Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S17W3 [SUMMARY]: Onchain Metrics of Steem blockchain



Edited By PhotoFiltre

Dear Steemians,

Welcome to the special report on the competition held by our academy, SteemitCryptoAcademy. This report captures the insightful discussions and detailed analyses presented during the week-long competition focused on the Onchain Metrics of the Steem blockchain, held from April 22nd to April 28th, 2024.

The competition dove deep into the nuances of the Steem blockchain’s Onchain Metrics, highlighting their critical role in assessing and enhancing the blockchain's ecosystem health. Participants explored various metrics to analyze user engagement, reward distribution, and overall system performance.

The central theme of the competition was to understand and leverage Onchain Metrics to drive growth and ensure fairness in the Steem ecosystem. Participants were tasked with addressing several key aspects of Onchain Metrics:

User Activity Indicators: Participants identified and analyzed key Onchain Metrics that measure user activity, providing insights into user behavior and engagement levels on the Steem blockchain. They explored metrics such as transaction counts, active wallets, and post interactions.

Trends in User Engagement: The competition emphasized analyzing data trends over time to understand how user engagement evolves. Participants used Onchain Metrics to trace the trajectory of user activities, highlighting patterns that suggest shifts in community dynamics.

Challenges in Interpretation: The unique social structure and incentives of the Steem blockchain present distinct challenges in interpreting Onchain Metrics. Participants discussed these challenges, proposing methodologies to address ambiguities and improve metric accuracy.

Ecosystem Health Assessment: A significant part of the competition involved using Onchain Metrics to assess the health of the Steem ecosystem. This included analyses of voting power distribution, content diversity, and reward fairness, with suggestions for improvement.

Innovative Solutions for Scalability and Usability: Participants also proposed how developers can use Onchain Metrics to enhance platform usability, address scalability issues, and maintain community integrity. They suggested adjustments in governance and technological upgrades to better serve the community’s needs.

Throughout the competition, participants engaged in deep analytical discussions, using visual aids like graphs and charts to better illustrate their findings and support their arguments. The high level of engagement and the quality of analysis have been truly impressive, showcasing the commitment of our community to foster a robust and transparent blockchain ecosystem.

We hope this report provides you with valuable insights into the significant work done by our participants and encourages further exploration and innovation within the Steem community.


Participation statistics

As we reflect on the success of our recent Onchain Metrics competition, it is heartening to report that all 19 entries were deemed valid, illustrating the deep commitment and seriousness of our participants towards academic integrity and the excellence of their contributions. The dedication to producing original and pertinent work is clearly evident, as all presentations were not only well-received but also free from any instances of plagiarism or inappropriate use of artificial intelligence.

This consistency in the quality of entries underscores the effectiveness of the guidelines set forth by SteemitCryptoAcademy and the collective efforts made to uphold ethics and academic integrity throughout the competition. Such achievements are vital as they underscore the importance of maintaining high standards and fostering an environment that encourages learning and constructive collaboration.

We take this opportunity to commend all participants for their exemplary conduct and innovative thinking, which not only enhanced the quality of the competition but also set a commendable standard for future engagements. Let us continue to strive towards such high benchmarks, promoting a culture of integrity and collaboration that drives our community forward.

Total number of entries Invalid entry Plagiarized content


Score Distribution


Performance Distribution(%)

As we analyze the outcomes of our recent Onchain Metrics competition, the diversity in the quality of submissions is both noteworthy and commendable. Here is a breakdown of the performance ratings among the participants, reflecting their understanding and mastery of the subject matter.

A substantial 31% of the entries were rated as Excellent, showcasing exceptional contributions that not only met but exceeded expectations in terms of quality, depth, and originality. These entries stood out for their sophisticated analysis and innovative approaches, truly advancing our understanding of the Onchain Metrics of the Steem blockchain.

The majority of the entries, 53%, received a Good rating. These contributions demonstrated a robust grasp of the topic and the ability to effectively communicate key concepts. They provided relevant analysis and offered valuable perspectives, significantly enriching the competition.

The remaining 16% of entries were rated as Acceptable. These submissions, while generally satisfactory, indicated areas where improvements could be made in terms of clarity, accuracy, or depth of analysis. They represent a potential for growth and enhancement in future submissions.

Remarkably, there were 0% rated as invalid or involving plagiarism, underscoring the integrity and commitment of all participants to producing authentic and relevant work.

Overall, these statistics not only highlight the varied skill levels among participants but also emphasize the many valuable contributions that enriched the competition and fostered a vibrant exchange of ideas.


Top 3 users this week

In our evaluation process, we first assessed the quality of the participants' performances, with a focus on their interactions with fellow contestants.

For choosing the top three participants, we considered their performance scores and how they engaged with others. Additionally, we made a special selection based on a standout article that provided exceptional content on the discussion topic. Here are the top three participants we have acknowledged this week.

Ranking Username Article
1 @drqamu Link
2 @khursheedanwar Link
3 @casv Link



In conclusion, this week's evaluation has highlighted the remarkable talent and engagement among our participants. Their ability to interact effectively and contribute valuable insights significantly enriches our discussions. We appreciate the hard work and dedication displayed by all contestants and look forward to seeing how they continue to excel and inspire in future engagements. Congratulations to our top performers, and thank you to everyone who contributed to making this week a success.


Thank you Soo much for choosing me as a winner.

Congratulations to you @drqamu and @casv

¡Gracias amigo!

 2 months ago 

Thank you


 2 months ago 

Pleased to be in list.

Congratulations to @casv and @khursheedanwar. You are well deserving.

¡Gracias amigo!

Muchas gracias por hacerme parte de este top, es un gran honor compartir con @drqamu y @khursheedanwar, les extiendo un gran abrazo de felicitaciones.

¡Feliz y venturoso día!

 2 months ago 

Thank you

Congratulations 🎉 to @khursheedanwar, @casv and @drgamu. Your knowledge on topic was vast and you won deservedly.

¡Muchas gracias amigo!

¡Un fuerte abrazo!

This is a healthy competition as it delves to assessing and enhancing the blockchain's ecosystem health. Congratulations to:

congratulation to you @drqamu. @casv

¡Muchas gracias amigo!

¡Saludos y buena suerte!

 2 months ago 

Thank you .

 2 months ago 

Congratulations to the winner, a well deserved win

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