He soñado que recuerdo mis sueños / I dreamt that I remember my dreams (Spa / Eng)

in Dream Steemlast year

Versión Español

Nunca recuerdo los sueños que tengo cuando duermo, pero tengo muy presente los sueños que sueño despierto...

Solo recuerdo un sueño que tuve cuando dormía, que fue especial, y este era que cada noche, antes de acostarme, pensaba intensamente en lo que quería soñar, quizás era alguna aventura de niño que quería tener o probablemente tener eso que tanto deseaba.


Bogotá - Colombia

Y me acostaba a dormir plácidamente, en mi gran cama soñada, si, mi cama era pequeña, pero uno de los sueños que cuando estaba despierto tenía era una gran cama, así que cuando me acostaba lo hacía con los ojos cerrados para imaginar que no era mi pequeña cama en la que me estaba acostando, sino que era esa gran cama que sostendría mi cuerpo mientras sueño.

Recuerdo que un día (en mi sueño) escuché la palabra guerra, esa palabra impacto mi día y mi manera de ver las cosas, que incluso sin querer, cuando me acosté, mi mente estaba pensando en eso, y ¿Qué creen que soñé?, Si, soñé aviones que volaban rápidamente, y dejaban caer elementos de si, que se veían como gotas de agua cayendo desde el cielo, pero que al caer al suelo terminaban por nublar el día, ese sueño no me gustó.


Bogotá - Colombia

Finalmente, para terminar y no abrumarlos con los sueños de mis sueños, debo decir que en realidad no recuerdo mis sueños. A veces he despertado en la madrugada, con el corazón acelerado, incluso un poco agitado y cansado, pero sin saber porque, debo asumir que ha sido porque algún sueño (que no recuerdo al momento) me ha puesto así, incluso en algunos momentos he tenido que levantarme, independientemente de la hora de la madrugada por no lograr conciliar el sueño nuevamente.

Los sueños son mas que juegarretas de nuestra mente inconsciente, muchas personas pueden ver en sueños, con anticipación, lo que pasados unos días les ocurre, o quizás simplemente sea casualidad. No lo sé, ¿Y tu?

Esta ha sido mi participación en el concurso. Contest - Easter Egg #1 / Osterei #1.

Después de unas semanas de intenso trabajo en la plataforma, y ya tener un poco más de tiempo disponible para empezar a explorar otras comunidades, Quiero agradecerles por la creación de esta nueva comunidad, seguro que habrá la posibilidad de crecer en la medida que los usuarios comparten aquí sus ideas, sueños y más.

Aprovecharé la oportunidad de invitar a @joyarub y a @theatrorve, se que tambien son muy entregados a la escritura creativa y que podrían compartir parte de sus creaciones aquí. / He colocado el 20% de beneficiario a la cuenta @hive-107855 con la intención de apoyar su crecimiento.


English Version

I never remember the dreams I have when I sleep, but I am very aware of the dreams I dream while awake....

I only remember one dream I had when I slept, which was special, and this was that every night, before going to bed, I would think intensely about what I wanted to dream about, maybe it was some adventure as a child that I wanted to have or probably to have that thing I wanted so much.


Bogota City- Colombia

And I would lie down to sleep peacefully, in my dreamed big bed, yes, my bed was small, but one of the dreams that when I was awake I had was a big bed, so when I would lie down I would do it with my eyes closed to imagine that it was not my little bed that I was lying in, but it was that big bed that would hold my body while I dream.

I remember that one day (in my dream) I heard the word war, that word impacted my day and my way of seeing things, that even unintentionally, when I went to bed, my mind was thinking about it, and what do you think I dreamed, Yes, I dreamed planes flying fast, and dropping elements of if, that looked like drops of water falling from the sky, but falling to the ground ended up clouding the day, that dream I did not like.


Bogota City- Colombia

Finally, to finish and not to overwhelm you with the dreams of my dreams, I must say that I don't really remember my dreams. Sometimes I have woken up in the early morning, with a racing heart, even a little agitated and tired, but without knowing why, I must assume that it has been because some dream (that I do not remember at the moment) has put me like that, even at times I have had to get up, regardless of the time of the morning for not being able to fall asleep again.

Dreams are more than tricks of our unconscious mind, many people can see in dreams, with anticipation, what happens to them after a few days, or maybe it is just a coincidence. I don't know, do you?

This has been my participation in the contest. Contest - Easter Egg #1 / Osterei #1.

After a few weeks of intense work on the platform, and already have a little more time available to start exploring other communities, I want to thank you for the creation of this new community, sure there will be the possibility to grow as users share here their ideas, dreams and more.

I will take the opportunity to invite @joyarub and @theatrorve, I know they are also very dedicated to creative writing and could share some of their creations here. / I have placed 20% beneficiary to the account @hive-107855 with the intention of supporting its growth.

Note: the images are my own, taken with my Motorola g31 phone.

Twitter | Instagram | Discord | Youtube | Telegram: @josevas217


 last year (edited)

And so I captured this fance
where all that we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream.
(Alan Parsons / Edgar Allan Poe)

Wow! Great:
Dreams within dreams - a multiple version of the above cited!

Allan Poe, I didn't know that poem, but I think everything that author wrote was just great.

Thank you very much for leaving those links to the videos, they are totally onniric, I liked especially the first one, but both are very interesting.

 last year 

Hi ;-)) Your dreams are as welcome as you are!

Thank you very much for your good wishes: come in any time and see what we are up to ;-))

Thank you a lot for this word.

 last year 

I remember that one day (in my dream) I heard the word war, that word impacted my day and my way of seeing things, that even unintentionally, when I went to bed, my mind was thinking about it, and what do you think I dreamed...

Yes I feel it sounds so dreamy and poetic 👍

Thank you very much my friend for commenting.

 last year 

Most welcome 👍


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags. Curated by: @bambuka

Gracias bambuka por el apoyo.

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