Crypto acdamy || session 2 week 8 || Home Work for professor @fendit|| By @ansari00046

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Hello to every one in Steemit crypto acdamy family.i hope you will be happy and fine are my first assignment submitted to Professor@fendit. This lecture of Prodessor@fendit I am learn about the usage of Wyckoff Method.In this lecture Professor clearify the concept of Wyckoff and Composite man Principles about Crypto Trading and Stockmarket.At the end of this lecture Professor gave us home work task in sense of Some Questionnaire.I will try to review and write expect answers of this perticular this lecture we will discuss about many aspects of Cryprocurrencies and theoretical way of trading.I hope Professor@fendit give me positive feed back and then I will try my best to learn creative ideas with useases of this palateform.Hence after reading this hole lecture I am able to fulfill @fendit required Answers.
Now Let's Starts My home Work.


What is the Wyckoff Method and share your understanding ?

Wyckoff method developed by Richard Wyckoff in 1930.This palateform helped to investee and traders about market value and flow of market.Wyckoff provides basic fundamental principles strategy for traders and investors.Wyckoff principle provides all basics needs and helps to stock market. Now that time this method applied to all sort and high level financial markets.many of others Wyckoff's work was inspiring by the trading and investing methods.
The Wyckoff gain high level of reach which is led to creating many of others theories and trading techniques.Wyckoff methods give high level overview about his work.Wyckoff methods includes follow Principles and guide line to investors and traders.This method helps to learn about market value and understand market analysis in way of business approaches as well as.


Composite Man

Richard Wyckoff given idea of Composite Man.The give an alternate transcrions identity of the market.Composite method invites the invester and traders to study the stock market only one entity to controlling the whole market.
This methods helps to and make market Easter to go along with market trends and work with market with your positive decision making.
In sense of market behaviour Composite Man give us biggest player of market ( Market Maker) that may be much wealthy individus and such of institutional investors and trader's.that type of businessman always gain best benifisharies time slot to buy low and sell high values of market.
The Composite man attitude against the majority of retail and holesale investera and traders as well , which Wyckoff offers the losing money in market trades.But usese of Wyckoff method , The Composite man gives us an opportunity to to invester to choose inviteable ( Predictable ) strategy for invester to learn the behaviour of current market scenario.
For better understanding about Composite Man hence we will learn about furthers phases of composite man.Composite Man give an opportunity to learn it's Four phases one by one.
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This picture download form web given link and edited by me.




The word Accumulation uses about wealth related scenario( To accumulation the wealth )All of have wish to save money earn money for
Live a better life.
The Composite Man helps us to accumulate money before investing in market.this phase way to show sideway market behaviour.The accumulation helps us to to done changing prices for changing behaviour of market.



When Composite Man holds most of market shares.then market level uptrends because this level attract to invester to invest their money in stock market and accoupy the the current market situation.when most of invester buy shares of market and country atmosphere is positive for business then market value uptrend.for example in 2013 to 2018 Pakistan Stock exchange holds 57000 points in asia.but there after Nawaz government Pakistan stock exchange fall down to 27000 points.many of investors losses their money.
Uptrends when the market moves up then investers buy the shares this particular time general public attract the positive response of the market, they also buy shares to earn money for his better life.



Another's step Wyckoff Method is distributing is holding.In this stage traders or investers sell his profitable shares entering the market at the end time stage.Typically Distribution phase is a sideway activities that holds that the traders and investors.



In This phase investers useases for selling their assets because market goes down.The general people whose invest theirs assets for short time that time to use their knowledge to sell their assets for benifits. Demands of buying assets is to decrees so the investers and traders starts sell their of demand is increased and prices begins to fell down.


Fundamental Laws of Wyckoff Method


The Law of Supply and Demand

The Wyckoff's first laws advised and helped us when prices is up and supply is bigger then demands and prices drop when opposite is right to true.this principle is most important to any financial market.this term works under the principles of Wyckoff's Methods.

  • Prices > supply = Prices Raised
  • Prices < Supply = Prices Down
  • Prices = Supply = No change in Prices


The law of cause and effect

The second Law works about defences of supply and demand not a random situation.thia law work after time of preparation and this law give you a specific result in event.
In the sense of Wyckoff's term a time of accumulation ( cause )
Lead to an uptrends ( effect ) and combination of period of distribution ( cause )
So the end result is Downtrend ( effect)
Wyckoff applied the a unique perimeter technique to check the potential of cause and others words he defines methods of trade and financial market based on the accumulation and distribution.


The Law of effort . VS Result

The third law of Wyckoff works that on changes about asset , price and result of any effort.In this scenario this law represent the trading value.if the prices about the market harmony with volume this is good time to trade will continue for collecting most benifits form the current market.
First of all I am imagining if the Bitcoin market starts with very high volume after very long market trend.that time market volume of Bitcoin shows the greater effort
About sideway activities suggest a Small result.

2 .Share a chart of any cryptocurrency of your choice (BTC or ETH won't be taken into account for this work) and analyze it by applying this method. Show clearly the different phases, how the volume changes and give detail of what you're seeing.


I was selected ADA USDT chart for better understanding the Wyckoff'sMethod.In this chart we will discuss about Wyckoff's Methods and this method how's run and work in financial market.In this Chart I am seeing different Phases by using Wyckoff's method.In the way of Wyckoff method here are we discussed four Phases in Wyckoff's method first one is Accumulation second one is Uptrend , third one is Distribution and fourth one is known as **Downtrend. We will discuss all of these phases one by one and how's it's applicable in this scenario on This chart.

Accumulation Phase

In this chart view the market Downtrend and prices of the market assets around $1.6634. At this period of time the market waiting the composite man.whenever the composite man came to the market and invest to the ADA USDT.after investing assets the market goes up around $1.8000 almost.there after market goes down due to some asset were selling.Market trend up and down slowly one or more time of period.

Uptrend Phase

In this period of time the ADA at his high level of market Market almost $2.4700.
In this phase of market demand of ADA high and Prices of asset's is also peak level. In this period of time the investers sell their assets when prices is high to gain high this period of time Distribution phase will this time the prices of ADA is high and demand of prices is low Down.hence here are prices of ADA is is low.

Distribution Phase

At this stage the price of ADA is at peak of $2.4700. at this time demand of ADA is uptrend and price is also high. At this time phase investor sells their asset when price is high in order to gain money in sense of profit from it. In this perticular way Distribution process is start. At this time the supply of ADA is high and Demand or price becomes low down. The price of ADA is goes down.

Downtrend Phase

Screenshot_20210605-190840~7.pngWhen I seen the downtrend of ADA at $1.4900 some of investors invest at this time slot. This time frame the prices downfalling is stopped for a moment. Whenevet the investers saw that the price not trying to go up again then most of investor sold their asset. In this way supply of ADA is increases and Demand or price is falling down. In this way we can see in chart, the price behaviours of ADA is on Downtrend.


Wyckoff's method Is an excellent tool that looks at price fluctuations in the stock market. With the help of thisWyckoff's method. We gain the ability to better understand the price trends of the time to come. We enter the market with the help of a compositor. When some investors have already invested in the market. Such investors buy at the right time when prices are very low. And when prices rise. Then they sell their investment to make a good profit.


Written by


My first assignment submitted to you.

Special Thanks

Professor @fendit


Thank you for being part of my lecture and completing the task!

My comments:
There are some explanations that make no sense and some concepts haven't been correctly developed.
As well as that, the chart looks a bit messy and hard to understand. You should have included volume bars as that's one key part of this method and we can't see for sure if the pattern's right without them.

Overall score:

Thank you so much dear Professor @fendit for precious advise to me.Next I will improve my home Work , Because this is my first assignment in any professor.

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