The Diary Game, Better Life, Act Of Kindness, May 10th, 2021 : Teach English, "The Basic Formula How To Read Some Words" Free Education Program For The Children In, Aceh. Cc : Mr. @el-nailul

in Steem SEA3 years ago (edited)

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Teach English. The topic today is "The Basic Formula How To Read or Pronun Some Words" in English. Free Education Program For The Children in Lhokseumawe, Aceh support by Mr. @el-nailul & friends

Konbanwa my beloved Steemian.Ohaiyo gozaimasu ? May Yaa Rahman always give a good health & Fortune to all of us 😇

Alarm woke me up at 8 am. Took a towel then went to bathroom to had a small talks with my enemy, the dipper and water.

I have a schedule to teach my lovely students in the school, MIN 3 Kutablang, Lhokseumawe at 9 am. As well as you know this is one of program who's support by Mr. @el-nailul & friends. The name of program is Free Education Program For The Children in Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

Alhamdulillah finished get dressed, I took a walk to MIN 3 Kutablang. What a sunny day ⛅🐈

Ms. @ruqaiyah, I & our lovely students in the classroom

After came to Ms. @ruqaiyah's class to met our lovely pupils also from elementary school, I instantly went to my class to meet my beloved students from senior high school.

Like we used to, we had a chit-chat about their daily activities during Ramadhan. Of course they must try to speak in English. Owing to the fact that related with our subject. Ahaha

Alhamdulillah I am a happy bunny looked at their progress. They show their improvement just in several days. Alhamdulillah, proud of you my students.

Today I gave some knowledge and the topic about, "The Basic Formula How To Read or Pronun Some Words".

The students really pay attention when we gave explanation in front of the class

Explanation approximately 30 minutes then asked them gave examples by make some sentences. Finished it at 10 am

Next go to one of our main study, "Presentation".

To be honest, I rather concern about this one (Presentation) inasmuch as "one of my main purpose to teach them is to build their mental strength & confident about public speaking". This is related to what we need & relevant in this era. So that's why I extremely appreciate about this program, "Free Education Program For The Children in Lhokseumawe, Aceh" which is support by Mr. @el-nailul & friends

Ms. @youlya presentation how to read some of words in front of the class. Alhamdulillah she has a good progress now

I asked them for a presentation on my explanation last time. That I did due to the fact that want to looked at about their response.

The first presentation by Said. The second is by @youlya.

I gave the duration for presentation about 15-20 minutes for one person to come forward.

Alhamdulillah they did it pretty good.

Our study finish at 12 am. Before back, like I used to do I gave a healthy snack such as fruits and milk.

Gave a healthy snack, fruits & milks to our lovely students after study. Support by Mr. @el-nailul & friends in Free Education Program For The Children in Lhokseumawe, Aceh

A healthy snack support by Free Education Program in Lhokseumawe, Aceh

After finished study, I've continued to learn Steemit with Mr. @radjasalman. There are also Mr. @ibnusakdan & Mrs. @keumala75.

Learn Steemit with Mr. @radjasalman. There are Mr. @ibnusakdan & Mrs. @keumala75 also

I tried to upgrade myself when I have a leisure time with my warm-hearted brother, Mr. @radjasalman

Alhamdulillah back to my house at 1 pm. Changed my dress, wash my face then hit the sack to took a nap. "Zzzzzzzzzzzzz" 🥱😴😪

Starving in the night. At 10 pm I bought Aceh foods rice near by Pasar Los, Lhokseumawe. Too crowded there owing to the fact that a lot of people walk around to bought their needs to celebrate Eid Days for several days ago.

Stopped in Lampoe Merah Kupie. One of my cup of tea to got inspiration about writing & everything.

Park my motorcycle, then order warm-green tea plus hot water.

Finished my late dinner, I continued made my Lebaran 2021 Writing Contest by Motivation Story.

Thanks a billion to Mr. @anroja @radjasalman @nazarul @ernaerningsih and @el-nailul for the support.

Warm regards,


 3 years ago 

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