Steemit Crypto Academy Contest Season 11 Week 04 - Cryptographic News And Events


Can news affect cryptocurrency prices?

the notion of cryptocurrency remains relatively new in the global landscape. Prior to the emergence of contemporary currencies similar as the dollar, pound, and rupee, societies relied on precious metals like gold and silver, fashioned into coins, to facilitate trade. These metals possessed essential value, endowing them with the functionality of currency. However, a vital shift occurred in the 1800s with the advent of paper money, championed by government endorsement.

Fast forward to 2009, when Bitcoin burst onto the scene, representing an unknown form of digital currency devoid of ties to any governmental or banking institution. As the initial decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin ushered in a new era. Though its inception transpired a bare 15 years ago, the current landscape is awash with a multitude of crypto coins introduced to the market. The global community is actively embarking on the journey of assimilating these new fiscal instruments.

The surge in demand for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies is inarguable, signifying a remarkable shift in the fiscal paradigm. This burgeoning interest has the implicit to review traditional fiscal structures. It's conceivable that in the foreseeable future, cryptocurrencies could outdo their conventional counterparts. The prospect of such a transformation resonates with the evolving dynamics of the fiscal realm, shaped by the grim march of technological progress.

In closing, the evolution of currency has been a narrative punctuated by significant junctures. From the use of precious metals to the rise of paper money and now the ascent of cryptocurrencies, each phase has engendered shifts in how society perceives and interacts with value exchange. While the replacement of traditional currencies by cryptocurrencies is academic , the momentum behind this movement is inarguable. The fiscal landscape is poised on the cusp of transformation, as blockchain and cryptocurrencies pave the way for a reimagined profitable future.

Which has a greater impact on the price of a crypto asset: technical or fundamental analysis?

Allow me to elucidate the distinction between specialized and abecedarian analysis, for without a grasp of this dichotomy, one's ability to ascertain the predominant influence on the valuation of a cryptocurrency asset remains fugitive.

To commence, let us delve into the realm of specialized analysis. This logical approach delves into literal price movements within the crypto domain, deciphering trends and patterns that have materialized over time. colorful facets, including support and resistance levels, trends, volume dynamics, and indicators similar as the RSI, undergo scrupulous scrutiny. Through this process, one endeavors to anticipate implicit unborn price fluctuations. Specialized analysis rests on the premise that once price behaviors hold insights that can guide forecasts of unborn market trends.

Conversely, abecedarian analysis adopts a divergent perspective. This methodology scrutinizes the core essence and foundations of the underlying cryptocurrency asset. Parameters under scrutiny encompass the asset's technological prowess, the degree of adoption it has garnered, the extent of support from its developer community, and the roadmap it has charted. By synthesizing these elements, analysts strive to unveil the natural worth of the cryptocurrency. Abecedarian analysis postulates that the ingrain value of an asset can be deduced from its palpable attributes and overarching purpose within the market ecosystem.

In the mosaic of the crypto landscape, the dichotomy between specialized and abecedarian analysis is vital. While specialized analysis hinges on charting patterns and extrapolating trends from literal data, abecedarian analysis delves into the substantial attributes of the asset in question. Their convergence or divergence can paint a comprehensive picture of the crypto asset's implicit trajectory.

As the crypto domain evolves, the significance of both methodologies persists. Specialized analysis, rooted in literal patterns, captures the behavioral nuances of traders and investors. Abecedarian analysis, again, underscores the importance of underlying attributes in determining an asset's long- term viability. The efficacy of each method can vary depending on market sentiment, prevailing trends, and the broader profitable context.

Comprehending the interplay between specialized and abecedarian analysis is necessary for gauging the forces that sway cryptocurrency prices. Both methodologies offer unique insights, and their symbiotic relationship contributes to the multifaceted evaluation of crypto assets. Whether one holds sway over the other is contingent upon the context, making their harmonious synthesis a important tool for investors seeking to navigate the dynamic realm of cryptocurrencies.

Do events such as massive coin sales, coin burning, and the creation of new tools for a blockchain affect the price of cryptocurrencies? If so, can you provide examples and explain how?

Certainly, let's explore each of these concepts

Massive Coin Sales Massive coin sales refer to the substantial offering or selling of a cryptocurrency in the market. This can happen for colorful reasons, similar as a new cryptocurrency project needing to raise funds for development, an established project looking to fund expansion, or even a large holder( whale) liquidating a significant portion of their holdings. Such sales can impacted the supply and demand dynamics of the cryptocurrency potentially leasing to fluctuations in its market value. Depending on the scales of the scales and the market sentiment it can influence the overall market sentiment and investor confidence.

Coin Burning Coin burning, also known as token burning, is a deliberate and endless removal of a certain number of cryptocurrency tokens or coins from circulation. This is typically done by sending these commemoratives to an address from which they can not be retrieved. The primary goal of coin burning is to reduce the total supply of the cryptocurrency in rotation. By reducing supply, the intention is to potentially create scarcity, which can affect the supply- demand balance and potentially impact the value of the remaining tokens. Coin burning is often employed to enhance the scarcity and value proposition of a cryptocurrency.

New Blockchain Tools New blockchain tools refer to technological innovations, software, protocols, or applications built on top of existing blockchain platforms. Blockchain technology has proven protean beyond its original application in cryptocurrencies. colorful projects and developers have created tools that leverage the underlying blockchain infrastructure for purposes similar as decentralized applications( DApps), smart contracts, supply chain tracking, identity verification, and more. These tools can enhance the capabilities of blockchain network's makings them more adaptable to different industries and use cases. New blockchain tools contribute to the evolution of the blockchain ecosystem and can play a vital role in driving adoption and innovation.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology's these concept's exemplify the different mechanism that shape the dynamics of this space. From market operations and profitable considerations to specialized advancements, they collectively underscore the multifaceted nature of the blockchain and cryptocurrency realm.

Can you research a news event that had an impact on the cryptocurrency market?

Addressing this inquiry, I wish to illustrate with an instance featuring the firm MicroStrategy, a publicly listed technology reality. In the month of August in the year 2020, the company made headlines by revealing its strategic decision to channel its cash reserves into Bitcoin, propelled by a waning faith in the stability of the US Dollar.

Following this momentous proclamation, a protracted bullish trajectory enveloped the price of Bitcoin. This upswing was markedly attributed to the bent stance taken by a well- established tech enterprise, which had ventured into cryptocurrency investment on an expansive scale. The vital implication of this move lay in the validation it conferred upon the natural worth of Bitcoin, underscoring its merit as a reliable asset with enduring value.

In the tapestry of cryptocurrency narratives, the MicroStrategy case stands as an exemplar of how influential market actors can instigate substantial shifts. This move transcended bare transactional decisions, serving as a beacon that illuminated the robustness and implicit longevity of Bitcoin. The newfound consideration of Bitcoin as a store of value further ignited broader interest in the cryptocurrency, fanning the flames of market enthusiasm.

The epochal shift witnessed in the wake of MicroStrategy's strategic pivot underscores the dynamic interplay between established entities and imperative technological paradigms. It reiterates that cryptocurrency's status has transcended the realm of speculation, firmly establishing itself as a veritable asset class in the eyes of discerning market participants. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, similar instances serve as milestones, contributing to the gradational maturation and integration of these new fiscal instruments within the broader global economy.

Is it possible for the cryptocurrency market to be manipulated? What is your understanding of this topic?

indeed, the cryptocurrency market possesses susceptibility to manipulation to a certain extent. The absence of definitive nonsupervisory oversight within this realm renders it susceptible to exploitation by unconscionable actors who harbor ulterior motives.

A conspicuous reason for this vulnerability lies in the absence of robust authorities mandated to monitor and govern the intricacies of the cryptocurrency market. This nonsupervisory void creates an environment ripe for misuse, allowing certain individuals to leverage it for particular gain without the checks and balances established fiscal markets afford.

A high illustration of this phenomenon can be found in the conduct of significant cryptocurrency investors, colloquially referred to as' whales'. These individuals command substantial volumes of cryptocurrency and can wield significant influence over market sentiment. When these whales decide to offload their substantial holdings in rapid-fire succession, the attendant ripple effect is palpable. This wave of selling prompts other market participants to react, often precipitating a cascade of panic- driven sell- offs, consequently precipitating a downturn in prices. This manipulative strategy capitalizes on the cerebral disposition of investors to emulate the actions of influential market players.

Additionally, the digital landscape has given rise to websites that disseminate information, some of which may be deceiving or outright false. These platforms can wield remarkable power in shaping short- term market dynamics. By propagating fabricated narratives, they sway investor sentiment, inciting archconservative trading behavior. This fake market movement can have palpable consequences, prompting unwary investors to make hasty decisions based on misleading data.

Furthermore, disinformation campaigns, often propelled by vicious actors, exploit the knowledge gap current among new entrants to the cryptocurrency arena. False narratives and myths are eternalized, misleading newcomers and diverting them from informed investment decisions. These misrepresentations perpetuate confusion and doubt, leading unknowing investors astray and causing them overdue fiscal hardship.

In the broader context, the manipulability of the cryptocurrency market underscores the necessity for comprehensive nonsupervisory mechanisms. The absence of a unified authority and standardized oversight mechanisms is a double- whetted sword, fostering innovation while simultaneously exposing the market to manipulation and exploitation. As the cryptocurrency realm evolves, it's imperative that robust nonsupervisory frameworks emerge to curb unrighteous activities and foster an environment conducive to fair and informed trading practices. Only through combined efforts can the cryptocurrency market evolve into a space marked by transparency, integrity, and indifferent opportunity.


@kunwal @abdullahw2 @isha46 @ashkhan @drhira



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Your post delves into the evolution of currency, the impact of news on cryptocurrency prices, and the nuanced difference between technical and fundamental analysis. The comparison between massive coin sales, coin burning, and new blockchain tools is insightful, backed by practical examples. The case of MicroStrategy's investment showcases the influence of market actors on cryptocurrencies. Your understanding of market manipulation highlights the vulnerability of the crypto space and the importance of regulatory measures for a fair and transparent market. A well-structured and comprehensive analysis! 📊🔍📰

Thank you for your thoughtful comment! I appreciate your recognition of the various aspects covered in the post, including currency evolution, news impact, analysis techniques, and market dynamics. Your feedback is valuable!


Your detailed comment provides a comprehensive analysis of the submitted article. You address the evolution of currency, the impact of news on cryptocurrency prices, the difference between technical and fundamental analysis, as well as the vulnerabilities of the market to manipulation. You also mention the MicroStrategy case as an example of market influence. Your understanding of these concepts is evident, making your comment insightful and informative.

Thank you for your comment! Your insightful analysis covers a wide range of topics related to the article, showing a deep understanding of currency evolution, news effects, analysis methods, and market vulnerabilities. Well done!

you have successfully interpreted all the questions according to requirement and I agree with you that fundamental in analysis and technical analysis both are important when an investor wants to invest so it depends upon his goals that he wants short term investment or long term investment so there should be a proper research before any investment by investor

Currency can be manipulated and in different ways Crypto currency can be manipulated overall you explain very well so I wish you good luck

Thank you for your positive feedback! I'm glad you found my interpretation helpful. Indeed, the choice between fundamental and technical analysis depends on an investor's goals. Proper research is crucial before any investment. Manipulation is a concern, especially with cryptocurrency. I appreciate your well wishes!

Hola Faridi 😊

Creo que en todos los mercados nos vemos afectados por las ballenas o esas personas que tienen mas, a veces me cuesta creer como manejan un mercado tan grande solo con un movimiento o una noticia divulgada.

Esperemos que dentro del mundo crypto se tomen las medidas para que esto no siga ocurriendo.


Totalmente de acuerdo. Las acciones de las "ballenas" pueden impactar enormemente los mercados. Esperemos que haya regulaciones más sólidas en el mundo de las criptomonedas. Saludos.

Greetings brother 😀
I'm very happy to read your publication because you have explained very well about that topic and made that topic easily understandable for us. You have shared a detailed and comprehensive entry with us about the cryptographic news and events.
Stay blessed 😇

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled that you found the publication informative and well-explained. Stay blessed too! 😇

You are always welcome brother 😊

Hemos comprendido como el mercado es manipulable con noticias y algunas estrategias que se utilizan para mantener el precio de los activos como la inversión y la quema de monedas y como han influido las noticias en el movimiento del mercado, saludos.

¡Es fascinante cómo las noticias y estrategias influyen en el mercado! Su análisis sobre inversión, quema de monedas y noticias es interesante. ¡Saludos!


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags. Curated by: @chant

Thanks you @chant 🙏

Assalamualaikum! News can indeed influence cryptocurrency prices. Various factors like market sentiment, adoption, and technological advancements play roles in shaping cryptocurrency values. Both technical and fundamental analysis impact prices, as each provides unique insights into market trends and asset attributes. Events like coin sales, burning, and new tools can affect prices by altering supply-demand dynamics. For example, MicroStrategy's Bitcoin investment positively impacted Bitcoin's value, illustrating how market actors can drive change. The cryptocurrency market can be manipulated due to its lack of oversight, with whales, misinformation, and disinformation campaigns affecting prices. It's important to establish mechanisms for fair trading practices and transparency.

Cuando las noticias causan una tendencia alcista se produce una demanda excesiva y por el contrario cuando causan miedo produce venta masiva. En ambos casos los precios son afectados dependiendo del volumen de las transacciones.

Si las noticias son capaces de generar esos efectos, entonces esa noticia causa un desplazamiento de los precios. La decisión de invertir sin conocer el trasfondo e intención de la noticia, es decir con un análisis fundamental y técnico, seguramente no se tomará la mejor decisión y seguramente se pagarán los riesgos.

Gracias por compartir y te deseo mucha suerte.

Saludos y bendiciones.

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BTC 67773.53
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