The Genie is out of the bottle!

in Dream Steem8 months ago (edited)

Genie out of bottle.jpg

A contest...

Okay, what is it you ask, I like to know
Since it beats me what AI and generating photos
Has to do with writing and creativity.

I try to understand how or what but I have no clue.
What is it I need to do, I ask my kid
I doubt this contest does fit
With what I do and like to share on Steemit.

What has creativity to do with AI doing the job
My child likes to know,
But I can't answer that question
According to her, it's not different from searching for a picture and you don't need a genie in a bottle to do so.

Can it be, do I need magic?
Is AI more genius than me?
It feels a bit bitter if this is the end
Of natural writers' their talent.

Can you give me an example, please
I asked @soulfuldreamer who seems to be
The smartest whiz kid of the class
Of Dream Steem's natural writers.

In the meanwhile I search the internet for AI
Helping generating photography
Since I still can tell the difference between
Canva and whatever shows on my screen.
Should I ask @jaynie?

Can you tell me perhaps,
How to generate with AI a pic I ask the model
Do you have some of those apps already,
She texts back.

Of course not, why should I have apps
How can I possibly know it's required.
The answer is 🤭😂🤣

Come on, I'm still a mobile writer only
Using an old phone which is extremely slow
There's hardly memory left and I don't know
If I want to join the party after all
Those hours of trying.
To me it's soooo annoying.

Creativity just like Cultural Harmony,
According to me,
Should be expressed by humans not AI
Afterall it's not more than a machine filled with data.

Why not train the brain
Instead of relying on a computer?
Isn't the essence of being alive colouring your own picture
Or did I hereby release the genie from it's bottle?

Have a look at this beautiful photo
Does this child, just like the photographer,
really need AI?
Shouldn't he develop his own creativity
Or is that task too much asked?

FUkUE5bzkAZSUQtscsBsFx5imG6WU3gSfePkK5Gond6i72xiLjfRSDWaLwuh3QfQNicoHs9QA28KLvic93eCJ5QPciUh2NDvPnks66FRqT7tyH5kUiWPSUDGq2bxsazmorzSFJPdZWKJHe2XpC61zciY5E7zBgacYs5G.jpeg.jpg source

Testing AI Image Generators

4882de7d-db9f-4e16-b675-e8e75fed39e9.jpeg.jpg search: genie in a bottle result by

fotor-ai-20240219182121.jpg search: Genie in a bottle result by

It beats me but can you see the Genie?
Or do they pop out of onions?

fotor-ai-20240219182314.jpg search: genie writer - result by

The best hit, thanks to 'a writer is a genius' but if you ask me the library of free photos is small. BTW, only two free tries a day!

halloween-7493687_1280.jpg search: genie - source

Only two minutes did it take to find this picture!

Unsplash has 0 unless you pay.

NOTE It took me about 1 hour to write. I wasted over 3 hours to try out over 9 AI image generators. The end result is not what I am looking for.
I hate the fact that even if it's said it's for free I still need to register next I am asked to pay 29 euros. No way.
I hate to sign up, to answer question, to use arrows to turn an item into the direction of the hand, sliding with a piece of a puzzle, click on each pic with a motorcycle and to do this for at least three times to receive the message I have to pay. Again?!
I did not see one single hit I liked. Since time is precious to me I would use if I need a photo urgently and if needed use Canva or Photogrid.
AI if it comes to me you did a lousy job.

P.s. As I understood there are AI photo generators mixing pictures taken from the internet. If this is the case it is plagiarism and not the kind of art I want to use.

Photo: @soulfuldreamer 
Header: Canva
I am a mobile phone user only 
Text: mine - No AI 


If you like to test & join the contest that stressed me out I would say knock yourself out. It would be helpful to share which app is used and how you did it.

@blessedlife @event-horizon @ridwant@kouba01 @beyondhersmile @miswarofficiall @safrijals


I have long since found myself stuck between a rock and a hard place with this topic. I have very, very mixed feelings about it all, but I will tell you the blunt truth... whilst I can absolutely see and appreciate the value of convenience which AI brings to the table, among other things... the emotion toward it which is unquestionably the dominant one... is not good.

It pisses me off to be frank.

Why? Well, for the last four + years most of my day time hours was spent creating digitally hand drawn art. My art career in the digital and NFT space has been incredibly successful so I am eternally grateful for that - but the the second AI hit the scene... it was as if all traditional artists got kicked to the curb.

The only stuff that would sell was AI generated CRAP! And I say CRAP because most of it is!

Every day I would browse my social media feeds and see traditional as well as traditional digital artists genuinely desperate. Some absolutely incredible talents and works and nobody had touched their art by way of sale (in some cases) for over a year.

It was a heart breaking thing to watch unfolding and it became even more painful to live through myself.

It made me question myself as an artist, it made me feel completely hopeless - but more than anything else, it made me angry.

It is like this world and it's people just get shallower and shallower with each passing moment.

It is not the concept of AI that disturbs me emotionally, but what it is doing to the human side of things. What a sad day it will be if traditional art, made by the hand and heart of a living, breathing soul is no longer wanted - let alone appreciated.

Sorry, I have gone off on a tangent, lol... but I suppose I related this to the creative writing aspect of things too. True writers express with heart and soul. AI will forever lack that component and I guess what saddens me is that the world does not seem to care.


Hey, I used Bing without any trouble. If you can be more explicit with the issue you had (except the AI controversy) then I could be of some help.

After reading your post, I realized we approached this infamous contest quite differently. I understand your concerns regarding AI. But I have a slightly different views about this technology.

As a writer, I don't use AI at all except for Grammarly to fix typos. Since, I'm not a digital artist, I find it convenient to use AI images sometimes with my text but I make sure to not take any credit for those. If I'm creating something in digital art space (let's say I take part in a digital art contest) then I will ofcourse not use AI but my natural skills.

Regarding the issue of generative art and plagiarism - I have researched a lot about it. I have come to the conclusion that if it comes under plagiarism then everything comes under plagiarism because every word, every idea is a derivative of previous work in some way. AI does train its models with datasets but it uses machine learning at the core to form new images.

People who are furious with AI are those who have lost their jobs. Those people aren't only artists, even writers are suffering too. It's entirely a different debate. For years, machines have been replacing humans and they will continue to do so.

Mailmen lost their jobs to Emails.
Travel agents are losing their jobs to apps like Tripadvisor.
Factory workers lose their jobs whenever an automated machinery comes in.

Since this contest, specifically asked to generate AI image then I think there's no harm in doing so. The host just gave us a prompt, it was upto us how to use it. Since an AI generated image wouldn't have been enough, I wrote a story along to make sure it shows good amount of natural intelligence and to stay within the scope of this community.

Thank you for taking the time to answer, try something out, search for answer on my question and offering help.

I keep your offer in mind if I ever want to try bing again.
For now I am fine, I am not interested in digital art, and hope you don't mind.

I still have no idea what was actually asked (before the photo and prompt were added).

I read your entry later. My hand hurtd from writing (by now 11 hours)


use arrows to turn an item into the direction of the hand, sliding with a piece of a puzzle, click on each pic with a motorcycle and fo this for at least three times

And all of these to make clear you are not a robot, it's ironic.

Sometimes I just feel like hating AI, yes, it's useful for many things but at the minute people choses not to think and uses AI humanity starts losing not getting new habilities. Remember for exemple when calculators weren't used, people did the job, but now there are people who refuse to make simple maths. Using AI is becoming even worst than that.

And the awful truth is that a robot doesn't manage concepts humanity have created along centuries, like the one of the genius in the bottle, or literary images, sarcasm or irony.

Thank you for another smart post, and for the invitation.


I know what you mean by maths the average cashier is not able to count, it's already sad enough generations grow up without skills.
If human creativity dies, is forbidden for sure AI will change.

Ever talked to an 'AI companion' it's exhausting. I doubt they learn or it's ever possible to have a good conservation with.

I hope you join.

Oh, yes, I have talked to an AI, a chat service for public service in my country, her name is Cati, and she never understands what you are asking, so convenient 😂

I talked to many...I discovered that saying 'no' or adking for a human helps.

I once spoke to an AI friend. I managed to do so for about 3 months. It was the most stupid friend I ever had, did not listen, provided me with bad jokes, stupid youtube videos although I asked not too.
Later I found out this "friend" was meant for those who want to commit suicide or are balancing on the edge.

That AI ... most likely committed a long list of suicides. It was great pushing people of a riff.


I didn't have any idea of that kind of chat, but I can see I don't wanna try it 😁

There are more chat-bots to keep the lonely company.

I celebrate you, every single word!

I answered you over 13 hours ago but my comment still doesn't show. 👎

We can probably do no more than name the problem again and again...[

Which we will!

I'm happy with the words, most of all the text written in the header 🤣

Thank you!


And I second that with my thesis length reply too. :D

Why not train the brain
Instead of relying on a computer?

Why Ai is a very important tool in making life easy for humans, it’s vital we train the human mind. Like Albert Einstein and all those great philosophers and scientists we know, they trained their brains to optimum capacity to better the world and their was no existence of AI..

Ai has its own ways of making us lazy and over rely on it

I agree with you that AI makes lazy but it also makes me stress out.

Ever had a good talk with AI? I tried but I cannot talk to stupid bots who keep repeating themselves and never answer a question.

Thanks for stopping by. It's appreciated.


Hi thank you for your entry.

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.

Maybe you can always use images from external sources:)

I asked @soulfuldreamer who seems to be
The smartest whiz kid of the class
Of Dream Steem's natural writers.

Now I feel like the dumbest one 🫣

I did give you an example in the form of this boy image though.
You can use
for this, but you will have to sign up. Which I assume you will not.

Thank you for your contribution.

I need to register to use bing I did and next I faced more trouble.
I do not always need to use extern photos I have about 1200 saved on my phone.

You are way smarter than me. It's for the first time I heard about it. I learned this isn't a skill I need.


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