Review Party Contest - Review Party Contest by @ishayachris
The end of the session party celebration
In was indeed an interesting and stressful day for me. It was really stressful because I was one of the event planners. We started planning the program on the 20th May,2022, and the program took place on 28th July,2022.
the students performing cultural dance
Before the event, we trained the students on various activities, which include: cultural dance, choreography, moral talk, Bible and Quran presentations, etc. The event was really planned well.
people on high table
On the 28th July, 2022, the program kicked off at exactly 10am. All the the people on high table we available, and they sat comfortable on their sits. Parents, friends, and neighbours were also available at the event.
As it was on the order of events, the program was opened with prayers from both Christian and Muslim fellow. After prayers, the HM of the school, and the the school proprietor addressed the parents and the students before the normal celebration began.
the students performing cultural dance
In the course of the celebration, the students performed cultural dance, moral talks, Quran and Bible presentation, choreography, etc. While the program was still going on, rice and coca kola was distributed among the parents and the students.
some teachers taking snapshot
The program continued till 5:30pm. After the program, all the teachers gathered for a snapshot. Immediately we finished snapping, we both joined hands together and packed all the chairs, and the tables that were used in the program. It was indeed a nice experience for me because, I really enjoyed every aspect of the program.
Thank you for Reading. I hereby invite @joymm, @micheal-akpan, and @v-brainer to participate in the 1st art exhibition contest.
Below is the link of my achievement1 task
Thank you for inviting me to this Contest
Your post made me remember when I was still little. The end of the session's party means alot to us then because it usually is alot of fun😊
It was really interesting. Thanks for the visit
Thank you for sharing together here.
Thank you for the review sir. But base on what i have here, i'm already a member in this community. Look at the screenshot below
Please include the Achievement 1
I have just done that sir. You may check.