Hey dear kid, don't worry it's a musical instrument—and not what you think it is @bambuka

in Dream Steemlast year
Although this is a fictional post, I am willing to tell it and sincerely hope to entertain you with my musical instrument, as well as dazzle you with my extraordinary musical genius. You know what my wife often says: "I live in "Dream Steem these days, but that doesn't mean I have forgotten my musical expertise."

Hey buddy, there is another motive for writing this story. Allow me to explain my dress. You know, I wanted to go to Moscow once, so I bought this attire, but then something funny happened there and they divided themselves into several countries, so I got confused about where I wanted to go. Was it Russia or the USSR?


Image source

Hey Boy,

As I’m sure you all know, we Indians, especially the older generation like me, don't go anywhere unless I manage to get their full attention. I have this beautiful instrument, which I am sure is a great gift for you. So what I am showing you here is, in fact, a very beautiful musical instrument.

I think my friend will agree with me that this is something unique I brought for you. Do you want to try it? No, no don't be scared it is a real musical instrument, my boy.

Trust me, it will not always be easy to play with what I am carrying, so just extend your hand and touch what I am holding on this beautiful day and enjoy this ceremonial function.

Trust me it will produce wonderful music as you play it. Trust me, it's the most melodious instrument the world has ever listened to. This is the most melodious instrument that I have brought for you. Would you believe that it was my father who brought it to me in the last century?

My wife wanted to give it to my daughter last year, but I said, "We shall gift it to the most talented, most noble-looking child as a gift in front of his family members."

I can clearly see two lovely ladies standing close to the wall, watching me with my musical instrument. I am ready to part with my special instrument, dress up in my old-fashioned clothes, and gift my most precious possession to the most gifted boy in this world.

There’s only one problem with getting this gift from me, you will have to play it right here in front of me. Yes, you’ve guessed it right. You can definitely play it and amuse us all when I give you the musical notes, and the sound it makes will leave all of you amazed.

Come on, take it; this is no ordinary instrument, but what we have is the music itself." The proof of its genius is in its sound, so play it once and feel the music. Although this instrument looks really different, its sound just doesn’t make any ordinary sounds. Fine, I’ll stop being too boastful here and assure you once again that it makes absolutely wonderful music.

What you will hear is more of a musical note, but the sound is coming right from the heavens above. Although the sound it makes is sweet and firm, the quality of its sound is the combination of heavenly music with godly metal.

When my wife said she wanted to give it to our daughter, I found another one that looked similar to this but had a different sound. This instrument has a beautiful sound with delightful low-pitched notes that sound sweet to our ears. I am sure it will suit a smart kid like you and make you instantly popular in this town.

If you are going to accept my antique gift, you could please look around, or better yet, ask me about its qualities. There is only one of its kind, so if you have a chance, please play it and take a round in town with me!
If you wish to go alone and play, please send me details of your experience and perhaps an idea of how you fared with your listeners. I do hope you will be an instant success in town.

Happy playing, and my best wishes as a top musician of the future, my dear chosen boy! Oh, and don’t forget to gift it to someone when you find a smart boy when you get old.

What? you still don't trust it's a musical instrument?



 last year 

A kind of magic flute... Nice ;-))

 last year 

It's a very insidious musical instrument...
I would give a lot not to hear his melodies in the city ;-))

 last year 

More the better, who the heck wants to listen to a melodious one 😉

 last year 

When I was younger, the melody of this instrument was familiar to me, but over time the tastes change... :-))

 last year (edited)

When you were younger I was still elder than you so talking about age is injurious to health, cheers. Be a sports be a seaman. 😉😎 I don't mind how it sounded even if it rattled too harshly. After all we have heard all kind of music including this one and now days this music is getting too popular as you can hear it around the world.

 last year 

If some music sounds... then it's profitable for someone.

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