Write in micro size || I write from different perspectives ||SLC Season 21 || 2nd Week

in Sri Lanka-ශ්‍රී ලංකා4 months ago (edited)

Greetings everyone,

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I hope you are all well. After a long time, I am active again in steemit and I am interested in posting articles from today. So today I am participating in the steemit learning challenge contest organized by @joslud and @solperez. This is a really interesting topic. Now let me start my micro stories.

Task 01

I am like a little ant stuck in an unsolvable web

Image credit for @tezzmax(source)
1% goes to @tezzmax account

In my mother Language

මෙවැනි අසරණබවක් මාහට මින්පෙර කිසිදු දිනෙක දැනී නැත. මට ලොකු භයක් දැනෙනනවා මේ මගේ ජීවිතයේ අන්තිම මොහොතද.? නෑ එසේ වීමට ඉඩ නොහැකිය. මා කෙසේ හෝ මෙම ජාලයෙන් එකෙන් ගැලවී යා යුතුය. මා නොගියහොත් මගේ දෙමාපියන් බඩගින්නේ මිය යනු ඇත. එමනිසා මා කාගෙන් හෝ උදව් ලබාගෙන මෙයින් ගැලවී ඔවුන්ට කෑමත් රැගෙන යා යුතුය. නමුත් කවුරුන්ද මාහට උදව් කරන්නේ. පෙනෙන තෙක් මානයේ උදව් ලබාගැනීමට කිසිවෙකු නොමැත. අනේ මා දැන් කුමක් කළ යුතුද..? මෙය මගේ අවසාන දවස නම් මගේ දෙමාපියන්ට මා හැර වෙන කවුරුන් සිටීද..? අනේ දෙවියනේ මම මොන කරදරයකටද වැටිලා තියෙන්නේ.

In English Language

I have never felt this kind of helplessness before. I feel very scared, is this the last moment of my life? No, that cannot be allowed. I must somehow escape this web. If I don't go, my parents will starve to death. So I have to get help from someone and get rid of this and bring food to them. But who will help me? There is no one to turn to for help in sight. What should I do now? If this is my last day, who will my parents have apart from me..? Oh God, what kind of trouble have I fallen into?

Task 02

My dear friend.....

Image credit for @tezzmax(source)

In my mother Language

ඔබට සිදු වූ දේ පිළිබඳව ඇසීම ගැන මට ඇත්තෙන්ම කණගාටුයි. ඔබ ඉතා නිර්භීත හා යහපත් ගතිගුණ ඇති කුහුඹුවෙකි. මෙය ජීවිතයේ ස්වභාවයයි. සෑම විටම අපට අවශ්‍ය ආකාරයට දේවල් සිදු නොවේ. අපේ ජීවිතයේ බොහෝ විට නොසිතන දේවල් සිදු වේ. එබැවින් ඔබේ ඉරණම ද මෙයට සමාන වේ. ඔබ එය හොඳින් තේරුම් ගත යුතුය. වැලපීමකින් තොරව සත්‍යය අවබෝධ කරගත යුතුයි.

මටත් ඔය වගේ අත්දැකීම් තියෙනවා. මමත් එවැනිම ප්‍රශ්නයක සිටින විට මට උදව් කරන්න කවුරුත් හිටියේ නෑ. කොච්චර යාළුවො හිටියත් අවශ්‍ය වෙලාවට උදව් කරන්න කවුරුත් හිටියෙ නෑ. ඉතින් මට තේරුණා මගේ අම්මයි තාත්තයි ඇරෙන්න මට ඉන්නේ මම විතරයි කියලා. ඉතින් කුහුඹුවා ඔබත් මෙය තේරුම් ගත යුතුයි.

මරණය ඕනෑම මොහොතක සහ ඕනෑම වේලාවක අපගේ ජීවිතයට පැමිණිය හැකිය. ඉතිං මගේ දයාබර කූඹියෝ මේක තමයි ලෝක ස්වභාවය.

In English Language

I am really sorry to hear about what happened to you. You are an ant with very brave good qualities. This is the nature of life. Things don't always turn out the way we want them to. Unexpected things often happen in our lives. So your fate is similar. You should understand it well. One should understand the truth without mourning.

I have similar experiences. When I was in the same trouble, there was no one to help me. No matter how many friends there were, there was no one to help when needed. So I realized that apart from my parents, I have only myself when there is trouble. So ant you must also understand this.

Death can come into our lives at any moment and at any time. So my dear ant, this is the nature of the world.

Task 03

The Death

Image credit for @tezzmax(source)

In my mother Language

මෙය ඔබට මගේ අවසන් උපහාරයයි. ඔබ ජීවත්ව සිටියදී බොහෝ පින් කර ඇත. එබැවින් ඔබේ මරණයෙන් පසු ජීවිතය සැබවින්ම ප්රීතිමත් එකක් විය යුතුය. ඉතින් මගේ යහලුවා දුක්වීමට ඕන නෑ. ඔබ කළ යහපත් දේ ඉතුරු කොට ඔබ අලුත් ජීවිතයකට යන්න. ඔබේ දෙමාපියන් ඔබ ගැන සතුටු වනු ඇත. ඔබ ඔවුන් වෙනුවෙන් ඔබේ ජීවිතය කැප කළ නිසා, ඔවුන් සැමවිටම ඔබට ස්තූති කරනු ඇත. ඔබ කුඩා කල සිටම දෙමාපියන්ට යුතුකම් ඉටුකර සෞභාග්‍යය කරා ගමන් කර ඇත.

In English Language

This is my last tribute to you. You have done many merits while you were alive. So life after your death must be truly blissful. So my dear friend, no need to worry. Kept the good things you have done and leave this world and go to a new life. Your parents will be happy for you. Because you sacrificed your life for them, they will always thank you. You have fulfilled your duties to your parents since your childhood and moved towards prosperity.


1️⃣ In the first story, I am the ant in the disaster and I have mentioned how I feel at that moment. That is, I am the protagonist here. Things like fear, sadness, shock are holding me at this moment.

2️⃣ Here I inform the distressed ant and write a letter to the distressed ant as another ant about my grief and my experiences in such a situation. That way I explain to him that the situation is natural and this kind of thing happens to everyone.

3️⃣ Through this last part, I have explained to him that death is something that can happen at any moment and paid the last respects for him.

This is my story. I have invited some of my friends to participate in this contest.
@arshani, @shohana1 and @vishwara

🌼Thanks for reading🌼


Greetings beautiful, I loved reading you, the way you express yourself in your post was spectacular, very good lexicon. I wish you success and blessings.

Thank you friend ❤

Los problemas y situaciones difíciles de la vida sin duda pueden equipararse a encontrarnos en un laberinto donde es difícil para quien está allí encontrar la salida, caso de la hormiga.

Luego, este personaje que le escribe con tono amoroso le habla de su experiencia, dejando claro que no es la primera que ha pasado por ello.

En el tercer texto, creo que olvidaste colocarte en la posición de tercera persona.

Fue un gusto leer tus creaciones, muy reflexivas sobre la vida y sus dificultades.

#microwrite02 @solperez @joslud

Comentario 1 ✅

Thanks for your comment ❤

✅ 3

En el tercer texto, creo que olvidaste colocarte en la posición de tercera persona.

¿Qué recomendación podrías hacerle sobre la observación que haces?


Hi, @nishadi89

I am sharing with you a brochure with your creations. This format is for you to share on your networks.
Check if you see any errors that need to be corrected, let me know.

I invite you to join this group on Facebook where you can post it yourself.


Hello dear @joslud,
I have checked this extract carefully. There are no errors here. Thank you. ❤


Hello dearest writer,

It’s great to see how story and letter intertwine with deep reflections on life's struggles, from the helplessness of the ant to the wisdom shared by its friend and the final tribute. Your narrative captures the essence of resilience and the acceptance of life's inevitable challenges.

Your writings are emotionally powerful, however the perspectives and contexts could be clearer. In the first story, the ant is trapped and scared, but the second story's letter to the distressed ant lacks clarity on who is writing it and why. The shift from a personal reflection to an outsider's commentary makes it confusing. In the third story, the tribute to the ant doesn't fully adopt the third-person perspective as expected.

Best of luck. Way to go...

#microwrite02 @joslud @solperez

Thanks for your comment ❤

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Es muy sorprendente el bloqueo que se experimenta cuando hay miedo y, a veces equivocadamente pensamos que los animales no experimentan ese temor. Sin embargo, lo viven igual que nosotros porque también tienen emociones.

Me encanta la proyección emocional que tiene tu hormiguita porque a pesar del miedo, dice que debe seguir adelante por los suyos y, esa es la actitud ya que, dejarnos llevar al 100% por el temor es la peor opción.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚


@joslud @solperez

Halo nishadi89, salam kenal
saya membaca postingan anda cerita 1 sampai 3, dan saya ingin mengulas sedikit semoga anda berkenan.
cerita 1, saya membacanya seperti terasa saya yang putus asa, kebingungan tanpa ada jalan keluar tanpa semangat untuk mencari jalan dan hanya bisa meratap. sungguh semut yang malang.

cerita 2
seorang sahabat mencoba menenangkan seekor semut bahwa semua orang pernah merasakan kesulitan dan keputusasaan seperti yang di rasakan si semut tadi. yang perlu di lakukan hanya sabar dan berusaha mencari jaln keluar. tidak ada orang yang menolong kecuali keluarga.

cerita 3
akhirnya semut mati juga walau dia sudah berusaha mencari jalan untuk keluar.

cerita yang sangat mendera di dada, bingung, hampa tidak ada jalan keluar akhirnya mati yang di temuinya.

selamat nishadi sukses selalu untuk anda

#microwrite02 @joslud @solperez

✅ 1
A good commentary focused on the story.
I did not find any recommendations.

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