Centralized and Decentralized Social Media Comparison in the context decentralized Steemit || Steemcryptoacademy Season 2 | Week 5 Home work of crypto professor @yousafharoonkhan


First of all I would like to thank Mr @yousafharoonkhan , the crypt to professor from Pakistan for this nice lecture where I have learnt a lot of new things about centralised and decentralized social media, advantages of decentralized media over centralised social media, future of decentralized social media and many more things. Unfortunately I have missed out couple of previous lecture of him due to less activity on blockchain in this holy month of Ramadan. I know @yousafharoonkhan from very beginning of my block chain journey. I love his versatile posts and especially I have come to know about him when he was very active in the @tasteem. It's a great opportunity for us to learn something from such a experienced person as a crypto professor. So, I am sharing my homework from this lecture step by step.


Source: https://pixabay.com/vectors/social-media-connections-networking-3846597/

Centralized Vs Decentralized Social Media

Millions of dollar of worth we can see in the social media. Facebook Instagram Twitter are in the front runner. But all of those are centralised. Centralised social media is is a social media where it is owned by a person or a group of person. They have authority over all its user. They can anytime ban any user without any notice even. Centralised media is a term which is basically based on the ownership of centralisation of that media or we can say the authority of the media is owned by centre or a group of people.

But decentralized media is a very new concept and getting popularity day by day and most of the people are adopting the technology rapidly. The main concept of decentralized social media is there is no ownership of that media and there is no Central control. All of its user are basically the owner or influencer of that media. Anyone can not ban any person any time without any reason as it is owned by or controlled by all. A system has been developed and on this system this media runs very smoothly without violating any rules and without diminishing any rights of its users. For making the media transparent and acceptable to all basically blockchain technology are used here so that anyone can have trust of its decentralisation. The post I am sharing that is steem it is one of the best decentralized social media and blogging platform based on steem blockchain.

Future of Social Media

Personally I am engaged with decentralized social media for last couple of years only. In this time I have learnt many things about the centralised and decentralized social media. Within just two years I have been left centralised media that is Facebook about 99%. I am only using and focusing on decentralized social media that is steemit. There are a number of reasons behind it. If I just mention briefly some (10) of the benefits of decentralized social media then you can easily understand why I left centralised media.

  • Freedom of speech (No central rules violation and ban problem).
  • I am part of management.
  • Blockchain based. So, trusted and secured.
  • Every second spending is worthy in money value.
  • More engagement as all are benefitted with money.
  • Great way to learn on specified niche topic from communities.
  • Smart way to mix with any foriegn culture and friends.
  • Data is stored forever. No chance of data loss.
  • A few possibility or impossible to hack as data is not.
  • Earned digital curreny which can be used almost any part of the World.



From my instance you can easily understand what is the future of decentralized media. I have left centralised one when I come to know about this decentralized steemit. I have shared this media to couple of my friends and all of those has shown great interest on it and most of them left Facebook. This is because of the features I have mentioned above.

Centralised media is still popular but most of the uses of centralised media don't know about steemit and its features. I am 100% sure that if those uses of centralised media come to know about decentralised social media like steemit, most of those will left centralised social media like Facebook Twitter Instagram. That is the beauty of decentralized media and its feature will obviously attract any of the users. But problem is most of the people don't know about it. So in summary, i can easily say that the future is of the decentralised media because more and more people will come to know about it and we'll join here. It's just only matter of time. Decentralised social media will be used for many of the purposes like travelling food architecture beauty eco friendly and other specialist and niche categories activities.

How steemit better than twitter and Facebook

Previous part I have just answered couple of topics of the betterment of steemit over Facebook, twitter. With those 10 points I want to add a couple of more points here.

In Facebook, all of its users are spending their time and data for making Facebook in a better position. Facebook is a billion dollar asset right now for because of its user who are contributing daily from the several parts of the world. But in return they are not getting a single penny from the owner of Facebook. They have some specialist program and for achieving those program and earning from Facebook the pages and users must fulfill some requirements which is so tough for a common user. Sometimes we can see the centralised owners of social media are selling the data of the public users to several corporate world. It is not fair when you are earning millions of dollars and not giving a single penny to its marginal uses although all the billion of dollars are basically the contribution of those marginal users.
In this point decentralized media is very popular because they are are focusing on marginal users. Each and every likes comments share post are being rewarded. That's why I have mentioned each and every second you are spending here are rewarded. So all of its users are contributing for making the platform better and in return they are getting their benefit from the part of their contribution level. Someone's like is worth of $10 and someone's like is worth of 1 cent. But still all of the users are earning by spending their time for communicating with others. That's the beauty and for this reason I think steemit is much much more better than Facebook.

How steemit changes lives of millions

The impact of steem in the lives of millions is huge. If I just share myself you will understand how it is changing lives of millions. First of all I have to get out of the normal or traditional social media and wasting of time in vain by scrolling down. Where I spending time in steemit, I can have better engagement and proper way of learning and with the same time I can have some money. This is obviously good and useful part time income. With the addition of this money with my normal income level I can deliver much more love to my surrounding people. I would like to spend a certain percentage of my total income for the poor people. Sometimes I am helping them to buy clothes and sometimes I have them to arrange water for them self, sometimes I am arranging them food and in many ways I am just helping those from my this income level. On the other hand sometimes I am buying some gift for my family members and in that way love and happiness are being shared. Most importantly the waste of time has gone to the dogs. Every seconds is valuable and I can help others to join hair so that they can also change their life in that way. That is really important and I think in that steemit is impacting a lot in our tradition of life.

How to make money on steemit

If we just summary then I can mention at least to three different ways how we can earn money from steemit.

  • by posting and commenting we can earn money because we can get some reward in the form of Author reward when we gets like (upvote) on it.
  • we can earn some curation reward if we have some power that is steem power (SP) by upvoting others content.
  • if we have some money and we can invest it in the form of delegation to steem power (SP) then we can delegate it to several delegation services so that we can get some flat reward.

How to Join Sttemit

Joining steem it is a pretty simple work. It is as simple as sign up to a simple website by providing your mobile phone or email address and with simple verification.
For this you just need to go to the website and follow the steps what I have shared in the photographs below.



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Who I am

I am a lecturer of Textile Engineering and ex-banker. I love to share my thoughts and ideas through blogging so that anyone can be benefited from my effort. I write on Textiles, Online Money Making, Agriculture, Technology and random topics. Capturing Nature and Playing Cricket is my hobby. I am always a learner and wants to learn from all of you in this #steem community and chain.

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Intro Steem.gif

Upvote, Resteem and Follow me on steemit @engrsayful

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This is Saiful’s Classroom from @engrsayful

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Provided information are explained well. However, Make Money With Steemit, here you could have done better try to go for more detail about curation like how the reward distribution process works on Steemit, how curation work before 5 minutes and after 5 minutes of post published. We can earn by Voting and if you use our vote in a proper way then we can earn more than what we have given, such details you could try to explore more here.
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