Contest // Topic of the week №9 // The most embarrassing moment of my life!/@lupega

in SLON21VEKA2 years ago

I have not had many embarrassing moments in my life, the reason is that I am a man of few words and this is an advantage when speaking and even acting, it gives room to think about what to say and what to do.

My most awkward moment was 10 days ago and it has to do with this cute cat that is the mascot of a workshop to which I usually send work.

I entered the workshop, the first thing I saw was the cat covered with a leaf, I thought, can it sleep with so much noise?

I approached very slowly, I put the leaf on him to keep him sleeping, suddenly I felt an arm pulling me away from the cat, I looked at the man who pulled me away, then I looked around and both the owner and the customers were looking at me, I felt very bad, I looked at them and told them, I just wanted to keep him coat it, I left the place, I didn't know whether to laugh or to be ashamed.

The image is from @slon21veka , the photos are my property.

I invite @zorajaime


Well is a funny situation you got yourself into, I don't think you should be ashamed. If the people know you, they wouldn't think of any ill thing about that. Besides, what would they even think you were going to do to the cat, steal it ? Who does that?! Hahahah...

That happens to me for being so kind to a pet that is not mine Haaaaaa

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