The Diary Game : We Definitely Missing You, Our Lovely Grandpa (November 13th, 2022)

in Steem SEA2 years ago


We definitely missing you, our lovely grandpa

Hi my dearest Steemian ☺️.
What's new ? May Yaa Mujiib ijabah all your du'a in this lovely month. Wish you best of luck, my beloved Steemian 🤍😇

I woke up pretty late this morning. Yazz, inasmuch as last night I arrived at my parent’s house, my village at the midnight.

We had a long conversation about our lovely grandpa. My grandpa has passed away yesterday noon.

Some of my families was gathering in the veranda and living room. We were listening carefully about last moments our grandpa before ha passed away.

Lucky me a day before my grandpa passed away, I had video call him by Whatsapp video call. However that sad news made me sorrowful.

After got breakfast with my family, I help my mom, elder sisters, aunts and my others family plus my neighbours to prepared some foods in the kitchen and my backyard.

Absolutely, we had a tradition to make 7 harian after someone passed away in our family.

I help them to clean the anchovies, clean some ingredients such as cayenne pepper, green chilies, mini green eggplants and stir well grass jelly & some foods which one we were cooking on the gas stove.

We tried to build a teamwork for our lovely grandpa who’s passed away yesterday noon. May Yaa Rahim put my lovely grandpa in His Jannah. I do love him as one of the closest granddaughters in my family.


Stir the well grass jelly in my kitchen


One of my families was cooking Timphan Baleun Cake in the backyard


Help my family made Timphan Baleun Cake in the kitchen


Preparing some cakes for Ta’ziyah for my lovely grandpa tonight


Cleaning the anchovies in the backyard with my sibling & neighbours

In the afternoon, done help my family, I taken a bath. I clean myself due to the fact that my body full of bullets sweat after did some activities to help my family to prepare for Ta’ziyah for my lovely grandpa tonight.

After play with my nephews, I took a nap. I slept a wink...

In the evening ba’da Pray Maghrib, I help my family to prepared some foods for Ta’ziyah for our lovely grandpa tonight.

A lot of guests from my village & some Ustadz who’s recited Surah Yasin, dzikir & sholawat in that cold evening.

When the guests has back to their house, I & my elder sisters gathered with our nephews and cousins in my living room. After had a storytelling about our grandpa we play with our pet, Moza an adorable cat.

Approximately less than an hour later, to make happy my nephews & little cousins, I made battle of wits game with a little gift for them. The questions are about religion, The Holy Qur'an, Math and random questions.


We definitely missing you, our lovely grandpa


Playing battle of wits with my adorable nephews & cousins in my living room

Alhamdulillah they were a happy bunny of that game, battle of wits. We got dinner together in the dining room after clean our house.

I back to my bedroom then massages my mom’s body. I knew that she was exhausted after do a lot of jobs from the dawn till evening to prepared for Ta’ziyah for her daddy, my grandpa today.

I had a deep talks with my lovely mom about my grandpa till we fell asleep.

Warm regards,



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Voting date: 24/11/2022


 2 years ago 

semoga Allah ampunkan segala dosa dan Allah berikan keluasan kubur buat kakek kak asiahaiss, Allahummafirlahu.

 2 years ago 

Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
Syukron katsiran for your good du'a, my brother
May Yaa Mujiib ijabah your lovely du'a 😇

 2 years ago 

sama-sama kak 😊

 2 years ago 
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Terimakasih telah berbagi bersama disini.

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, I highly appreciate it, Sir
Have a wonderful day 😇