Crypto Academy Week 12-Homework Post For @stream4u by @azizulhassan


Hello everyone I hope that you are doing fine well after attending this lecture I have got to know so many things about the margin trading and to be honest it was fun reading the lecture it was very easy and in very simple words after that I did a little bit of my own Research and now I am gonna try to do the homework I hope that you will find value in that thank you so much to the professor for teaching us


What Is Crypto Margin Trading?

I will try to explain it is it possible the first thing that you will have to understand when we go and trade on a normal exchange without any margin what we do suppose we have got  1 ethereum and  we trade with that and we earn $100 all of that money will go to me now if I do a margin trading in margin trading you borrow some  e capital from the exchange which provide margin trading and leverage so that will give you  AK capital to trade with it can be 2x 5x 10x Now let's suppose we took the the 1X leverage from that exchange and we trade with that in the normal case we made a profit of 100 US dollar in this case if we do the same trade and if everything goes accordingly then we will make $200  we won't have to give any e profit to the exchange Margin trading is basically II II capital provided by the exchange to a user for trading

How To Plan For Trading In Crypto Margin Trading.

1 First of all if you are a beginner if you don't know anything then you should try to learn each and everything about margin trading before getting into it every single thing about this method

2  you should always invest your risk capital in margin trading and not the money that you can't afford to lose

3  always try to go for small all trades and not big trades because in small trades at the loss happens the loss will be small and if you go for big trades you will have to face a huge loss in case if a loss happens

4 Always try to open a small window of 15 minutes for maybe 10 minutes and try to take profit from that and get out from the trade quickly don't go for long trades because then you can make  loss

5  don't read a coin that you don't have any idea about first do your research do your price forecasting and all the prediction analytics and everything chart patterns and after that when you are completely sure then go for the trade never tried something that you don't have any idea about

Crypto Exchanges Name That Provide Margin Trading Service and What Margin They Provide?


 this is one of the biggest exchange in the Crypto world and I am personally using this exchange for all my trading and they  provide Crypto margin trading  upto 125 x


 this is also one of the biggest exchange in the Crypto world have not personally used this exchange but many of my friends use this and they also provide margin trading service and they provide margin up to 5x


 this exchange is one of the famous exchange in the Crypto world and they also provide margin trading and the best part about them is their fee is very low and they provide up to 100 x margin

What Is Leveraged Tokens Trading?

Leverage token trading is very easy ok we will try to understand it in easy words first of all that suppose there is a coin Bitcoin 1 Bitcoin we have now when we go to leverage token provider we can see 2 tokens over there one token is noun is up token and other token is noun is down token  this is basically predicting the price of a coin in making money out of that so if you think the market will go down for a specific coin you can buy the uptoken for that coin and if the market goes up you will make profit but if you think that the market will go down and you can buy  the down token of that coin and if the market goes down you will get the property is well you can make money from the both side up and down you will get the leverage for each token on many  leverage token provider  they have different  leverage some of them provide 5x some of them provide 2X and some of them provide 1x  There are different names for these tokens some call it bull and bear token and you can also call it up and down tokens so that is how it works is basically predicting the future price and in both face not just up

How To Plan For Trading In Leveraged Tokens?

Well of course there must be a plan before every trade you should know if something goes wrong what you should do and you should always have a plan if

The first point that you should keep in mind is that don't or tried means that if you got profit 12 x wait for a while and understand the market don't jump into the market again because then you are behaving greedy and you want more and more profit but you don't have much knowledge about the market once you are done with one tread you should go back and do your research before the second trade

 always try to to trade in many tokens not in just one because if you put all your capital and one token you can bi and loss should always divide that into many tokens and leverage is it will give you a good profit and experience

Always try to know each and every detail like exchange fee and interest most of the time we don't look at that and that's not good you should know everything about this change first before trading

Crypto Exchanges Name That Provide Leveraged Tokens Service and What Margin They Provide In Leveraged Tokens?

Some of the very famous exchanges provide leverage token service and we will know about there margin

 binance is the number one exchange in my opinion because I use it and I have more knowledge about this exchange by myself so they provide leverage token margin Ab To 4x  leverage

Coinbase is another amazing Crypto currency exchange and they provide the service they provide up to 3x Leverage

Price Forcast For Crypto Assets XXXXXX. (This is similar question from last course, take any Crypto Assets Chart graph, as per its current price and its market trend predict its future price for only next week, what will be its future price for next 1 week.You can predict for any direction up or down but explain it properly on what basis you have predicted the price. What will be the possible low level and high level fornext week.).

Ok today I will try to predict the price of   dogecoin I will be using the sentimental analysis because these days there has been a lot of hype around this coin and the reason is that Elon Musk recently tweeted something about this coin and he is a very influential person when it comes to cryptocurrency and investments whenever he say something the coin goes up so I am using sentimental analytics to predict the price of this coin for short period of time about one day 


As you can see the coin is currently in uptrend all the Signals and if you look at the candles they are all Green it means that investors are coming into this coin and their putting their money and two daughters coin so if there is a lot of investment coming I mean if there are more buyers in the market it means that the market will go up


The current price of this coin is $ 0.629 640  my Prediction for this coin is that it will touch $1 in the upcoming week because if you look at the craft  and the news about this coin everyone is talking about this coin and this is what make a coin go up when everyone is talking about it and when the coin is in uptrend so I think that it will cross the price of $1 in upcoming 1 week

thanks to the professor for class



Hi @azizulhassan

Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses and participated in the Homework Task.

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Provided information are explained well.However, on the price prediction topic, you could have done better try to go for more detail, like if you are predicting based on sentimental analytics, then you could try to share the screenshots of information from where you found like Twitter, other forums where it is discussing. Try to be more informative.
Looks Fine. Just suggestion, while using images from own charts study, try to put your name in free space.

Your Homework Task verification has been done by @Stream4u, hope you have enjoyed and learned something new.

Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy

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