praise someone for one thing, there will be unexpected surprises

in onionrings3 years ago

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We often encounter things like that in our daily life. When you put in a lot of zing and get one thing done, you think you'll get the compliment you hoped for, but you come across a spoonful of cold water unexpectedly and degrades completely. her words were rebuked, and her good mood immediately fell to freezing.

Sometimes, you have spent a lot of thought and effort, initially wanting to do some good things, but in the end, you are not grateful, and sometimes you are not helping others well. Of course there must be complaints. Such a blow was undoubtedly enormous. Think about it, I don't want to worry about being "nosy" anymore.

This, of course, was due to the bad consequences of cold talk.

No one doesn't like compliments

In modern society, people who like to praise are more likely to survive.

Young women who shoot videos will always say, leave the heart red, give a thumbs up, it is best to double-click 66.

Many platforms have introduced special features that can block bad comments and block the black mouth of the Internet.

In the midst of that praise, the society is harmonious and beautiful. People who cannot speak are welcomed by people wherever they go, otherwise people who cannot speak will be rejected by people everywhere.

High praise for what people do is a manifestation of high emotional intelligence

During French President De Gaulle's visit to the United States in 1960, he attended a banquet that President Nixon hosted for him. Mrs. Nixon took pains to arrange a flower stand for her. There is a beautiful fountain in the center of the table, surrounded by flowers, beautiful tropical flowers.

The discerning General de Gaulle caught a glimpse that this was a scene specially arranged for him by the hostess. He exclaimed and praised: "The hostess needs a lot of time to arrange a formal banquet. It must be a lot of money. Thoughts."

Mrs. Nixon was very happy when she heard that. After that, he said to people: "Most people come to visit and do not pay attention to this. They are disparaging to thank the hostess, except for her, who can think of others hard work and kindness."

In the eyes of many, doing all of this might just be a matter of the hostess, not to praise or surprise. However, a glimpse of De Gaulle could see the thoughts the hostess spent on herself, indicating that she was a person of high emotional intelligence.

In real life, people with high EQ are people who know gratitude, people who don't know gratitude, and don't know good or bad. Think that other people treat him well as they should. Such people will not only not praise people who are nice to him, but in most cases, they will talk harshly to each other.

Praising those who are kind to themselves is also a kind of reward.

Praise for the child is conducive to the child's growth

Many practices have shown that children's praise over time can stimulate their interest in learning and can increase their courage to overcome difficulties.

Always reprimand the child, which is very detrimental to the child's growth.

Better children are more likely to be praised by people, and children who are more advanced are less likely to be praised by adults, and they will often be reprimanded by their parents and teachers. As a result, these children tend to go to extremes and give up on themselves.

Psychological cues are very important. We often hear stories like this. A teenager, because of the accidental praise of an older person, becomes more aggressive and grows up to achieve a great career.

A word of adult beauty can destroy a person. It's not sensational. The power of language is tremendous.

Why not do adult beauty.

Praising others is not just saying nice things, not flattery.

Regarding some of the evil phenomena in society, we should not say good things carelessly. Send out words of praise.

The language of praise is devoted to these positive events. That's the beauty of being a good person.


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