Eyes in the fog | story-by-photo Contes #X- @bambuka

in Dream Steem5 months ago


Inspector Crane strode warily through the silent village, surrounded by a thick fog with a visibility of 10 metres. The chill in the air was bone-chilling, his heart pounding as if his blood flow would stop and he would freeze to the stillness of the night that seemed to swallow him alive. The cold wind howled and blew away the snowflakes, hitting her face which paled with fear. She could feel the air of death that could come at any moment and take her life.


Behind him, the creaking of the cart Jonas was pulling was deafening, as if screaming the horrors that had befallen this village. Jonas's deathly pale face with his eyes bulging with fear reminded him of an extremely frightening event after hearing the sound from a distance, his whole body shuddered and trembled and he saw the bloodied corpses scattered with snow everywhere, with the corpses with their chests split open and hearts missing.


The blood-red moon hung low in the sky, its terrifying light illuminating the path covered in thick snow. The old trees crackled eerily, as if ready to pounce on them at any moment. The thick fog was like a giant shroud, covering what lay beneath. Many questions arose in his mind what happened, what creature was capable of such a cruel act, his muscles were stiff and his mind was frozen, it was like he couldn't believe what he saw, his aunt was so tongue-tied he couldn't speak, he was so panicked by the horror he witnessed.

Suddenly the dim light from the street lamp flickered and died instantly, plunging them into total darkness. Inspector Crane fingered the gun in his pocket, prepared for whatever might strike. He whispered to Jonas to stay alert. We don't know if we can breathe until tomorrow or suffer the same fate as those villagers.


Suddenly they heard a sound that echoed throughout the forest, the sound was very clear in the distance, the heartbreaking howl of a wolf. But Inspector Crane knew it was no ordinary wolf. It was the werewolf demon that inhabited the forest. He had heard rumours of the man-eating beast. It took its toll every year during the snowy season. They looked at each other with a look of resignation and panic in the glint in their eyes.


Amidst the eerie silence, there was a sudden deafening death scream. Inspector Crane and Jonas froze in place. The scream came closer, followed by rapid footsteps. Something fast and savage was heading towards them.


Jonas screamed hysterically and tried to escape, but tripped and fell. Inspector Crane fired his pistol in the direction of the sound, but the bullet seemed to go through. The creature was getting closer, its ragged breathing clearly audible now.

Inspector Crane knew this was the end. He would be eaten by the unknown beast, but at least he had tried to unravel the mystery of the murders in this cursed village. He resigned himself and closed his eyes, silently praying for a quick death.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, followed by the creature's moans of pain. Inspector Crane opened his eyes and was shocked to see that Jonas had beaten the creature to death with an iron torch. Apparently Jonas had saved him. They looked at each other in relief, having survived an imminent death.


Breathing heavily, Inspector Crane stared at the hideous creature before him. Its body was covered in fresh blood, its claws deadly sharp. The murderous werewolf terrorising the village was finally dead. The mystery had been solved even though it almost cost them their lives.

Inspеctor Cranе was gratеful. Though thе villagе was cursеd, at lеast justicе had bееn sеrvеd tonight. Hе and Jonas lookеd at еach othеr, rеliеvеd to havе еscapеd dеath and stoppеd thе wеrеwolf's tеrror. Thеy knеw that еvеn though thе dangеr had passеd, this villagе would nеvеr bе thе samе again. A villagе cursеd by еvil and thе Furiеs by monstrous crеaturеs


Justice? What about that poor werewolf doesn't s/he has the right to live 😭

I wonder which villager is this werewolf 🤔

Well written. 👍


Excellent story my friend, it keeps you in suspense; Although I am more of a fan of tragic endings for humans. 😈🤣 It's always nice to see the cavalry arrive and save us. Good luck in the contest

Thank you for your response😄

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

You are the second person to see eyes in the lights. I'll have to take another look at the enlarged photos...

The story is just based on instinct, thank you

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Thank You

Breathing heavily, Inspector Crane stared at the hideous creature before him. Its body was covered in fresh blood, its claws deadly sharp.


As the inspector turned his back on the werewolf... something started to happen....
🤣 😂😅🍄


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