Steemit Engagement Challenge | Season2, Week #3 |Steemit and Covid-19|How did Steemit play a useful role in improving your life during Covid-19? by @alee75

in Urdu Community2 years ago (edited)



Hello sTeeMiaNs

How did Steemit play a useful role in improving your life during Covid-19?

Steemians fellas, Welcome to meet me @alee75. We are already in the third week of the engagement challenge in this community today. I'm trying to participate in the contest is talking about Steemit and COVID-19.
Covid-19 was an epidemic. What would you say about it? Explain in your own words.

Coronavirus-19 (COVID) is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and has been declared a world pandemic by WHO. Coronavirus is a zoonotic disease and can be transmitted from animals to humans. This virus and disease is known to have originated in the city of Wuhan, China since December 2019.

Because it is zoonotic, this disease spreads very quickly to humans and can be transmitted to other humans through direct contact and through the air.

To prevent the transmission of Covid-19, prevention is necessary at the individual level and prevention at the community level.

Individual Level Prevention
is carried out by maintaining personal and home hygiene which includes:

a. Wash your hands more often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer and take a shower or wash your face if possible when you get home or at work.
b. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
c. Don't shake hands
d. Avoid physical interaction with people who have symptoms of illness
e. Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing with your upper arm or using a tissue
f. Clean and regularly disinfect objects that are frequently touched and on furniture surfaces such as tables, chairs, etc.

Prevention at the community level
can be done by limiting physical interaction (physical contact/physical distancing) such as avoiding crowded places, public places, other activities outside the home, implementing Work From Home, and others.

In Indonesia, the Covid-19 outbreak has occurred in several waves from wave I to wave III which began last January and then there was an increase in cases of 56,000 or a 40-fold increase from early January.

What difficulties did you personally encounter during Covid-19?

As a result of the Covid19 pandemic, I and many others have had some difficulties in their activities. I cannot freely move either in my profession as a veterinarian working in the North Aceh Regency Government and in other activities such as shopping at the market, social activities and sports activities where I am a Hapkido Martial Arts practitioner who trains Hapkido students in my area.



My activity is training the kids in hapkido martial arts

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia (Aceh), the government imposed social distancing and also Work from Home (WFH) for government employees and at that time I served as Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health at the Plantation, Livestock and Animal Health Office of North Aceh Regency.

How Steemit blockchain helped you during Covid-19 ?

I joined and created a steemit account in April 2021 where at that time the Covid19 outbreak was in turmoil. The government is still enforcing social distancing and also the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM). Because of these restrictions I have a lot of time at home so that I can do activities in steemit to the maximum.

I joined several communities and was involved in various social actions (charity). I am active in various steem.amal activities including participating in the face of covid19 by distributing masks to people whose funds come from steem.amal.


I wear the same mask as the mask we distributed at steem.amal's activities last year.
How many people in your household were affected by Covid-19 disease and what was the condition?

During Covid 19 none of my family members had covid19. This is because we always follow health protocols and implement a healthy lifestyle. This is a gift to our family and I am very grateful to God for this gift.

How did Steemit keep you busy or rely on information when you were home locked during covid-19?

In Indonesia (Aceh) there is no lockdown and only the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) so that we can still do activities even on a limited scale and follow the health protocol.

Steemit is an activity that fills my days during the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). I spend a lot of my time in steemit activities and also charity activities (steem.amal) because I have a lot of free time as a consequence of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

I can even design and build my own koi pond during Work From Home (WFH) to channel my hobby. I also design and create a minimalist garden in front of my house which I plant with Japanese grass and I complete it with a stepping stone.


A koi fish pond that I designed and worked on myself during covid-19
Did you sell steemit earing during covid-19 to reduce or eliminate the problems you face in your daily life?

As long as I'm active in steemit, I only made a cashout of 50 SBD before the Club 5050, club75 and club100 campaigns were held. I focus on power ups to increase the strength of my account and am in club100 now so I currently have 11,699.884 SP of steem (double dolphin) and am on the way to triple dolphin achievement.

Did steemit help other people besides you in your country, city during covid-19 global epidemic?


During the Covid19 pandemic, many people were helped by steemit where steemians who needed income could withdraw some of their rewards to finance their needs.

Steemit also helps people who are experiencing fire disaster as we do through steem.amal activities.

Steemit also helps flood victims through worldsmile project activities that provide assistance to flood victims in North Aceh last year.

Name ActivitiesLink post
Steem.amal to-steem-amal
World Smile Project -the-people-of-north-aceh-or-world-smile-project




The worldsmile project activity helped flood victims in North Aceh Regency last year
Did You informed people about steemit during covid-19 so that they too can get out of trouble by joining steemit


I have made various efforts to promote steemit to the community by helping newcomers to create accounts and make achievements1. I also invite my son, my nephew, my brother and the wider community to join steemit. And I am currently building a Hot News Community with CR Indonesia.

What difficulties ,major issues, did you face during Covid-19's terrible disease and how did Steemit improve,support and help in your life during Covid-19 and other people around your city or country . (write own experience) ?

When covid19 hit Indonesia, there were restrictions on activities so that trading activities decreased drastically which made people lose their jobs and income so that steemit could be a source of additional income.

In my case, I did not disburse my reward even though my economic condition was declining. Last year I shifted to a functional position and left my position as Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health at the Department of Plantation, Livestock and Animal Health, North Aceh Regency.

With my shift to a functional medical veterinary position, I have a lot of free time and I can channel my hobby in writing as I did when I was the head of the field.

I can also provide information to the wider community regarding my duties as a veterinarian through posts that are informational and educational according to my field of work on the steemit platform. This can be seen from the traces of my posts so far that provide information about the world of animal husbandry and health.

Share your selfie holding the paper with the text I love you steemit for helping me during covid-19 and date The purpose of this selfie is that we can pay a great tribute to steemit for helping us during covid-19.



In conclusion, I am very happy with what steemit has given me during this covid19. I have a place to channel my hobby in writing and can provide useful information according to my duties as a veterinarian. I also know a lot of people on this platform and get involved in various social activities.

I can also make long-term investments through power ups that I do from the rewards I get from steemit.

Thus my post, I am inviting my fellow friends @fantvwiki, @walictd, @ridwant, @moer @abialfatih to come and participate in this amazing contest.





Goodluck for the contest.. what an inspiring post. Btw saya salfok sama maskernya 🤭🤭

Kenangan saat COVID-19 melanda...😅


Mantap pak @alee75, teruslah berbuat baik dan bermanfaat untuk semua orang di sekitar

Aamiiin....terima kasih...🙏

With charity you have made a good number if impact in the lives of people, the pandemic was a disaster it caused a whole lot of economic crisis to all nations, am glad your lockdown tome was productive, you even made a pond as regard your hubby an the Japanese flower beautifies your environment. I must say you at a dedicated user to the platform and am also happy Steemit has helped you financially

Thank you for reading my post. regards...🙏

Best wishes

Luar biasa pak @alee75... Layak jadi CR indonesia

Biasa diluar Abi..🤭

we also felt that it was really difficult at the time. even children who were supposed to go to school were affected by the pandemic situation at that time, learning really did not go well.

We hope that the pandemic will end soon and everything can go back to normal..thanks.🙏

 2 years ago 
Post informationStatusGrades
Plagiraism / Bot free1/1
Quality of content2.5/3

Charity is what makes one's mind and heart peaceful and full of positive energy, I am happy with the activities you have done and helped many people in need during the pandemic time.
Thanks for your participation.
Good luck with the contest!

Thank you for verifying my post. Charity activities should be our common concern as social beings. I feel like a human being when I can help other people and be useful to many people. Regards..🙏

Wow... So fantastic you did great goals during this lockdown period, specially for kids by teaching them the millenary martial arts of Hapkido. Good luck with this particular entry. Regards.

Thank you for your appreciation. I try to provide something useful for other people. Regards..🙏

During Covid 19 none of my family members had covid19. This is because we always follow health protocols and implement a healthy lifestyle. This is a gift to our family and I am very grateful to God for this gift.

Thank God Almighty for saving your family from his virus. Many people did not take precaution during the corona virus that they had to deal with this disease but you managed everything and took care of everything because of which Allah Almighty protected you from it. Better a poor horse than no horse at all.

After reading your post, I got a lot of information. I would like to request you to visit my post as well so that we can stay in Engage together and help this program. I hope you will do it as soon as possible.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Thank you for your response and your invitation. I will do my best. Regards...🙏

As a result of the Covid19 pandemic, I and many others have had some difficulties in their activities.

I also think everyone had to go through a lot of hard times during the Covid19 pandemic. Personally I got into a lot of trouble, my job was gone. But on this steemit platform I have worked regularly and been able to make myself self-sufficient. I also liked reading your post today.

Trust me brother, there will be light after the storm passes...

I can see that you are doing great to support though who are were suffering from the covid-19 pandemic and thank for that wonderful supposed you are giving the individual for it very necessary

Thank you for reading my post. We try to be useful to other people. Regards...🙏

You are highly welcome

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