Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 2 Week 5 Homework Post for @yousafharoonkhan || Steemit Decentralized social media,Centralization and Decentralization social media


Hello Steemians,
Assalamulaikum Wr.Wb,

I would like to post about the homework from Crypto Professor @yousafharoonkhan about Steemit Decentralized social media, Centralization and Decentralization social media.

And this is my answer for the task of Professor @yousafharoonkhan.

Question no 1:
Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words. Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms. (Answer must be written in our words, copy paste or from other source copy will be not accepted)

Nowadays, everyone has known Social Media and this has been since the existence of forums on the Internet in 2000. At that time, I got to know Yahoo Messenger to chat with my friends. At the same time, then I got to know Friendster. This is my first Social Media I used until 2007. And in 2008, I got to know Facebook. That's my story about social media. Friendster has either been lost or not used since Facebook. I'm sure other people are too.

Definition of Centralized Social Media

The time is so fast, in 2009 I got to know Twitter which I still use today. Apart from Facebook and Twitter, of course there are many other social media such as Instagram. I think both of them is the centralized Social Media that many people in the world use them.

In my opinion, the centralized social media is social media that has a mediator, namely the social media working team that takes care of all user content. The content or status that is updated every day can be read by other users, namely your friends on your Social Media. Likewise, you can find the content or status updates of the friends you follow. However, you have a high chance of not being able to see your content or your friend's status because the owner or team from Social Media has removed it because they might think that your content or status is dangerous to read by many people.

The centralized Social Media has the right to censor the content/status that you create. That is one of the biggest drawbacks of centralized social media. They also hold all your personal data.

Understanding of Decentralized Social Media

What is decentralized social media? It is a social media built from blockchain technology that owns the personal data of each user, a community-based force, and there are almost no unilateral authoritarian decisions. This means, the owner or founder of decentralized social media cannot have the authorization to censor the content that you create. That's the philosophy of modern social media that makes users comfortable and safer with a very high level of security.

Currently, there are many decentralized social media such as Steemit,, Publish0x,, minds, and others. I already have all those decentralized social media accounts since I got to know Steemit in 2017. At steemit, I get a lot of information about other decentralized social mendia.

Most of these social media have a decentralized infrastructure base, so that the servers are divided between many parties, including users. This means that the ownership of decentralized social media is in our hands as users, not just with the owner or creator of the decentralized social media platform.

The Difference between Centralized and Decentralized Social Media

The Centralized Social Media

Centralized Social Media

  • There are more users because it is conventional which is easy to use
  • The interface is made more attractive to attract many users
  • User data is censored by the platform owner or founder
  • User account security and personal data are not secure
  • Owner or founder can delete user generated content/status

Decentralized Social Media

  • Not many users yet
  • User data is more secure because it uses several different passwords that can be used according to user needs
  • Platform owner/founder cannot censor user content

Question no 2:
Which One is The Future of Social media? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)

The best future social media is decentralized social media. I say that because social media must be safe and comfortable to use and of course the choice is decentralized social media like Steemit.

It's a transformation from social media on a large scale to decentralization and I'm sure it will happen in the near future. It might happen in the next five years. The censorship that occurs in centralized social media and also the political problems in it will surely make many users go to decentralized social media.

Why Would Decentralized Social Media Be Preferred?

The technicalities used by decentralized social media are using Blockchain-based systems or those derived from Blockchain. This will result in social media being increasingly trusted because there is no censorship for users from social media owners creators.

The centralized system will inevitably fail because of the lack of incentives for not using the blockchain technology system. Although decentralized systems often have major problems in regulating, determining and policing community policies.

Question no 3:
How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words).

Steemit is a social media platform based on the Steem Blockchain, for sure it will be the future of social interaction for many people in the era of digital technology. With the incentive model provided by the Steem Blockchain, the nodes that the witnesses at Steemit that are in a decentralized network can receive real incentives from the Steem network and Steemit has centralized distribution control. The community on Steemit can make policy settings when the nodes of the Steem Blockchain are running. All work systems from Steemit run in an orderly manner and security is more guaranteed.

That is, the Steem Blockchain network is designed properly and the result is that Steemit establishes a stable running control of the owner or founder of Steemit.

Steemit Becomes Best Decentralized Social Media Compared to Twitter and Facebook

This is the era of decentralized social media and I firmly believe that this is the evolution of computing systems. And Steemit is the right choice and it will lead people to the modern era of digitization. Twitter and Facebook will be out of date because of their conventional systems. Twitter and Facebook users are only being objected by their owners to get huge profits through advertisements and they may sell their personal data.

The world is becoming more and more advanced with decentralized Social Media such as Steemit. The interaction between users on Steemit happens very well through original content and the strength of the community is well built on Steemit. It is not owned by Twitter and Facebook. A world of true freedom & freedom, with independence of individual data and systems in collaboration with each other, where your identity, data and opinions are yours and your responsibility.

Question no 4:
What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users? (answer must be written in own words).

Steemit is a decentralized social media that allows its users to earn a lot of money from the content they create. Of course, the daily cost of living of users can be met by writing on Steemit.

I believe that the lives of millions of Steemit users will change for the better with the income they earn from Steemit. Freelance writers and bloggers on centralized social media will think more clearly and they will put their content on Steemit. Influensers on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram will definitely join Steemit because Steemit offers better rewards by rewarding their content, namely Steem and Steem Blockchain Dollar (SBD).

Steemit will also be a place to work for content creators to earn income.

Question no 5:
How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience)

Steemit is my first social media blockchain which has contributed most to my economic life. And I got to know Steemit from a close friend of mine named @abduhawab on July 1, 2017. Since being on this decentralized media owned by Blockchain Steem, I am very happy because the content I create every day is rewarded with Steem. I exchanged Steem for Rupiah via @poloniex. My family has been able to live comfortably since I became a content creator on Steemit.

This is so different when I was a writer on several blogs on the Internet who were paid per article for only $2. Meanwhile, being a writer at Steemit gives me more income. The money I made on Steemit was incredible. I didn't imagine before that I could write on decentralized social media that generates rewards in cryptocurrency.

It is so easy to make money on Steemit. Users create interesting content according to their genres and abilities, then the most important thing is that the content made on Steemit must be original and we must not practice plagiarism on Steemit. Interaction with other users and building a community according to our abilities will provide more value in earning more income on Steemit.

There are so many community in Steemit and this make creators content to join in the suitable community depend on their niche or skill. For example, if a user is a photographer and he can join Photography Lover. Or if a user love promoting any thing related to Steemit or Steem, he can join Promo Steem managed by @arie.steem. This is very easy to make money in Steemit if a user can know many communities.

For example, I love creating contents about Poem, then I joined Steem School founded by @dobartim and @flysky. I have earned much Steem in this community. Or I always read and learn about cryptocurrency or financial, then I have joined Project Hope founded by @crypto.piotr and @juanmolina. In Project Hope my post curated too.

Other users in Steemit can joined the community to earn more money. It worked, you must trust me.

Question no 6:
How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practice step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area).

I'm going to create a new community on steemit and I'll show you how. The name of this community is BSC or Bireuen Steemit Community. This is an important community for all steemit users from Bireuen, the city I live in now.

Some steeps to create community in Steemit

Step 1:

Login to steemit and click on Steemit as shown in screenshot

grup komunitas steemit01.jpg

Step 2:
Click Explore communities below as shown in screenshot

grup komunitas steemit02.jpg

Step 3:
Click on Create a Community

grup komunitas steemit.jpg

Step 4:
Select community name, then write community descriptions

grup komunitas steemit2.jpg

Step 5:
After click Next button , you have to save community password keys , it is very much important step

grup komunitas steemit5.jpg

Step 6:
here pay is 3 steem cost , that admin will pay, if you are ready to pay 3 steem then click OK

grup komunitas steemit6.jpg

Step 7:
After clicking ok, enter your active key to pay cost 3 steem. But I used the keychain to confirm my payment to create the community.

grup komunitas steemit9.jpg

Step 8:
Now community is ready to start, and promote.

grup komunitas steemit7.jpg

Step 9:
You can see BSC community is active and ready to subscribe.

grup komunitas steemit8.jpg


We can take some lesson to be learned from the existence of centralized and decentralized social media. People can be in digital era with so many social media. They have so many option to be where they are, and they can create their contents easily and comfortable without any censored or erased their contents did by founder or admin of the centralized social media.

The era of decentralization's social media will be adopted by many users of centralized social media because most of users don't want to be censored. And, there will be many content creators come to the blockchain social media such as Steemit,, Publish0x, Minds. etc because they can create their original contents and will be rewarded in cryptocurrency as well.

Centralized social media can be used to promote the contents created in Steemit and the users of facebook, twitter, Instagram can adopt the decentralized social media.

Cc: @yousafharoonkhan


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • homework look fine
    thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade : 7

You are welcome Prof.

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