Mysterious Doll

in Dream Steemlast month


There was a little girl named Lia, she was a teenage girl who liked dolls, but had never bought or gotten a doll at all.

Lia got a doll from her older sister. She was very happy, and she was very happy to get the doll. And she often hugged her doll especially when she was fast asleep. However, a few days later there were many strange and unexpected events that happened since the doll was in her house.

Especially at night, she happened to always put the doll her sister gave her next to her pillow and for some reason, she often felt that the doll was often watching her, and she also often heard mysterious voices from the doll. But she didn't think too much about it, maybe she was hallucinating.

Not only that, she also often had nightmares about her doll. Also, her dreams did not only appear occasionally but repeatedly and she even often thought that her dreams were real. And she was very afraid and restless, finally a sense of curiosity arose about the doll that appeared in her mind.

And because of her curiosity that always haunted her every moment, it even disturbed her mind very much. Finally she tried to ask her older sister about the doll, but her older sister didn't know anything about the doll because she only bought the doll at the Doll Shop and the seller didn't tell her anything about the doll.

Because she couldn't stand it anymore and she didn't want to experience the terrible events from the doll that always scared her, she finally decided to burn the doll and she tried to forget the things and events related to the doll.

And sure enough she no longer had nightmares about the doll. Not long after, her older sister got information from local residents that the doll was actually a mysterious doll and had often harmed and brought bad events since the doll existed. Also, there are some residents of the House whose families were killed by the doll that can move and can take the form of a real human.

Honestly, at first he felt guilty when he burned the doll, but he thought it was better to burn it, because he would feel his fear that would continue who knows how long. Over time he felt calm, because there was nothing that made him afraid anymore.

The end

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