STEEM.AMAL OFFICIAL REPORT: 3D complete modeling of Steem.amal housing Project

in Steem SEA3 years ago

The progress of the steem.amal first housing project has reached 18 % as of 2 days ago, its calculation is base on the report from the engineering specialist (@klen.civil) {Visit the link here}.

As well as the total progress report, the 3D modeling has been made by our engineering team and approved by the board members. @sofian88 as the leader of steem.amal architecture team has presented the 3D modeling yesterday.

The reason behind producing the 3D modeling is to create the reference for the next steem.amal housing program since steem.amal has planned to build 4 houses in a year. This model is open for any input and advice from all members, volunteers, and supporters of the steem.amal. Please see the below pictures to have a better perspective about the housing model:

This is the transparent view of the house to interpret the inside of the house

Front View.jpeg
The front view of the house

Front Right View.jpeg
Fornt right view of the house

Top View.jpeg
Top view without a roof to show the interior design of the house

Top Rear View.jpeg
The view of the rear from top perspective

close up door view.jpeg
The steem.amal logo on the door will be crafted accordingly, as the mark of the steem.amal housing program


This model is base on the actual builder house which is still in the progress of construction and today it has reached about 20%. The complete report will be posted by @klen.civil as the engineering specialist, while the logistics and material will be published by @miftahuddin separately in order to maintain the accountability of the project.

The layout aside from the house is the interior design of the house that shows us 2 sleeping rooms, a family room, and the toilet at the backside of the house.

Should you have input and advice, please feel free to put it in the comment section.

Thank you very much for our architecture specialist @sofian88 and the team who has created the 3 D modeling of the house


@steemcurator01 @anroja @heriadi @sofyan88 @klen.civil @irawandedy @ayijufridar @curiesea @green07 @miftahuddin @radjasalman @muzack1 @nazarul @fooart @fajar.perangin79 @fwinanda @firyfaiz
and all steem.amal volunteers and supporters

My best regards


This post is #steemexclusive as the official #report for public audit purpose

 3 years ago 

Mantap pak @el-nailul

 3 years ago 

semoga hasil bangunannya juga nantinya akan lebih mantap ya bu @safridafatih


 3 years ago 

Semoga pak @el-nailul. Sukses selalu untuk bapak.


Keren banget postingannya... Sangat berkualitas.....


 3 years ago 

That neu teuh cut bang Bahrum @acehero nyoe, malee teuh keudiss wkwkwk

 3 years ago 

Perbuatan baik yang sangat di idamkan oleh orang-orang yang membtuhkan.

 3 years ago 

Semoga sesuai dengan harapan semua pihak dan terimakasih atas dukungannya kepada semua team yang ada di Pidie Jaya

 3 years ago 

Model yang sangat bagus bang @el-nailul.

 3 years ago 

Semoga hasilnya akan lebih bagus nantinya

 3 years ago 

Amin.. 👍

 3 years ago 

Wow! Impressive! Very nice and practical house! Need longer awnings to protect the house from the rain!

 3 years ago 

Yes you are absolutely right, we have discussed the extension of the canopy too

 3 years ago 

Glad you are aware of this issue. I had to have an extension of the roof at my house as the rain storm is quite overwhelming here! LoL

Hana lawan

 3 years ago 

Temeulake beu na yang keu dua tiga dan seterusnya untuk penyempurnaan program kedapan pak @irwandi

Ya rapatkan barisan dan terus kompak stemsea

Hopefully the target of 4 housing units in a year will be achieved. and we as board members @steem.amal will make a full contribution to the smooth running of the @steem.amal program

 3 years ago 

Yes, you are right @sofian88, thank you very much for your support

 3 years ago 

panjang umuuur orang-orang baik !!!, semoga menjadi investasi akhirat untuk semua yang telah berpartisipasi

 3 years ago 

Samo-samo da, semoga kita sadoalah panjang umue nyoe, rancak rosoki n lai sehat jan sampai kanai kopit indak jaleh ko wkwkwkw

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