SEC-S18W4/My tools to shine

in Shine with Steemlast month


Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

Welcome to the Ulfatulrahmah Blog.

On this occasion, I want to participate in the "SEC-S18W4 My tools to shine" contest.. Hopefully in this contest I will be successful. Friends, don't forget to Vote Comment and Resteem.


What technological tools do you use in your daily life? (Computers, cell phones, tablets, drones, smartwatches, etc.)

I use my cellphone as my everyday technology tool. I prefer technological tools such as cellphones compared to others. Cellphones are very easy for me to use for my daily needs compared to computers and so on. In my opinion, cellphones are very suitable for communicating and whatever my needs are. How to play is also very easy and not complicated like other technological tools... That's my personality, friends. What kind of technological tools do you use? make it everyday.

At home there is a laptop/tablet, when I use it I find it very difficult to do something, such as taking pictures, contacting friends or chatting with friends, I think it's easy but for me it's a little difficult and I'm not used to using technological tools like that other than using a cellphone... And I also very rarely use a tablet/laptop.

I only use it when I need to. As long as I graduated from school yesterday, I rarely use it until now, because at that time I only used a laptop/tablet when I had assignments from school. I think it's more comfortable to use it like a computer to complete assignments. home school, but for my daily use the number one technological tool and it's not difficult to play is a cellphone.

In what situations do you use them?

I use a cellphone in any situation. When I go for a walk, I definitely bring a cellphone with me, because for me it is very important to bring a cellphone when we travel, so that later if we have problems on the road, for example our motorbike breaks down while on the road, No. too noisy to ask for help, all you have to do is contact the closest people, such as family or friends, to ask for help.

Especially now that my job is selling at a kiosk, of course I really need to use a cellphone. When buyers buy funds, credit, etc., it's easier to use a cellphone in whatever situation happens, especially during working hours. If I want to go anywhere, just contact me. family for me to look after the kiosk, cellphones are very good for everyday life wherever you are in whatever conditions happen.

Why do these tools make your life easier?

Mobile phones are a technological tool that is easy to use by people around them. In any situation, there is no need to bother carrying it. Unlike computers, which we cannot carry everywhere, we can only play at home. Moreover, tablets are a little bigger than mobile phones, of course. It's a bit difficult for us when traveling or driving a train, of course people prefer to carry a cellphone and can easily store it in their trouser pocket.

In my personal opinion, cellphones are very young when I contact my family or chat with friends. Moreover, I am joining the Steemit platform. Of course it is easy for me to take pictures using my cellphone camera. As I said earlier, easy to transfer money, easy to top up. balance, and so on also when I sell and work. In essence, cellphones make my life easier compared to other technological tools.


On your computer, cell phone, tablet or any device: What applications do you usually use and how do they help you? (Including chat applications, social networks, office packages, games, etc.)

I prefer to just use a cellphone to play games, chat with friends and so on. Even though using a computer is also very convenient for playing games or doing work assignments, I still prefer to use a cellphone. Personally, I think it's very convenient when playing games via cellphone because nowadays playing games while hanging out with friends, wherever you are, it's easier to use a cellphone when I use game applications, WhatsApp, YouTube, TikTok and so on.

When I sell, I definitely sometimes feel bored or have a lack of buyers. The way I avoid this when I'm bored, I spend my time playing games and watching on YouTube. Moreover, the game I play is very exciting. In the game I play, We can invite friends to join in playing together to complete game missions. The point is that it is very useful for eliminating feelings of stress or boredom when selling and being lonely.

Not only that, it's better to write and play on the Steemit platform to make The Diary game posts, the benefit is that it's very easy to complete via cellphone, especially if we chat with friends, it's easier to use the WhatsApp application via cellphone. There are many things that make it useful for me to use a cellphone when playing games, calling, and making posts on the Steemit platform.


Imagine that you cannot use any of your technological or manual tools for a week... How much would it affect your productivity?

Well, that's what makes me really can't imagine, because apart from work I need a cellphone, and it's really affected if I can't write on Steemit,... It's really affected, especially since I can't use technological tools within a week, it really affects me. , When I sell, I can't transfer money, top up my balance, I can't contact friends or family, I can't even watch via YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram and so on.

Of course I can't work, every day feels very boring so it takes a very long time. Spending time alone without technological tools really affects me, because I can't sell balances, credits, funds and electricity balances to people, I can only sell. just stuff when it's in the kiosk, and also very affected by not being able to call someone who needs it, especially when there are online assignments, my life has been very affected by being without technological tools within a week.

Well, friends, that's all for now from the post "SEC-S18W4 My tools to shine" I hope my article is interesting and successful. If I make a few mistakes when writing, please forgive me, friends. Therefore, I am a beginner steemian too or still a newcomer. , Hope you enjoy it, see you, and see you next time.

Invitation letter: @pecintabunga20 @asiahaiss @sailawana @liasteem 🤗.


ACHIEVEMENT 01 | My introduction post to the Steemit community @ulfatulrahmah


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last month 

Tidak memiliki handphone seperti dunia yang gelap. Handphone telah memberikan banyak sekali manfaat untuk kehidupan kita sehari-hari, namun kita juga harus bijak dalam menggunakannya.
Freefire adalah salah satu permainan populer saat ini, saya tidak ingin mencobanya karena saya akan sangat lalai,
Presentasi yang bagus sayang.... Semoga sukses dalam kontes ini🤗😘

 last month 

Iya kakak Lia benar sekali, Terimakasih kak telah berkunjung ke postingan kontes saya kali ini lagi, semoga saya berhasil ya kak😊

 last month 

Hello colleague ulfatulrahmah, I appreciate your opinion on each question, I can understand the need to use your cell phone daily in your case due to the type of work you do.

I also share your idea on the most effective and accessible communication with everyone. The cell phone helps you in Steemit, which its use is important.

A week without your cell phone will really affect your work since you need it for sales at the kiosk.

Success and good luck friend.

 last month 

That's right, my brother, I really need to use my cellphone wherever I am, especially when I'm working. Thank you for visiting my post this time

 last month 

Goodluck for the contest..

 last month 

Terimakasih banyak kakak😊

 last month 

Ponsel udah menjadi bagian dari hidup kita sehari hari,apalagi jaman semakin canggih berbagai pekerjaan dan bisnispun kita jalankan melalui ponsel.

Jadi ngak bisa dibayangkan sama sekali jika seminggu ngak bisa pegang ponsel, ,mati lampu sebentar aja langsung pusing tujuh keliling hahhaha, berasa separuh jiwa ada yang hilang ngak sih😅😅

Terimakasih atas sebutannya sayang, saya berharap kamu sukses dalam kontes ini🥰

 last month 

Nah betul sekali kak, Rasa tanpa ada ponsel hidup bakalan sepi dan gelap sekali heheh, Terimakasih sudah berkunjung kakak☺️

 last month 

Hello @ulfatulrahmah hope you are having a good day great to see how much you rely on your cellphone for everything it's not just a tool but a lifeline for you, especially with your work at the kiosk and staying connected with friends and family. Cellphones really make life easier with their convenience and versatility, don't they?, really enjoyed reading your blog wish you success 💖 🤗 🌸 💐.

Best regards @hudamalik20 .

 last month 

Thank you very much for your visit, my friends and sisters, I hope we are successful in this contest💕

Oh yes! We support ANY quality post and
good comment ANYWHERE and at ANYTIME
Curated by : @wilmer1988

 last month 

Terima kasih atas dukungannya 💕

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