Act of Kindness: Support Our Local Vendors

in Steem SEA3 years ago

Good day everyone, hope you are all doing good today.

In time of hardships nothing is hard to do when it comes to the needs of the family. This morning a vendor of Philippine made products like ropes, net brush, foam, straw and broom passed by in our area shouting of the products he is selling and stopped in front of our store. When I saw him I asked him to put down the things he carried because I felt it was so heavy, and I asked him for the prices of this product for me to buy if my store earnings by that time could enough to paid for him because I want to help him lessen the things he carried.


He is a family man lived in a City far from our place he has no job and he wants to help his family so he asked the owner of the products to resell so that he can have 10 percent in every product in order he can earn and help his family.


So I decided to buy 2 dozen of net brush, 2 dozen of foam, 2 dozen of straw and a half dozen of brooms I bought a dozen because as he carried the products it almost cover his face.


Our store has only few stocks but it can help through buying every vendors that will come and passed by and also with the help of my steemit community I can help others in need. Although this product is not in demand in our
store but still I choose to buy.


He was very happy and no second thoughts when I asked to take a picture of him, he told me that the products he sell is not in demand not like selling of foods that will be sold easily.


He went away and feeling good that the products he is carrying is not too loaded and a little heavier after I bought him a total of six and a half dozen of the products he carried.


I am so much thankful that because of steemit community I can have the chance to help vendors who will come and passed by in our area. Thank you so much.

God Bless Us All




Good act !

 3 years ago 

Thank you

This post has been supported by A Dollar A Day administered by @pennsif...

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for the support.

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