit and average visit duration) suggest challenges in retaining user interest. These metric indicate that while users are visiting Steemit they are not staying long or exploring Much content. To improve retention Steemit need to enhance the quality and relevance of its Content and user experience.

Reward System and Economic Incentives

The fluctuating value of STEEM tokens affects user incentives. Users may feel less motivated to contribute if the token value drops. Ensuring that reward are fairly distributed and sustainably managed is crucial for long term user engagement.

User Experience and Accessibility

  • Complexity for New Users: Concepts like upvoting staking and Steem Power can be confusing for newcomers. simplifying the onboarding process and providing Clearer explanations can help retain new users.
  • User Interface Improvements: While Steemit has made strides in improving its UI there is alway room for further refinement to make the platform more intuitive and enjoyable.

Community and Governance

  • Decentralization vs. Centralization: Striking the right balance is challenging. Users want a voice in governance but decentralized decision making can be slow. Effective transparent governance structures are Essential to maintain user trust and engagement.
  • Conflict Resolution: Disputes within the community if not managed well can lead to fragmentation and loss of users. Implementing robust conflict resolutions mechanisms is vital.

Marketing and Outreach

  • Awareness and Adoption: Despite its unique features Steemit needs to enhance its visibility and attract new users. Effective marketing campaigns and partnership with influencers and other platforms can help increase awareness and adoption.
  • Partnerships and Integrations: Building strong partnerships and integrating with other platforms can help Steemit reach broader audience and enhance its appeal.

Regional Focus and Niche Markets

  • Comparative Insights: Hive strong performance in specific regions and categories like finance in Colombia suggests that focusing on regional markets and niche audiences can drive engagement. Steemit could benefit from similar strategie targeting specific regions or content niches to build more engaged user base.

While Steemit enjoys higher global rank and broad recognition it faces significant challenges in user retention economic incentives user experience community governance and marketing. By addressing these issues and learning from competitors like Hive Steemit can enhance its platform attract new users and retain its community. Collective efforts from the Steemit Community and continuous platform improvements are essential for Overcoming these challenges and ensuring long term success

Effectiveness of Reward Mechanisms and Economic Incentives on Steem

I have observed how reward mechanisms and economic incentives play a crucial role in encouraging long term engagement and retention among users.

1. Attracting New Users

Initial Attraction:

  • The promise of earning cryptocurrency for Creating and curating content is major draw for new Users. Unlike traditional social media platform Steem offers tangible reward for contributions which attract people looked to monetized their online Activity.


  • When I first joined Steemit the idea of earning STEEM token for my post was very appealing. It motivated me to dive in and start creating contant knowing there was financial incentive.

2. Sustaining Engagement

Content Creation:

  • Regular rewards for content creation encourage users to keep posting high quality content. The more valuable and engaging the content the more upvote and rewards user can earn.
  • Example: Users who consistently post well researched articles or creative pieces often see steady stream of upvotes and comment which can be financially reward and Personally Satisfying.

Curating Content:

  • Curators or those who upvote and comment on content also earn reward. This dual incentive structure encourage Active participation not just in creating content but also in engaging with other.
  • Example: I enjoy reading posts in areas of my interest and by upvoting and commenting I can earn share of the curation rewards. This keep me engage with the community.

3. Building a Loyal Community

Stake and Influence:

  • Holding Steem Power (SP) vested form of STEEM gives users more influence on the platform. The more SP user has the greater their voting power and reward. This incentivizes users to hold and accumulate SP fostering long term commitment. now i have more 6000 sp
  • Example: Over time I have realized that by converting my earnings to SP I gain more influence and can support new and quality content creators more effectively. This sense of influence and community support is Rewarding.

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4. Challenges and Limitations

Economic Fluctuations:

  • The value of STEEM tokens can be volatile. During periods of low token value users might feel les incentivized to participate as the financial rewards are less appealing.
  • Example: There were times When the value of STEEM dropped significantly and I notice a decline in overall user activity and enthusiasm.

Reward Distribution:

  • Ensuring fair distribution of rewards can be challenging. Sometimes high earning users with a lot of influence can overshadow smaller or newer users potentially discouraging them.
  • Example: I have seen new users struggle to gain visibility and rewards which can be demotivating if they feel their efforts are not recognized.

5. Evolution and Adaptation

Continuous Improvement:

  • Steemit has continuously evolved its reward mechanisms to addres issues and improve user experience. Initiatives like adjusting the reward curve and enhancing curation rewards help balance the System.
  • Example: Recent update to the platform have made it easier for quality content from newer users to get noticed which has helped improve overall user satisfaction and retention.

Integration of New Technologies:

  • Introducing new features like Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) and decentralized applications (dApps) on the Steem blockchain can create additional earning opportunities and engagement methods.
  • Example: The integration of dApps has opened up new ways for users to earn rewards such as through game and other interactive applications keeping the platform dynamic and engaging.

The reward mechanisms and economic incentives on Steem are highly effective in attracting and engaging users initially. They encourage ongoing participation through content creation and Curation while the accumulation of Steem Power fosters long term loyalty. However challenges like economic volatility and reward distribution need continuous addressing to maintain balanced and motivating environment. By evolving and adapting its reward structure Steem can enhance user Satisfaction and ensure long term engagement and Retention.

Enhancing User Engagement and Retention on Steem with New Technologies and Tools

I believe there are several new technologies and tools that Steem could integrate to boost user engagement and retention.

New Technologies and Tools

1. Smart Media Tokens (SMTs)

  • Description: SMTs are customizable tokens that can be launched on the Steem blockchain. They allow communities and creator to launch their own token incentivizing specific behavior and engagement within their niches.
  • Impact: By introducing SMT Steem can enable various communities to create tailore reward systems enhancing user participation and loyalty. For instance travel blog community could issue tokens for the best travel stories or photos encouraging more high quality contributions.

2. Decentralized Applications (d Apps)

  • Description: dApps built on the steem blockchain can offered diverse functionalitis such games social networks and marketplace.
  • Impact: Integrating more dApps can Provide users with additional ways to Engage with the platform. Gaming dApps for example can attract users who might not be interested in traditional blogging but are Passionated about blockchain Gaming.

3. Improved Mobile Experience

  • Description: Enhancing the mobile app to offer seamless and intuitive experience can significantly improve user engagement.
  • Impact: A robust mobile app can attract users who prefer engaging with content on the go. Features like push notification for new post comment and rewards can keep users actively involve.

4. Enhanced Analytics and Insights

  • Description: Providing creator with detaile analytic about there content performances and audiences Engagement.
  • Impact: With better insights creators can tailor their content to better meet the needs and preferences of their audience leading to higher engagement and retention.

Potential Improvements to Increase Active Participation

1. Simplified Onboarding Process

  • Description: Streamlining the onboarded process to make it easiered for new user to understanding and started using the plat form.
  • Impact: A more user-friendly onboarding proces can help new users quickly get up to speed reducing the initial drop off rate. Step by step tutorials welcome guides and interactive walkthroughs can make the proces less intimidating.

2. Enhanced Community Support and Mentorship Programs

  • Description: Establishing mentorship program where experienced users guide newcomers.
  • Impact: Mentorship can help new users feel welcomed and supported encouraging them to stay active. Experienced users can provide tips feedback and encouragement fostering a sense of community.

3. Improved Reward Distribution Mechanisms

  • Description: Ensuring fairer and more transparent reward distribution to support new and quality content creator.
  • Impact: Adjusting the reward curve to give more visibility and rewards to new and less popular user can motivate them to stay Active and contribute more. Fair distribution of reward can prevent the feel of dis couragement among new user.

4. Gamification of User Experience

  • Description: Introducing gamification elements such as badges level and achievements.
  • Impact: Gamification can makes the user experience more engaging and fun. Achievements for milestones (e.g. first post first 100 upvotes) can Motivate user to participate more Actively.

5. Regular Community Events and Contests

  • Description: Organizing regular events and contests with attractive rewards.
  • Impact: Community events and contests can drive engagement by Encouraging users to created and share content around specific themes. The competitive element can also spur higher activited level.

6. Strengthening Social Features

  • Description: Enhancing social features such as direct messaging group chats and collaboration tool.
  • Impact: Stronger social features can foster better connections among users making the platform more interactive and engaging. Building sense of community can lead to higher retention rate.

Integrating new technology like Smart Media Tokens decentralize application enhanced mobile experiences and advanced analytics can Significantly boost user engagement and retention on steem. additionally improved the onboarding process provided community support ensuring fair rewards distribution gamifying the user experience organizing community event and enhancing social features can increased active participation especially from new or inactive users. By adopting these strategies Steem can continue to grow and thrive as leading blockchain based social platform

i am inviting: @firyfaiz @shohana1 @dave-hanny


Perfect! I can see you have covered pretty much every aspect of the contest or beyond that. My emphasis is on how to increase the user database by making things easier at the gate and if we can change the posting process i.e. the website's posting editor that consumes less time in markdown etc, the quality of posts will improve. You have used information through data effectively. I wish you success in this contest!

Thank you so much for your feedback


Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by @kouba01 at 5%.

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Hello @hamzayousafzai
Greetings to you from my side. I appreciate your work to take part in this challenge. Thanks for sharing these stats of steemit with us. I didn't know this before I learned a new thing from you how to check the web stats and their ranks globally. As compared to Hive steemit is a great platform. Also, Hive did not provide the same support to everyone. Mostly I see the Pakistani community has little support on Hive but steemit does the same. Many successes to you brother. Best of luck.

Thank you for your kind words and thoughtful response. I am glad to hear that you found the information useful and learned something new about checking web stats and global rankings.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

It's obvious you understand steemit very well and I am very happy for you, keep it up and I wish you success Sir.

Thank you and i wish you success also

Dear hamzayousafzai ,

You have simply expressed your views on every point regarding Steemit. Here we can share our thoughts about our skills by writing a diary and uploading our photos which the users would like to see and read. Steemit Engagement Challenge is an energy boosting competition. As users win this challenge one after another, they wait for the challenge every week and then participate in the engagement channel with new energy.

But I must say one thing that everything is transparent on this platform. That's why people read each other's thoughts and then express their thoughts in the same way.
Good Luck .

@aviral123 I appreciate your insights on the Steemit platform. You are absolutely right Steemit provides fantastic opportunity for users to share their skills thoughts and experiences through diaries and photos.

Thanks for understanding my thoughts. Good luck for the challenge

Hello sir , very firstly a very good evening to you . Steemit is a platform that jas achieved a lot already . The data and estimates tell that the initial stage growth of steemit has worked well but still the problem lies because it could have done even more well . There are lot of things that need to be improved on this platform while the rest needs to be appreciated. I must say tha you have written your post very beautifully. The explanation and depth explains it all . You are right about the rewards that we get . Even to me in the very beginning the community supports and curations helped me to stay motivated as there was some financial support on this platform.

Thanks a lot for sharing all your knowledge with us , we are grateful.
Blessings to you 🙏 .

hank you for your thoughtful comment. I appreciate your recognition of the effort put into the post and your kind words about the writing.

Welcome dear :)

Greetings friend,
Your post is really informative and covers a lot of all the important stuff about Steem. It's like a big picture of what's happening on the platform. I'm impressed by how you're taking the initiative and actively working on getting people involved and building a strong community. It's really inspiring to see you leading the way. I'm excited to see how your ideas will be put into action and how they'll make Steem grow even more. Keep up the fantastic work.

Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I'm glad you found the post informative and comprehensive.

When we increase the quality of our content it will attract readers to our blog which will increase engadine among steeminans and also building a positive community that brings oneness among all steeminans will be a good idead in increasing the engagement of this platform.

Unlike before when they was nothing like the steemit engagement challenge users find it to comment on other users blog because they solely depend on upvote on their blog which is veey bad.
But since the existence of the steemit engagement challenge steemit platform have become a more fun environment for everyone to be.

When we engage with fellow steemians we creat new friends everyday which is good in promoting the platform, although due to lack of guidelines from more experience steeminans steeminans tend to abandon the platform due to one reason or the other.

The reward that we get in this platform have really contributed to our growth in life because it has helped us to settle our financial situation.
Your overall presentation on this topic is really wonderful and i must confess that you hit all the points in the contest topic kudo 👏 my brother.

Do have a lovely day and many blessings 🙌

Thank you so much for your feedback 😊☺️

You're welcome my good friend stay happy 😊

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