Game Reviews Done Quick #11: Mario Tennis Aces 🎾

in INVEN Gaming4 years ago


Hey Steemit!

If you didn't catch the last couple of posts, this is a new series where I write about games that I've played; what they're about and my experience playing them! I'll try my best to keep these posts short and sweet, hence the name; it's a reference to Games Done Quick (GDQ) - a charity speedrunning event!

So last week, I covered ARMS to celebrate Min Min joining the fight in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I typically wouldn't do another Switch game and much less another Nintendo game back to back but since there's a Mario Tennis Aces tournament going on this weekend (for North America), I thought what the hecc. This game deserves more recognition too anyway.


By the way if you own the game and are looking to join in the tournament this weekend, you can register and refer to the rules here.

And if you've never heard of this game before, Mario Tennis Aces is a tennis game developed by Camelot Software Planning (who created the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series) and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch.
Standard tennis rules apply so up to 4 players can play in a doubles match, 2 in a singles match and so on.

Here's the trailer:


Yes there is actually an Adventure Mode in Mario Tennis Aces! You play as Mario to save Luigi, Wario and Waluigi and destroy Lucien; a phantom racket said to be legendary to those who would possess it. Of course Wario and Waluigi were the ones to discover Lucien in the first place, while mining someplace called the Temple of Bask. And in an attempt to wield Lucien, has fallen prey to its evil powers.
And just like in Avengers, Mario now has to scour the island for 5 power stones in order to end Lucien, once and for all.

Here's a trailer for the Adventure Mode:


Well Adventure Mode or not, the gameplay basically lies in playing tennis matches. Players can choose various characters from the Super Mario series, each with their own different play-style such as Technical, Tricky, Defensive, Speedy and All-Around.


Similar to previous installments of the series, Aces incorporates different types of shots, such as:
"topspins" (A button), where the ball travels parallel to the direction hit,
"slices" (B button), where the ball curves to one side when hit,
"lobs" (X button + R stick up), where the ball travels upwards,
"drop shots" (X button + R stick down), and
"flat shots" (Y button), which land near the back of your opponent’s court.


Aces also adds several new mechanics to the Mario Tennis series such as "zone shot" (R) where the player can aim the ball directly. If you counter a zone shot, your racket will take damage, and if you take damage 3 times your racket will break. If you break all your rackets you have to forfeit the match.
However, if you counter a zone shot with perfect timing, you block it and won't take damage.

Another new addition in Aces is "zone speed", which basically slows down time so you can reach faraway shots easier.

The zone shot and zone speed moves use up your energy gauge, which is filled and depleted throughout the match. To refill the gauge, you need to charge your shots before hitting the ball or pull off a trick shot with perfect timing.

Another ability is the special shot. To activate it, the player must have a full energy gauge. It's basically your ulti in this game. which can break the opponent's racket regardless of its current damage. However, the special shot can also be blocked with perfect timing (but the window is smaller compared to a zone shot).


So other than Adventure Mode, there is also Free Play mode where you can play local multiplayer with 1 or multiple systems. I'm not exactly sure how the multiple systems one works but on local you can have up to 4 players at a time.

There is also online multiplayer mode where tournaments can be set up, as well as singular matches. Players can unlock additional outfits and characters by participating in special online Tournaments held by Nintendo.

Another gameplay mode is "swing mode", where players are able to swing the Joy-Con controllers to simulate hitting the ball with a tennis racket, similar to Wii Sports.


Visually, Mario Tennis Aces really demonstrates that iconic Nintendo polish. From the textures on the different courts to the character models themselves, everything just looks so sleek and extremely well done. The lighting effects are also spectacular; from the effects on the ball while using different shots to background elements.

Everything just looks so smooth and sleek in this game, especially Marina Stadium with its new digital court:


I couldn't find a gif but the names slide in from the side at the start of the match, hence digital.

Even in handheld mode, the HD graphics really hold up and they look so good!

The soundtrack can be quite loud at times, but it does its job in hyping up players for the match. The only gripe I have with the sound is when it gets to Game Point and there is a very loud and incessant thumping. It gets kinda distracting and annoying at times especially at such a crucial moment during a match. I wish you could turn it off but unfortunately you can't.
Other than that the sound design is great too. And the effects of hitting the ball are loud and clear to really make you feel like that smash shot.



Mario Tennis Aces was released worldwide on June 22, 2018. The game sold over 2.6 million copies by March 2019, making it one of the best-selling games on the Switch at the time.
Although praise went to its new mechanics for making the game "far more fun, well balanced and less gimmicky brand of superpowered tennis than that of its disappointing Wii U predecessor, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash," Aces' adventure mode was criticized for feeling underdeveloped and not having enough replay value.


I can definitely relate to that. When I finished playing through Adventure Mode (which was actually not too bad and was pretty fun and challenging at times), it definitely lacks replay value after you complete it.

I bought Mario Tennis just a couple months after its release I think. And it's actually really fun! I remember having a lot of fun and challenging matches back before Switch Online was still free for all. The online tournaments were definitely very stressful but fun to play.

We still break this game out every now and then for local multiplayer to get a few matches (or 10) in, and I'd say it's worth to put in rotation at every game night.

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

Game Reviews Done Quick #10: ARMS 👊

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