CONTEST- Dream Steem Contest: "That mysterious Place" / "Der mysteriöse Ort"

in Dream Steemlast year (edited)

For @dove11 and his sixth creative task ;-))

Deutsch im Anschluß…

Catan is a small village surrounded by dense, green forests. Its inhabitants have been telling each other creepy stories for generations about a mysterious place they called "The Damned Spot". No one really knew exactly what happened there, but everyone agreed on one thing: this conscious place was to be avoided!

Legends said that the Damned Spot had once been a thriving village. But a long time ago, something horrible had happened there. The inhabitants suddenly began to behave strangely. Some disappeared without a trace, others returned from their errands with a dull stare. Those who survived were marked by deep sadness and inexplicable fear. The villagers decided to leave their homes and never return.

Over the years and decades, stories and rumours grew about the Damned Spot. Some claimed that there were ghosts there who wandered the deserted streets at night. Others told of eerie shadows that had taken up residence there. Some even claimed that the place was ruled by a dark force that destroyed anyone who entered.

One day, a young and inquisitive Catanian named Chris decided to get to the root of the mystery of the Damned Spot. He was fascinated by all the stories surrounding the supernatural and felt brave and fit enough to investigate the dreaded mark. The villagers anxiously tried to dissuade him, but he remained undeterred.

When Chris entered the Damned Spot, he immediately felt its extremely oppressive atmosphere. The houses stood ruined and empty, the streets long since overgrown with weeds and lichen. He walked slowly and carefully, each step accompanied by a slight crunching under his feet.

Suddenly he heard a soft whisper behind him that sent shivers down his spine. He turned quickly, but there was no one there. The whispering stopped, but Chris sensed that he was being watched. Time seemed to stand still as he walked on, always accompanied by an invisible presence.

Finally he reached the centre of the Damned Spot. An abandoned fountain loomed high, emanating a mysterious aura. Chris approached it cautiously and looked into the water. Tangled reflections danced on the surface, but he did not see his own reflection.

His thirst tempted him to take a sip of the water. At that moment, a wave of deep realisation swept through him. The Damned Spot was not ruled by spirits or evil forces. It is simply the place of loss, grief and oblivion. The people who once lived here had fallen victim to a terminal illness that had darkened their souls. Their memories had all disappeared as if they had never existed.

Chris left the Damned Spot with a new understanding. He told the Catanians of his discovery and helped them overcome their initial fears. Instead of fearing the place, they decided to honour it and keep alive the many memories of the past.

In this way, the Damned Spot lost its dark hold over people's minds and became a symbol of strength and reawakening. The legends and stories continued to be spread, but now with a message of hope and cohesion.

And so, to the generations that followed, the Damned Spot remains to this day a reminder that sometimes the dark, the mysterious and the disreputable is not what one should fear, but rather an opportunity to discover one's own inner strength and perhaps even the meaning of life.…

Puplovo in Russia

Deutsche Version:

Catan ist ein kleines Dorf, das von dichten, grünen Wäldern umgeben ist. Seine Bewohner erzählen sich seit Generationen gruselige Geschichten über einen mysteriösen Platz, den sie "Der Verdammte Ort" nannten. Niemand wußte wirklich genau, was dort geschah, aber alle waren sich in einem einig: Diesen bewußten Ort galt es zu vermeiden!

Legenden besagten, dass der Verdammte Ort einst ein blühendes Dorf gewesen war. Doch vor langer Zeit hatte sich dort etwas Grauenvolles ereignet. Die Bewohner fingen plötzlich an, sich merkwürdig zu verhalten. Sie verschwanden teilweise spurlos, andere kehrten von ihren Erledigungen mit leerem Blick zurück. Diejenigen, die das überlebten, waren gezeichnet von tiefer Traurigkeit und unerklärlicher Angst. Die Dorfbewohner beschlossen, ihre Heimat zu verlassen und nie wieder zurückzukehren.

Im Laufe der Jahre und Jahrzehnte wuchsen die Geschichten und Gerüchte um den Verdammten Ort. Einige behaupteten, es gäbe dort Geister, die nachts durch die verlassenen Straßen wanderten. Andere erzählten von unheimlichen Schatten, die sich dort niedergelassen hatten. Manche behaupteten sogar, daß der Ort von einer dunklen Macht beherrscht wurde, die jeden vernichtete, der ihn betrat.

Eines Tages beschloss ein junger und wißbegieriger Cataner namens Chris, dem Rätsel des Verdammen Ortes auf den Grund zu gehen. Er war fasziniert von allen Geschichten rund um das Übernatürliche und fühlte sich mutig und fit genug, den gefürchteten Flecken zu erforschen. Die Dorfbewohner versuchten ängstlich, ihn davon abzuhalten, doch er blieb unbeirrt.

Als Chris den Verdammten Ort betrat, fühlte er sofort seine äußerst beklemmende Atmosphäre. Die Häuser standen zu Ruinen verfallen und leer, die Straßen waren längst von Unkraut und Flechten überwuchert. Er schritt langsam und vorsichtig voran, jeder Schritt begleitet von einem leichten Knirschen unter seinen Füßen.

Plötzlich hörte er hinter sich ein leises Wispern, das ihm eine Gänsehaut über den Rücken jagte. Er drehte sich rasch um, aber da war niemand. Das Flüstern verstummte, doch Chris spürte, daß er beobachtet wurde. Die Zeit schien stillzustehen, als er weiterging, stets von einer unsichtbaren Präsenz begleitet.

Schließlich erreichte er das Zentrum des Verdammten Ortes. Ein verwaister Brunnen ragte in die Höhe, von dem eine geheimnisvolle Aura ausging. Chris näherte sich ihm vorsichtig und blickte ins Wasser. Wirre Reflexionen tanzten auf der Oberfläche, aber sein eigenes Spiegelbild sah er nicht.

Sein Durst verleitete ihn, sich an einem Schluck des Wassers zu laben. In diesem Moment durchströmte ihn eine Welle tiefer Erkenntnis. Der Verdammte Ort wurde nicht etwa von Geistern oder bösen Mächten beherrscht. Es ist einfach der Ort des Verlustes, der Trauer und der Vergessenheit. Die Menschen, die einst hier lebten, waren Opfer einer unheilvollen Krankheit geworden, die ihre Seelen verdunkelt hatte. Ihre Erinnerungen waren alle verschwunden, als ob sie niemals existiert hätten.

Chris verließ den Verdammten Ort mit einem neuen Verständnis. Er erzählte den Cataniern von seiner Entdeckung und half ihnen, ihre ursprünglichen Ängste zu überwinden. Statt den Platz zu fürchten, beschlossen sie, ihn zu ehren und die vielfältigen Erinnerungen an die Vergangenheit wachzuhalten.

Der Verdammte Ort verlor seine düstere Macht über die Gemüter der Menschen und wurde zu einem Symbol der Stärke und des Wiedererwachens. Die Legenden und Geschichten wurden weiterhin verbreitet, nun aber mit einer Botschaft der Hoffnung und des Zusammenhalts.

Und so bleibt den nachfolgenden Generationen der Verdammte Ort bis heute eine Mahnung daran, daß manchmal das Dunkle, das Mysteriöse und das Verrufene nicht das ist, wovor man sich fürchten sollte, sondern vielmehr eine Möglichkeit, die eigene innere Stärke und vielleicht sogar den Sinn des Lebens zu entdecken...


Heres a free vote on behalf of @se-witness.

A very interesting story. And a picture.... directly corresponds to the story. There are many such villages in Russia now. On YouTube, you can find videos that match this story. Young guys visit such abandoned villages.
I can tell you about my impressions when I myself walked through such an abandoned village. In old dilapidated houses, there are things of people who once lived in these houses and it seems their spirit still lives there.

Back in Soviet times, in the 80s of the last century, I wanted to visit the village where my mother, grandfather, and grandmother were born. Imagine, people lived and engaged in the development of their families. There was a revolution, a civil war, my grandmother was 14 years old and then she was married to my grandfather, who was 16 years old because there was little food in the family.
Then a collective farm was formed, then the Second World War began, after which there was a famine again, about which my mother and her sisters told me. Stalin died, it became easier to live in the village, but the new Secretary General Khrushchev decided that it was unprofitable to maintain small villages from which people were already trying to escape, because life there was not fun, there were no roads.
And so I visited a village where no one had lived for almost 20 years. It's creepy.

It's creepy... In Germany we don't have such places at present. But the small villages die out. Agriculture is going down, the young people move to the bigger cities for good jobs and easier life. This will become more bad next years...

That's the way it is. But now the situation has changed a little. Villages that are located near cities began to be populated again. This is due to the roads under construction, which did not exist before, and the opportunity to have cars. People can drive to the workplace in the city. I myself work in the regional center, and I live on the outskirts of a small town.

What will happen next? This spring, the road collapsed, and problems began with the ability to quickly get to the office. It's good that the road was quickly restored. But the situation in the country is getting worse and worse. Now European cars have disappeared from the car market, but many Chinese brands have appeared. And they cost more than a good European car 2 years ago. What can we expect from them? I think there is chaos and destruction ahead of us.

 last year 

That's right, it's not necessary that a place is haunted or unfortunate but sometimes this is the circumstances that turn a place into a haunted one.

Just as the greatest fears grow out of ourselves and not for external reasons....

@weisser-rabe It beautifully illustrates how confronting our fears and exploring the unknown can lead to profound personal growth and a shift in collective consciousness.

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