Steemit Crypto Academy Contest - S6W1 | The Blockchain RevolutionsteemCreated with Sketch.

Yellow Colorful Blocks Blogger Bio-Link Website (13).jpg

Images sourced from personal photos linked to photos sourced from editing with canva

Penulisan dua bahasa bertujuan memudahkan pembaca dari Indonesia dan luar negeri untuk memahami tulisan yang saya bagikan, ini disebabkan keterbatasan saya dalam hal penggunaan bahasa dan ejaan inggris yang berada di bawah rata-rata pengguna.

Bilingual writing aims to make it easier for readers from Indonesia and abroad to understand the writing that I share, this is due to my limitations in terms of the use of English language and spelling which is below the average user

Perkembangan teknologi dewasa ini telah mengalami beberapa kemajuan yang pesat, awalnya teknologi menjadi cara alternatif bagi kebutuhan dan juga cara efisien dalam melakukan berbagai aktivitas. Seiring laju perkembangan, lahirlah sebuah langkah besar yang membuat revolusi teknologi di bidang ekonomi. Beberapa pemikiran akhirnya melahirkan mata uang vitual, yaitu mata uang yang non fisik yang sering di sebut dengan cryptocurrency.

The development of technology today has experienced some rapid progress, initially, technology became an alternative way for needs and also an efficient way to carry out various activities. Along with the pace of development, a major step was born that made a technological revolution in the economic field. Some thoughts eventually gave birth to virtual currency, which is a non-physical currency that is often referred to as cryptocurrency.

Mata uang crypto yang beredar saat ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan pemanfaatan sebuah teknologi yang disebut dengan blockchain. Teknologi blockchain dinilai memberikan dampak yang bagus terhadap sistem keamanan mata uang crypto karena blockchain sendiri memiliki tingkat keamanan yang baik, Blockchain juga memiliki beberapa prinsip dasar kerja yang baik, seperti menggunakan Folder data, Transaksi data, dan juga Validasi data. Namun juga mempunyai dampak negatif, salah satunya dampak negatifnya ialah digunakan sebagai kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan kriminal serta kebanyakan diluar dari pantauan atau aturan dari sebuah pemerintahan di suatu negara.

The cryptocurrency in circulation today is developed using the use of a technology called a blockchain. Blockchain technology is considered to have a good impact on the security system of cryptocurrency because the blockchain itself has a good level of security, Blockchain also has some good basic working principles, such as using data folders, data transactions, and also Data Validation. But it also has a negative impact, one of which is used as a negative impact of criminal-related activities and mostly outside the supervision or rules of a government in a country.

Dalam aktivitasnya Cryptocurrency umumnya dijalankan dengan menggunakan jaringan internet serta membutuhkan daya listrik yang besar, selain itu cryptocurrency menggunakan beberapa sandi dan kunci untuk menjalankan transaksinya. Itu disebabkan transaksi dan aktivitas pertukaran mata uang digital tersebut sepenuhnya dipegang oleh pengguna mata uang kripto itu sendiri, terutama melalui internet.

In its activities, Cryptocurrency is generally carried out using the internet network and requires large electrical power, besides that cryptocurrency uses several passwords and keys to carry out its transactions. This is because the transactions and activities of the digital currency exchange are fully held by the cryptocurrency users themselves, especially through the internet.

Awalnya salah satu tujuan utama dari teknologi blockchain ialah mengurangi biaya transaksi, selain itu juga karena memiliki sistem terdesentralisasi yang dapat mengurangi resiko keamanan yang bisa saja terjadi. Hingga akhirnya teknologi blockchain menjadi sebuah nilai investasi dengan berbagai mata uang Crypto lainnya, investasi baru yang dinilai mempunyai tingkat keamanan yang cukup baik.

Initially one of the main goals of blockchain technology is to reduce transaction costs, but also because it has a decentralized system that can reduce security risks that can occur. Until finally blockchain technology becomes an investment value with various other Cryptocurrencies, new investments that are considered to have a fairly good level of security.

Yellow Colorful Blocks Blogger Bio-Link Website (14).jpg

Images sourced from personal photos linked to photos sourced from editing with canva

Pada umumnya blockchain membutuhkan koneksi internet untuk terhubung ke jaringan, jika blockchain tersebut digunakan dalam bentuk publik. Namun blockchain juga dimungkinkan untuk dapat digunakan tanpa menggunakan jaringan internet, artinya blockchain yang bersifat pribadi.

In general, blockchains require an internet connection to connect to the network, if the blockchain is used in a public forum. But blockchain is also possible to be used without using the internet network, meaning that blockchain is private.

Ada beberapa cara blockchain menghasilkan cryptocurrency, sebut saja Proof of work, Proof Brain dan Proof of Stake. Sistem inilah yang menghasilkan cryptocurrency yang di peroleh dan ditambang, istilah lain dari proses pembuatan koin baru dan juga validasi untuk transaksi cryptocurrency. Seingat saya tidak semua semua cryptocurrency berdasarkan blockchain, namun saya tidak tahu pasti metode kerja yang lain.

There are several ways blockchains generate cryptocurrency, call it Proof of work, Proof of Brain, and Proof of Stake. This system is what produces the cryptocurrency obtained and mined, another term for the process of creating new coins and also validation for cryptocurrency transactions. As I recall not all cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain, but I do not know for sure what other methods work.

Terakhir, teknologi Blockchain memiliki tantangan dalam menerapkan-nya, beberapa di antarnya adalah Adanya volatilitas harga yang luar biasa, terkadang berubah dengan sangat cepat. hal lainya adalah dapat digunakan sebagai aktivitas kriminal seperti pencucian uang, dan hal tersebut menjadi sesuatu hal yang buruk. kemudian Adanya resiko dari segi regulasi, yang dapat mempersulit perkembangan dan kemajuan mata uang kripto di masa yang akan datang.

Finally, Blockchain technology has challenges in implementing it, some of which are the existence of tremendous price volatility, sometimes changing very quickly. another thing is that it can be used as a criminal activity such as money laundering, and it becomes a bad thing. then there are risks in terms of regulation, which can complicate the development and progress of cryptocurrencies in the future.

I invite @heriadi, @alee75, @radjasalman, @abialfatih, @sailawana and @f2i5 to participate.

Saya mengundang @alee75, @radjasalman, @abialfatih, @sailawana, dan @f2i5 untuk berpartisipasi.

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Block chain telah merevolusi hidup kita, namun harus hati hati dengan crypto... Sukses untuk bang irfan

Terima kasih atas nasehat-nya Pak.

Haha... Nyan ka mubalek nasehat....

You have done so well about the revolution of the blockchain contest. You have also talked about the cryptocurrency and what it entails too. This is a great article from you. A job well done.

I have tried, although the topic has always been far from revolutionary. thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.

 2 years ago 

I love your presentation and markdown styles, you are really an interesting blogger. You have shared some impactful points with us in this entry.
The use cases for blockchain technology vary from banking to voting, but in general it can be used as an immutable database of transactions or other data that could not be changed or destroyed by any single entity.

Thanks for sharing friend, and goodluck in this contest. #steem-on.

I will appreciate if you equally engage on Mine

I don't really know the subject of posts like this, but there's at least a little I know. Thank you for explaining something, this is very useful for me.

The presentation style and markdown sometimes make me look not stiff, seem smartass or too serious. So far I'm enjoying it, the stilted publication scares people away from reading it, haa...haa...

Thank you friend, have a nice day.

A very well explained post. You have done a very beautiful post dear brother.

The implementation of the blockchain technology in the financial system is really beneficial for the growth and development of the field. There are lot of impressive features that can contribute to the growth of economy.

It can be used for criminal activity like money laundering, and that becomes a bad thing. then there are risks from a regulatory perspective, which may complicate the development and advancement of cryptocurrencies in the future.

Yes, I agree with your this point. Although, the Blockchain technology and the Cryptocurrencies bought many impressive innovations in the financial realm but its side effects can never be ignored. Many ill minded people use this opportunity for your illegal activities.

Thanks a lot for sharing your precious post with us and I wish you a very good luck for the contest. 🤞

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