Contest - "The Last Celebration"

in Dream Steemlast year

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Mona took a deep breath and swallowed. She looked at herself in the mirror at the side of the boat. With a lovely face and voluptuous, sexy body, she was an ambitious, lively, and lovely girl. Her friends and coworkers regarded her as an enraged and arrogant architect.


My Side of the Story


This evening was a momentous occasion, marking the completion of her most significant project to date. Mona had poured everything into the design, and she hoped this event would allow her to show her true self to those around her. She was determined to break through the barriers of perception and prove that she was more than just an architect.



The boat sailed smoothly through the tranquil waters as laughter and music filled the air. The party had started, and the mood was contagious. Mona socialized with the crowd, making an effort to interact with everyone she met. She warmly greeted old friends and acquaintances, flashing her sincere smile and putting her best foot forward.

In the midst of lively conversation and clinking glasses, Mona found herself talking with Sarah, a skilled interior designer renowned for her sharp wit and discerning eye. Sarah’s eyes shone with interest as she examined Mona, taking in her self-assured demeanor.

“Mona,” Sarah said contemplatively and earnestly, “there’s something different about you tonight. You seem more approachable.”

Mona’s heart leapt at Sarah’s observation. “I’ve been thinking about how I come across to others. I want people to see the real me, not just this image of an angry architect.”

Sarah nodded sympathetically. “It can be difficult to break free from those stereotypes. But I believe actions speak louder than words. Show people your true passion and kindness, and they will see the real Mona.”

Mona nodded thoughtfully, grateful for Sarah’s understanding and support. She knew that actions did indeed speak louder than words, and this celebration was the perfect opportunity to show her true self.

With renewed resolve, Mona excused herself from the conversation and headed to the center of the gathering. As the music grew louder and the crowd’s attention shifted to her, she took a deep breath, ready to make a statement.

“Thank you all for being here tonight,” Mona began confidently. “This project has been a labor of love, and I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved together. But tonight I want to share something more with you.”

The crowd’s curiosity grew as they focused on Mona. She continued, “Throughout my career I have been labeled as an angry architect, but that is not who I am. Architecture is not just about building structures; it’s about creating spaces that evoke emotions, foster connections, and bring happiness.”

Mona spoke with sincerity and passion as she shared stories about how her designs had impacted people and communities, emphasizing the human element behind each building. Her voice conveyed a genuine desire to make a positive difference in the world.

The room was hushed, entranced by Mona’s sincere words. A smile gradually spread across her face as she realized she was breaking down the barriers of perception. The atmosphere changed, and the tension that had surrounded her faded away.


Image By ojosujono96

In the following weeks, Mona’s reputation changed. People began to see her not just as an architect, but as a kind and talented individual who cared deeply about her work and the people it affected.

Mona’s honesty and genuineness had a domino effect on her professional and personal life. Colleagues and clients began to seek her out, attracted to her ability to create meaningful spaces and build relationships. The label of the angry architect was replaced by a newfound respect for her dedication and creativity.

I trust that you liked my side of the story. 😊

I would like to invite @paholags, @senehasa, @leonciocast, @ty-ty, @enrisanti, @cruzamilcar63, @patjewell and @graceleon to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 19-July-2023 | Achievement 1
 last year 

So you changed Mona, an ambitious, lively, and lovely girl into

a kind and talented individual who cared deeply about her work and the people it affected.

Hmm, I guess her mom would be proud of you 😄

Well, I guess Mona’s character needed a little more development. Plus, now she gets to wear the ‘kind and talented’ badge with pride, thanks to me! 😂

 last year 

But... Mona might come furious and raging with anger after you for transforming her favorite pose 😄(and a gun in her hand) 🛫better run for your dear life.


You go girl! You rocked the world of the females!

As for the author, I LOVED your side of the story!

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. 🙂

La transformación de Mona se convierte en el conflicto central de una historia que la deja con una vida exitosa, ahora también en el plano social, por delante, gracias a esa decisión. Muy buen relato, amigo. Saludos...

Thanks for the visit. I'm glad you liked it. 😊

Nice story. Good job!

Thanks. 🙂

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