Art in the snow through our #lego creativity! My #starwars lego collection ...

Maybe, some of you already have seen my Winterish' adventure with my #lego buddies, and all the other #photos with my Santa Claus adventures, along with his magic elves and my magic #artwork which i created it through the process of sculpting and modeling in clay.


Today was a truly adventure!

Not only that the snow arrived, finally, in some quite good quantities, so we could finally feel that Spirit of Christmas is back, which actually it's always there in our souls and minds :) but we simply created an unique moment by creating Santa's sleigh in our own way ...


It came out of nowhere, and i've combined the whole magic scene with GandElf and his carriage :)

You can see that even Filius, the elf was at his magic service, helping Santa to ride on that big snow ...

The magic blue deer and the white horse are some powerful creatures with magical strength and being led by Filius and Harry Potter, there was no stress for Santa and GandElf :)

What a team, man!!!


Everywhere they looked, it was filled with snow :)

You could feel, like you would be somewhere in Antarctica or inside the magic Winter Wonderland ...

Such a scene could suit very well inside a crystal snow ball that would be the portal to that sacred world of Christmas ...

They were heading to their house, which was already not so far from them ...

There, they will meet Hagrid and another magic elf from Santa's squad ...

They've arrived in the evening ...

The candlestick was lightning outside the cottage, offering that enchanting winter landscape ...


While the snowflakes were falling like the little angels from heaven, Hagrid and the elf were waiting for them i front of the door ...

While they've been welcoming Santa and his magic squad, they've left the door opened, and, from the inside of the cottage, you could smell already, the warm soup, which was already bubbling and the flavor of cinnamon, from Santa's cocoa milk, could be felt already from quite a distance from the magic cottage. What an awesome place to live ...


Now, this is a place where i will live ... and i don't think there would be someone who would say that they would not like to live there too ...

The clay house, which is also a lamp, i've created it ...

Hope you've enjoy the little magic #story that came out of nowhere ...


Now, moving forward with my craft of creating through lego, along with my awesome children ...

I know that for some #steemians, this form of expression through #lego #creativity might be something that not everyone would like to accept as an #art ...

Me and my children, i can assure you that this form o art is one of the greatest one to combine the child world of playing and creativity.

I've thought that today might be a cool one to present you some of our #starwars lego collection ...

Just a small part of it :)

Here we have the famous storm troopers and sand trooper, which we shall admit that are one of the most representative ones when it comes to Star Wars movie ...


I've combined them with another favorite character, our Ali'ah Tusken Raider, and together with our Sand'olOrion Trooper they are making an awesome team ...


I've took some photos with them during their expeditions inside Tatooine planet, where they were exploring the desert with their bantha and dewpack animals.

I guess, this team, the way we've created, are some of the greatest ones within our #starwars episodes ...


I know that some of these characters, during the entire Star Wars episodes, were exposed as not so positive ones, but, we offered them new roles, that helped them to redeem their good souls ...

Even the jawa people, are presented in a positive way through my visions and #fiction stories ...

Maybe during times like these ones, a life like a monk, or a jawa would be perfect for everyone's soul ...

Living simply, with vegan food, in a tenth somewhere in the desert of Tatooine or Marsoom ... even inside the Sah'ra desert would be interesting to know yourself ... or better to say, your inner self ...


One of the greatest team would be the following one, which includes Jedi Yoda as well.

I know that some of you might consider Yoda as the main character of this awesome movie ...


When it comes to have a life of a monk, maybe Jedi Yoda and his friend, Chewbacca ... which was a cool option for our fiction story to take this awesome photo at their hut in the desert, are some of the best characters to represent this state of mind and soul ...


Maybe if we would like to maintain a royal form as well, within our star wars edition, the following photos would represent this at its higher level.

One of the best princess to represent this segment, would be Rey and the Praetorian guard

I know maybe it's too much information through images, but i do hope that people will enjoy my #blog and will subscribe to my and will start posting their creations as well, using my tag #myarttribe ...

Those who will share their thoughts through the comments bellow, will receive 10 #lnbt each for their interaction ...

Regards #steemians ...



#steemexclusive #booming #myarttribe

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