Steemit Crypto Academy | Money Management & Portfolio Management | Homework task 7 for @stream4u

Hello friends !!

Today I'm going to make my Steemit Crypto Academy Homework task by professor @stream4u Course 7 that discuss about Money Management & Portfolio Management. Very interesting Course. Actually I have very little knowledge about this, but I will try to discuss it to improve my writing skills. On this occasion I will try to discuss according to my views in 6 main things about that.

1. Money Management


Money Management is an important point that you as investors must have and prepare in investing and trading cryptocurrency. This is a method and strategy that will allow you to reap maximum profits. There are many things to consider before investing and trading cryptocurrency. Of course, in investing and trading cryptocurrency there is nothing without risk, the risk that will occur will be reduced considering that with money management analysis will determine the best decision that will be taken by you.

Money Management is the recording of all things related to your money. Notes such as investments, budget, expenses, and losses will help you generate the right thoughts for doing things in the future. You can maximize your profits and you can minimize the losses that you will get. You can manage money from various aspects of the economy and life.
The presence of money management as a foundation is needed in investing and trading cryptocurrency.

2. Future plan on your Money Management

Preparing Money Management as one of the main factors. You must have the best plan for your money management. You can choose a good cryptocurrency with an analysis of the possibilities that occur in the future. You can invest and trade cryptocurrencies in many places that maximize profits. And you can reduce losses by determining the right amount of investment and trade. These are some of the plans you can take to make your investing and trading cryptocurrency success. There are many other plans out there that you can also get.

Proper management and allocation your money greatly affects in investing and trading cryptocurrency. The allocation of money as capital, savings, income, and benefits are things that you must consider to make it easier for you in the future. Do not escape the negative impacts that you will get in the future, such as expenses, debt, and losses. Everything involved in investing and trading cryptocurrency must be on record so that you can be successful.

3. Portfolio Management


Portfolio Management is an action that you as an investor must take to get the maximum benefit from the assets you already own. The management of the assets that you have must be profitable in the long and short term. Various aspects and factors that occur must be considered to reduce the risk that will occur to your assets. Managing a portfolio requires careful and smart attention, especially in seeing the strengths and weaknesses of each investment.

Portfolio Management will make all the assets you have into investment capital that you can distribute in many places into small and medium scale investments so that the benefits that will be obtained are divided into many places and reduce the risk that can occur in one place only. You can choose where to invest in stocks, money, and cryptocurrencies that will profitable. Investing in different types and levels of cryptocurrency is a great strategy and action and will allow your portfolio to grow even more.

4. Future plan on your Portfolio Management

Preparing Portfolio Management as one of the main factors. You must have the best plan for your portfolio management. You can divide the capital assets you have into various types and places that will bring maximum profit. You can invest in different cryptrocurrencies in different amounts. Investing in this way allows you to get profit from different places and not be fixated on just one investment. This is one of many plans you can take to make your investment success. There are many other plans out there that you can also get.

Your asset investment allocation into various types and places has its own purpose. This aims to reduce the risk that will occur to all of your assets. But smart and precise observation is needed to determine which cryptocurrencies can bring big profits and high risks as well as small profits and low risks. With a divided investment, the profit and risk that will be obtained will be different in results. By doing this you may be successful in the future.

5. Investment Failed


I have never experienced failure in investing, maybe this is because I did not invest too much. In my opinion, if Money Management and Portfolio Management are followed and carried out according to procedures, there will be no failure. You will experience failure if you do not do research and make good decisions in this. But it does not rule out if there is a fraudulent project and goes bankrupt so that you may experience failure.

6. Conclusion

Investing and trading cryptocurrency requires the right strategy and decisions in action. Money Management and Portfolio Management are things that you as an investor can do to get the best results. This can bring maximum profit and low risk in investing and trading cryptocurrency. Success will not betray the process.

Thank you for reading my blog, hope it will be useful for all of you.



Hi @elnieno

Thank you for joining Steemit Crypto Academy and participated in the Homework Task 7.

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Explained Well.
Looks fine, but In managements and planning you could try to explaine with the crypto assests. Focus on post presentation, use markdown to highlight the important note, break sentances.

Your Homework task 7 verification has been done by @Stream4u, hope you have enjoyed and learned something new in the 7th course.

Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy

Thank you so muchh professor!!!

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