Thursday is Butterfly Day and Insect Day Giveaway- Week 43

in Insect Pub5 years ago

Hi everyone! Welcome to Thursday is Butterfly Day and Insect Day Giveaway- Week 43! We now have a community and the name of it is Insect Pub. Thanks to all who have joined! If you would like to join, please do the following:

1-Click on this link:
2-Log in with your Steem name and posting key.
3-Subscibe to Insect Pub.

Gather around the Insect Pub to see butterflies and other insects from around the world, and to make new friends. Post your butterfly and other insect photos, or art work for a chance to win Steem Basic Income units. A minimum of 2-SBI will be given away; 1-SBI for photos and 1-SBI for art work. If no art work is submitted, then 2-SBI will be given away for photos. Entries will not be judged and winners are chosen at random. You have 6 days for entries in this post and then a new one will begin. Thanks so much for all of your wonderful entries which I continue to enjoy. There are 4 winners for Week 42 and they are: @borjan, @gertu, @hangin, and @tahiaarq. Congratulations!

Here are the rules for the Giveaway.

1-One submission per person per week.
2-All photos and art work must be your own work. Photos and art work from the internet will not be accepted.
3-NEW: Use #hive-100514 as your first tag if you want your post to be listed in the community. Use #butterflyday or #insectpub as your second tag.
4-IMPORTANT! You must put the link to your post in the comments below to be entered in the Giveaway.
5-Upvotes to this post are NOT required.

I am looking forward to seeing your entries!

Here are my photos for today.

This one was on my back door in October.

The dreaded and most destructive of the stink bug species, is this Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. (Halyomorpha halys). This species is native to East Asia. How did it come here to the U.S? No one is sure but it probably came here in a shipping container in 1995.

I had to smash the side of my face to get this photo of its face. Oh, the positions we get into to get our photos. LOL!

A week later on a cold dreary day, I found this one on my window. It was probably trying to find a way inside to get warm and spend the winter. That is what these pests do.

There are over 5,000 species of stink bugs and I was able to identify this one as the Brown Marmorated Stink bug because of the alternating light and dark spots on the abdomen, and the white banded legs and antennae.

This species feeds on more than 100 crops. An agricultural nightmare!

When protecting themselves from predators or when they are crushed, they release a foul smelling odor; hence their name.

Proof of transfer.

Thanks for stopping by!

All photos are my own.

Information Source:


The pictures are great, however.... :)))

Thanks AG! : )

Welcome to a new week. Congratulations to the winners. @whatisnew are really stinky those bedbugs ha ha ha Nice pictures of the recurring visit. My entry

Thanks @belkisa758! And thanks for your entry. : )

Very nice looking walking tank!

HaHa! Thanks @kaminchan! : )

Vaya que bueno, mi feo insecto ganó, yupi yupi!! Gracias @whatisnew
Felicitaciones a todos los ganadores!! Y también a todos los participantes.!!
Oye, yo también conseguí un chinche. voy a esperar un poco. A ver si consigo otro insecto, o una araña. jajajaja.

Well, my ugly insect won, yupi yupi !! Thanks @whatisnew

Congratulations to all the winners! And also to all participants. !!

Hey, I also got a bed bug. I will wait a bit. Let's see if I get another insect, or a spider. jajajaja.

My pleasure cheerleader! Hmmmm, I wonder what your entry will be. : )

Hasta para mi será una sorpresa!! Muy pronto viene mi entrada, un abrazo. @whatisnew.
Even for me it will be a surprise !! Very soon my entrance is coming, a hug. @whatisnew

Hi @kaminchan! Nice to see you here and thanks for your entry. : )

Thursday! The wonderful day of insects and butterflies has arrived.

Glad you like Thursday's @antoniarhuiz! Thanks for stopping by! : )

You would think that these bugs are cute. LOL! Thanks for your entry. : )

Cute but stinky, though praying mantis don't even care about the stink and eat them anyway.

I didn't know that so thanks for telling me. Also, if you want your post to be in the community you need to use the hive tag first.

Yeah i accidentally posted it with butterflyday first now it wont let me edit the tag order. Too bad the hives have to be random numbers. How on earth is a human supposed to remember hive numbers lol.

These got into the house last autumn, probably due to the construction. I found one in the kitchen yesterday, and boy do they stink!

That certainly was not a nice surprise. They sure do stink!

Thank you so much @whatisnew and congrats to all the other winners see you all in the next round 😊

My pleasure! See ya soon. : )

Most definitely ....Cheers 👍

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