Contest // Topic of the week №9 // The most embarrassing moment of my life! // by @imuniru38

in SLON21VEKA2 years ago


I wouldn’t want to tell people of my embarrassing moments some time ago, but now I think of it, they are just anecdotes to hold on to. I have had some embarrassing moments in life, most of which were at my youth age at school. And it would a good opportunity to also share them with you, thank you @slon21veka for the opportunity to do so.

It was at my first year in boarding school at the high school. I was out of bed late in the morning, most of my colleagues and roommates were set for school. About 7:40am and I haven’t still taken my bath yet, long queue as well in the bathrooms. The day wasn’t starting so well for me I thought to myself, and it couldn’t get any worse I said. But little did I know it was about get way worse than it already was, it was finally time for me take my bath. I noticed the dormitory has become so quite like all the boys have left, it was so strange I thought to myself. Then I heard some boys shouting loudly warning the rest of us still bathing that the senior house master for the boys was approaching, I knew I was in big trouble no matter what I did unless I hurry up, get dress and take the another route to campus.

Just as I finished bathing and was still in the bathroom, I realized I forgot to pick my towel because I was in rush to bath. So I had no option but to put my dirty white underwear again so I can change it when I get to my room. So as I was on my way from the bathroom to my room, I could hear some giggles and laughter at the compound of the dormitory, where they girls? No! it can’t be, I got closer to the compound and realized I was right, it was the girls accompanied to the boys dormitory by our senior house mater. I had just made eye contact with the master and he called me to come closer, as I drew closer to him and the girls they burst into laughter. I didn’t know what they would be laughing, my dirty white under or me from the shower all wet and with only an underwear. My face was just looking at the ground whilst the master was talking me and some of the boys that the master had already stopped. I had no idea was he was saying what so ever, all I was thinking about was he laughter that was from the girls some of them where in the science class who knew me. We were given punishment to clean up the dormitory for lateness to campus.

Later on when I went to class, the boys told some of the girls saw me in my dirty white underwear. And I tried to explain to them that it’s not the same thing I’m wearing now, but they wouldn’t listen to reason. That moment was on my mind for quite a long time, and it got worse when I had fingers pointing at me when I’m walking around because the girls wouldn’t stop talking about it. I was just praying time moves fast so we can vacate then I’ll go home and take a break from that experience.

I meet some of my mate and the first thing they is remind of that experience, especially the ladies. We laugh it out and remember more good times, but no still believes me when I tell them I had the underwear changed. It hunted me for so long.

Thank you once again for the opportunity @slon21veka it’s always a great time remembering it. Hope to see more great entries, I would also like invite @mukka and @kataali to also participate in the contest.

Have a great day everyone!

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