20241001 비트코인 8,400만원과 하락
비트가 8400만원대이다
좋지 않다
갑자기 분위기 나빠진듯
일본의 경기 영향
그에 따라 주식시장이 요동치고
크립토까지 영향이 오내
뭐 완전 하락은 아니니
그렇게 우려할 사항은 아닌듯
점 더 기다려 보자
미대선이 다가오고 있다
점점 흥미진진한 상황
내년이 정말 중요한 한해가 될거 같다
진짜 세기의 리세션이 올까
이대로 그냥 갈까
버블이 꺼지긴해야하는데
진짜 잘 버틴다
전쟁 때문이라고 뉴스에서 그러더군요.
Dear friends,
In a world full of change and challenges, each of us can be a light in the darkness.
🌼 I am Arya, a person who has always looked at life with love and hope and now I have faced a serious crisis. I need your help to overcome this challenge.
You may not know me, but I believe in the power of human solidarity. Each of us needs a helping hand in difficult times and now is the time to ask you. By sending cryptocurrency to my wallet, you can play a unique role in changing the course of my life and helping me get back on my feet.
My digital currency wallet address:
⚘️🌷 You, with your big heart and worthy thoughts, can bring about this change. Every little help can be a light in the darkness and a hope for the future. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I hope one day I can return this great favor to you.
With great love and respect,