Steemit Crypto Academy | Homework Task 6 For @stream4u | Types Of Crypto Assets Capital, Risk Capital In Penny Cryptocurrency, Importance Of Watchlist.

Hello wonderful people, how are you today? I hope you're having a fantastic week. I'm ecstatic to be a part of this unforgettable lecture. In this article, I'll share my experience with type Of Crypto Assets Capital, Risk Capital In Penny Cryptocurrency, and The Importance Of Watchlist | Steemit Crypto Academy | Homework Task 6 For @stream4u.


Question1: Differences in Large Capital - Mid Capital - Small Capital and how they will affect the Investment?

Firms are most generally classified into the following groups based on their capitalization:


Large Cap:

A business with a market capitalization of more than $10 billion is referred to as a large-cap. Large-cap stocks, also known as "big caps," are a common stock class that investors favor for their stability.

example: Big cap stocks are often applied to investors' portfolios as a protection against risky assets. Apple, Amazon, Wal-Mart Stores, and Exxon Mobile are all examples of large-cap stocks.

Mid Cap:

Companies with a market cap (capitalization)—or market value—between $2 and $10 billion are referred to as mid-cap (or mid-capitalization). A mid-cap business, as the name suggests, sits halfway between large-cap (or big-cap) and small-cap firms.

Mid-cap companies are attractive to companies because they are projected to expand and raise earnings, as well as market share. They are at the center of their growth curve in terms of both quality and effectiveness.

Small Cap:

Companies with a limited market capitalization are referred to as small-cap. The market capitalization of a company is the total value of its outstanding stock. The concept of small-cap differs, but it usually refers to a business with a market capitalization of $300 million to $2 billion.

The reason to invest in small-cap stocks is the chance to outperform asset managers by taking advantage of growth opportunities.


Question2: Your view, Which type of Asset capital can be more profitable? Why? Advantages and Disadvantages.

Small-cap stocks are stocks that are connected to companies with market capitalizations of $300 million to $2 billion. It could be a good idea to include some of them in your investment portfolio, particularly if you want to produce larger wealth.

Here are 3 reasons or advantages to having some small-cap assets in your portfolio.


When the stock market makes major moves, it's usually the bigger companies' stocks that get the most exposure. If the stock prices of Google or Apple, for example, plummet, it would almost certainly make the news. The fact that small-cap companies can equal, if not outperform, large-cap stocks over time is sometimes ignored in the headlines.

Growth potential:

Small-cap firms, in comparison to their larger peers, are also in a stronger position to expand. Small-cap equity investors have a chance to get in on the bottom floor before a business grows to its full potential and its share value shoots up.


Diversification is critical because it enables investors to spread their risk across multiple assets. Having a diversified portfolio will also help to protect you from market fluctuations. If you only invest in mutual funds, for example, you might be losing out on opportunities to diversify your portfolio.


As opposed to ELSS or large-cap equity-oriented funds, small-cap funds are extremely risky and unpredictable. Due to its small capital base, or the number of assets sold by the company, small-cap stocks face liquidity constraints.

Small-cap stocks are punished harshly if investor sentiment turns negative, resulting in high volatility in their share prices. Small-cap schemes can bleed as a result of this.


Question3: Risk Capital In Penny Cryptocurrency.

Risk Capital.

Risk capital is money set aside for speculative purposes and used to make high-risk high-reward investments. Diversification is essential for effective risk capital investment because the results of each investment are inherently unpredictable, despite the fact that when a project succeeds, the gains can be well above normal.

Penny Cryptocurrency

A penny cryptocurrency is a digital that trades for less than one dollar. Penny cryptocurrencies, like penny stocks, are highly low-cost coins worth only a few pennies. Penny cryptos are known as a specific form of investment.
As you would expect, the majority of cryptocurrencies currently on the market are known as penny cryptos.

Question4: What is the Role of Watchlist? Best way to set Watchlist.


A watchlist is a feature of the website that allows users to build their own cryptocurrency watchlists. a different meaning A watchlist is a collection of pages that a user has chosen to keep an eye on for changes.

How to create a watchlist for your cryptocurrencies

To register on the market cap, first, go to the coin market cap and select this icon. You will then be given the option to build a new account, which you must select


To protect your account, fill in the appropriate pages, enter your valid Gmail address, and then create a password.

To use it, press the signup button.


To check your account, an authentication code will be sent to your Gmail account. Next, go to your Gmail account and look for mail from Coin Market. Select verify account and it will take you to a new window where your account will be opened.

Now, on the main tab, you'll find a watch list button in the lower right corner; click it, and then click on the add coins button.


You must first pick the coins of your choosing, then click on the select coins button to complete your watch list. You will now be able to search the market for the coins you chose.


You must first pick the coins of your choosing, then click on select coins to complete your watch list. You will now be able to search the market for the coins you chose.



What I believe is that buying in small capital asset firms is highly lucrative and that investing in penny cryptocurrencies with your risk capital is also a good investment, as you can at least get something for nothing.

Before making any investment, I suggest that you have to do some market research and analysis you want to invest in and that you choose the right assets for your risk capital. After you've considered all of the factors, you may begin investing.

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