Colombian leaves to relieve flu illnesses.(Kalanchoe) 26-07-2021

Kalanchoe is a genus of plants made up of more than 120 species, native and endemic to different parts of the world, many of them from Europe, Asia and North Africa, but there are also many other species from different areas, such as Madagascar. . This island has several important species of the plant.

Its components include minerals such as aluminum, iron, calcium, copper, magnesium and silicon. In addition, Kalanchoe daigremontiana is rich in other very important nutrients for health such as flavonoids, as well as various types of acids such as malic acid, acetic acid, citric acid and oxalic acid.


Some of the kalanchoe species are used medicinally for their properties and health benefits, and have been used since time immemorial to treat many types of ailments.

This plant is generally grown for ornamental purposes, both indoors and outdoors, and it is a plant that due to its morphology is capable of accumulating water in its leaves, which means that watering is more sporadic than in other indoor plants. . This characteristic makes it one of the favorite plants of those people who love plants but are not able to dedicate the time necessary for their daily care. Or simply, by distraction they forget some days to water their interior garden.



In this sense, the kalanchoe plant reminds us of cacti and aloes, which survive in diverse and sometimes adverse conditions, but which are capable of going without water for several days.

Forms of use and dosage

It is recommended to use a maximum of two kalanchoe leaves a day, and no more, as it is a bit toxic and the adverse or unwanted effects can be strong.

For internal use, an infusion is made and you can take a couple of cups a day.

For topical or external use we must crush the leaves with olive oil, to apply on the skin both to use as a healing agent, as well as for its anti-inflammatory effects.



Kalanchoe contraindications

As scientific studies of the plant have shown, one of the most important is that it is a plant with cardiotoxic active ingredients, so the recommended doses should never be exceeded. Also, people with heart problems should consult their doctor before taking it.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women, for the same reason and the possible toxic effect on the heart, should not consume this plant, and of course its use is not indicated, internally at least, in babies, children and adolescents.


This plant has helped a lot with this pandemic in our country, Venezuela, greetings.

Thanks for reading and watching take care remember that health is first.

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