Steem SEA Contest (Part 60th): Photography Contest- A Better Life With Steem [#betterlife] by @aminasafdar

in Steem SEA2 years ago (edited)
Hi, greetings to all, hope all of you are doing well. This is my first post in this community where I'll be sharing my views on the healing power of the nature for damaged body due to the lack of our exposure to the nature.


So when do we know that our body is getting out of order? But before fill yourself in about how body nourishes and grows. Our body in a living being, the skin, hairs and nails on it keep growing untill they are being fed what they needs in order to grow. Our body needs living things to eat in order to function at its maximum potential. The internal system of the body works all time and is in the state of emergence and alert all the time.


So when does the error occurs in this living system when we do the things to our body which is not our body being made to do with. We eat non living foods and spend our most of the time in the artificial environment aggregated with air conditioners and led lights.


Take the example of a plants,it grows only when you water them on time, keep its soil fertile by managing the minerals, and lastely adequate amount of sunlight. Without these essentials of the nature a plant won't grow or heal it self.


Our body is also like a plant, if you feed it only living things no ailment would come your way. But if you put the trash inside of it only the life long disasters will come your way in the form of depression, anxiety, diabetes and any disease you name it.Mother nature is the only cure for the disturbance we feel inside of our body, and i didn't see any person who is not suffering one way or other.


Spending 20-30 minutes in the sunlight and nature enhances the mood and fight off the anxiety. Did you notice your problems and ailments bother you very little when you see the sky on the terrace? This happens to me everytime that is the power of being in the nature that is massive than our self.


Eating your vegetables to get the fibers your body need, helps to flush out the toxins inside your body. Trash inside our body gathers due to the fact that we try to mimic the junk as our food, but our body is smart enough to understand what is food and what is not. Our body does not let the junk pass through the natural digestive process and throw it away in different body parts that become the bulky one.


Damaged body leads to error in mind working consequently. In order to heal your body step out of your compartment and breath in the nature:)




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