Steemit Crypto Academy | Course 7 By @stream4u | Money Management & Portfolio Management.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy4 years ago

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Hello! Good afternoon, a pleasure to greet you and continue learning from these valuable classes that have served a lot for those of us who have a very basic knowledge about capital investment and the use of portfolios. In this opportunity I deliver my homework for week 7 , from the class of the professor @stream4u. that deals with this topic.

1. Discussed Money Management.

Due to the individuality of the way of obtaining money, there are those who earn little and others a lot, then the amount of capital to be invested is relative according to the investor. But if there is something in common is that the intention is to obtain profits in the short, medium or long term, for the last two mentioned, it is required to have patience and see at some point that the capital goes down when the behavior of the currency goes down.
The important thing is not to put to lose or to gain, that is to invest all the capital in a single currency, because this can become an undesirable result, the best way to do it is to choose 3 or 4 currencies, previously studied in the whitepaper, to have a notion of what can happen with this currency in the future.

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2. Future plan on your Money Management.

The future plan of money management, has to do with how we are going to manage it, I had previously said that we must split the capital, but it is important to know that it will not be ALL our capital, but a part of it, since we ensure at least a part of our money and we do not risk losing it all. Another advantage of dividing it into 4 currencies, is that if there is the option of losing, the percentage is lower than if we have placed a large amount betting on the profits of that currency. It is always, always good to document the behavior of the currency.

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3. Discussed Portfolio Management, if you have an investment and if it is okay with you then show portfolio and explore it briefly.

Currently, I own my wallet but I do not have a capital to show it and put into practice the above mentioned, but when I had a capital that of course, for not having the base in knowledge, had many losses, it created me anxiety and by necessity and for being a very small capital, I withdrew it all, but I managed with 3 coins, Steem, Ethereum and Hive. This because I already knew the movement of Hive and Steem, generally remained at the same value, and gave some small changes that were profitable to sell and buy, my mistake was, then pass all my capital to Ethereum when Bitcoin was rebounding upwards, and then I saw how I wanted to return to the most recent starting point and out of fear, I withdrew everything. Unfortunately I had to then use the capital out of necessity and am starting from scratch.

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4. Future plan on your Portfolio Management.

Obtain a capital, even with a minimum capital, to start a behavior monitoring between currencies, this time not having the anxiety of withdrawing for personal use all my capital because it would not make sense at all, manage with patience and be constantly looking for the right opportunity to buy and sell.

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5. When was the last investment failed and Why? (those who have experienced this can provide views.)

As I mentioned before, I had to withdraw all my capital out of necessity. I am in a country where we live with a hyperinflation that hardly allows us to gather, and although I had many mistakes managing my capital in my wallet, I managed to get my profits, it could have been better, but on several occasions I bought when there was a rise and suddenly began to fall and sold for fear of losing, This happened with Ethereum, when Bitcoin showed an abrupt behavior of growth, which had its moment of tension, and of course the inexperienced, we did not know how to handle the pressure of losses and gains, as I was afraid of losing too much having so little.

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6. Conclusion.

The best thing I learned in this lesson is the importance of not investing all the capital in a single currency, also that patience is key when making investments, since we will see the number go up and down constantly, and the best phrase that could stay in my mind is that we will not get rich overnight, and that research in whitepapers is essential to choose a currency.

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Thank you very much for the lesson, it was very helpful and a very valuable topic for me.


C.c @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02

I hope the translation, Spanish to English was understandable!

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Hi @corinadiaz

Thank you for joining Steemit Crypto Academy and participated in the Homework Task 7.

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Looks fine. Post presentation is good.

Your Homework task 7 verification has been done by @Stream4u, hope you have enjoyed and learned something new in the 7th course.

Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy

 4 years ago 

Thank You!!!! I really liked the class!

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