Contest // Topic of the week №10 // What do I like to read about?

in SLON21VEKA2 years ago

Hello everyone! Another amazing weekly contest held on the community by @slon21veka, we appreciate these weekly contests and also the steem prices given.


This week’s theme “what I like to read about” really got me scratching my chin, I had to really think hard about it before participating. The matter is that, I do not like reading that much, let me say books of stories, novels or just modern educational books. It is a bad habit I know, and I do try to make amends for it. So I thought I figured out that if I was really going to choose what I like to read about, then it would be the Holy Quran and other Islamic or religious books.

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The Quran is the holy book of Muslims as a message from God, it is written in the Arabic language which I understand very little or even close to nothing. But modern technologies and applications makes it easier for everyone to translate it from the Arabic language to any language of their choice for easy readability and easy comprehension.


I enjoy reciting the Quran in the Arabic language or even sometimes play audios of its recitation to listen. It is a heart soothing for me anytime I recite the Quran, I find peace and morality in reading the Quran. It is full of histories of past prophets and their ways of living and also the ways of generations before us. It also teaches us really good and decent ways living as individuals and also as family members or as a group of people.


The Quran really contains a lot of things to talk about when you take time to go through it, some scholars even say its messages hasn’t fully been decoded yet. There’s still more to it than we have unraveled as humans. It is really a great book and I enjoy reading it so much.

Thank you reading.

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