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RE: The Genie is out of the bottle!

in Dream Steem5 months ago

I know what you mean by maths the average cashier is not able to count, it's already sad enough generations grow up without skills.
If human creativity dies, is forbidden for sure AI will change.

Ever talked to an 'AI companion' it's exhausting. I doubt they learn or it's ever possible to have a good conservation with.

I hope you join.


Oh, yes, I have talked to an AI, a chat service for public service in my country, her name is Cati, and she never understands what you are asking, so convenient 😂

I talked to many...I discovered that saying 'no' or adking for a human helps.

I once spoke to an AI friend. I managed to do so for about 3 months. It was the most stupid friend I ever had, did not listen, provided me with bad jokes, stupid youtube videos although I asked not too.
Later I found out this "friend" was meant for those who want to commit suicide or are balancing on the edge.

That AI ... most likely committed a long list of suicides. It was great pushing people of a riff.


I didn't have any idea of that kind of chat, but I can see I don't wanna try it 😁

There are more chat-bots to keep the lonely company.

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