"The Keyword of the Week- Silver" : "A New Initiative to Help Newbies"

in Dream Steem5 months ago (edited)
Hello, my dear Steemian friends,

As promised, I will publish a post on my blog every week and bring at least one new user to the limelight.

As per my plan, I visited several posts with the newbie tag and found a talented member, @stroc, with the help of @wakeupkitty.pal. As I see it, this new user needs our help.

Screenshot (1794).png

The Post

I have reasons to believe that we, the Steemians, can use this platform as a help center for users having any issues. The Steemit could well be a tremendous force to support people in need.

My blog post will act as a medium that will allow people to find support, mostly for the newbies who need support in the beginning stages. I feel sad when I see some of the better posts from newbies go unnoticed, so the authors leave the platform disheartened.

Why am I going to do this?

I have seen a couple of talented newbies need support to stay on this platform, so I will support them and add them as a beneficiary to generate revenue for them. I am also sure people will voluntarily come forward and vote for their post as a goodwill gesture.

I will ask my friends to join my group and come forward to help newbies in need, so if I find a newbie with good posts, I will include them as beneficiaries and contact people to support them. For instance, I will take help from @radjasalman and @wilmer1988 to refer them to my weekly blog post.

I am very sure, @wakeupkitty.pal will keep doing the good work she did by tagging me throughout the last week. I am sure more members will take the cue and come forward and help me find out about newbies that need support in their beginning stages.

So I will do whatever I can to spread the act of kindness on this website. I will ask my able friends to be a part of the effort to help people in need.

I request all members to tag me in the comment section if they find any good posts from a verified newbie under 50 rank.

The eligibility and qualification

Rank under 50.
Verified in the newcomers' community
(not mandatory if we find them within the rules.)

Thank you all.


Now the keyword

Deb was lying on the bed, looking out of the window. He was watching the rain-drenched leaves of the peepal tree swaying very close to him. He was trying to see somewhere in the distance, far away, beyond the joyful vibrations of those swaying leaves.



Oh yes, he could see a strange light in the thick cover of clouds. He was still thinking about what he had seen in that strange girl whom he was with. He was having a silent conversation in his mind, but his mind was cool and clear. He still remembered how that strange girl, whose body was as soft as dough kneaded in milk and butter, was lying in his bed until a few hours ago.

He could still smell the smell of henna perfume that was coming from her body. She looked tired when she left but gave him a lovely smile while leaving. Deb found that passionate fragrance different from what he had smelled so far. There was a strange sweetness in his mouth and mind—a strange sweetness like he ate his favorite milk chocolates—that smile was so heart-touching and sweet.

Next morning...

She was gone, but the smell was still there!

In the office...

"You look very happy! Has the loan for the new house been approved?"

"No, it will take some more time for loan approval."

"Why are you so happy? Have you found a good buyer for your plot?"

“No, its sale has been postponed for now.”

“You are very happy, has the boss approved the leave?”

"Oh no, they have asked me to apply by reducing the leave by two weeks."

"You are looking very happy! Has there been a new increment? Has the salary been increased?"

"No! It will probably take time."

“You look very happy! Did your new assignment get the green signal?

"No! I couldn't complete it this time."

“You look very happy! Have you been transferred back to Mumbai?

"No! It might still take two more years."

"You are very happy! Have you become eligible for promotion this time?"

"No, my boss would know better about it than me."

"You are very happy, it seems that there are chances of getting the desired posting in your preferred city?"

"It is not so. HR has said that there is no vacancy in that city for the next two years."

"You look very happy! Then what's the matter?"

"Last night…"

“What about last night...? Any beautiful incident?”

"Yes, very beautiful! Man, after a long time, I had a deep sleep. My heart and mind are so happy that there seems only happiness in my life. All my circumstances are still the same as before. I haven't got any money or promotions, I used to look for happiness in transfers, holidays, travel, etc., but today I feel that there is nothing more true happiness than a calm mind. I should dance, sing, and celebrate like crazy.

Deb replied, "Wow, last night I saw a silver lining in my desperate life."

The man asking all these questions whispered silently, "Seemss like this man has gone mad. He is happy for nothing."


Kind attention:@weisser-rabe

Baneficiaries @stroc- 10% @null 25% and @hive-107855- 5%


The last question would be my first one... ;-))

@stroc - you are a lucky guy ;-)) I wish you success on Steem!

Thank you very much for your visit and attention, I really hope to feel at home here

 5 months ago 

Welcome, try this community!

 5 months ago 

Thanks, the reason best known to you though!

@jasga she is a newbie, sir please help her she needs encouragement and support.

Thanks @dove11

 4 months ago 

Ask her to write a post so that I could initiate help for her. You know a user should be active to avail of this support.

Thank you very much for the information and attention, I hope as someone who still has a lot to learn, I hope this platform or blog will develop rapidly in the future

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